Join the ChatGPT Waitlist and Get Early Access to Exciting Plugins(waitlist chatgpt)

ChatGPT插件等待列表 – 如何加入并获得初期访问权限

I. ChatGPT Plus定阅用户现在可以直接使用ChatGPT插件,无需等待名单

OpenAI宣布,ChatGPT Plus定阅用户现在可以直接使用ChatGPT插件,无需等待名单。这为开发者带来了使人兴奋的新功能和便利。

II. ChatGPT插件等待列表的开放方式


III. 如何加入ChatGPT Plus等待列表

加入ChatGPT Plus等待列表非常简单:

  1. 打开ChatGPT,并单击“更新和常见问题”。
  2. 在页面上,找到并单击“ChatGPT Plus访问权限”。
  3. 在新打开的标签页上,单击“这里”,打开ChatGPT Plus等待列表。
  4. 填写等待列表注册表格以加入ChatGPT Plus等待列表。

IV. ChatGPT插件的意义和潜力


V. 等待列表的时间预期


VI. 如何加入ChatGPT插件的等待列表


  1. 访问OpenAI的等待列表网站。
  2. 在页面上找到等待列表的注册表格。
  3. 填写注册表格以加入ChatGPT插件的等待列表。


Q&A: ChatGPT Plugins Waitlist

Q1: What is the ChatGPT Plugins waitlist all about?

The ChatGPT Plugins waitlist is a phased rollout approach by OpenAI that allows users to sign up for access to ChatGPT’s newly announced plugins. These plugins offer additional functionalities and features to ChatGPT users, enhancing their chatbot experience.

Q2: How can I join the ChatGPT Plugins waitlist?

  1. Open ChatGPT and click on “Updates & FAQ”.
  2. Click on “ChatGPT Plus Access”.
  3. Click on the link provided to join the ChatGPT Plus Waitlist.

Q3: Is there a waitlist for ChatGPT Plus?

No, there is no longer a waitlist for ChatGPT Plus. It is now available to all ChatGPT Plus subscribers without the need to join a waitlist.

Q4: How long is the waitlist for the ChatGPT Plugins?

The length of the waitlist for the ChatGPT Plugins is not specified in the available information. However, considering the high demand and popularity of ChatGPT, it can be expected to be potentially several months long.

Q5: Where can I find the waitlist link for ChatGPT Plugins?

The waitlist link for ChatGPT Plugins is not available on the ChatGPT website. It was posted by OpenAI’s President and Co-Founder, Greg Brockman, on Twitter. You can find the link on Twitter or other social media platforms.

Date Announcement
March 14, 2023 The latest version of ChatGPT is now available via a waitlist.
March 27, 2023 ChatGPT can now access the live web – here’s how to join the waitlist.
March 30, 2023 Now that there are plugins, and the potential for ChatGPT to be so much more than it currently is, I imagine the waitlist is months long.
April 3, 2023 The ChatGPT plugin waitlist follows OpenAI’s phase rollout approach, allowing users to sign up for eventual access to ChatGPT’s newly announced plugins.
April 4, 2023 How developers can join the ChatGPT plugins waitlist.







