OpenAI CEO在中国首次演讲:推动AGI安全治理,国际合作相当重要(openaiceo是甚么意思)


OpenAICEO是指OpenAI的首席履行官,即Sam Altman。作为OpenAI的首席履行官,Sam Altman承当着公司的战略计划和决策职责,负责推动OpenAI的使命和目标。


OpenAI是一个非营利性研究机构,致力于创建安全、有益、可信赖的人工智能。该机构由知名企业家和科技界重要人士创建于2015年,并在全球范围内进行前沿的人工智能研究。OpenAICEO Sam Altman首次对中国观众发表演讲,强调推动AGI安全治理和国际合作的重要性。

一、OpenAI CEO在中国首次演讲:推动AGI安全治理,国际合作相当重要

  • A. OpenAI联合开创人兼CEO,Sam Altman以视频连线方式出席2023智源人工智能大会
  • B. 援用《道德经》,强调AGI安全治理与国际合作的重要性
  • C. OpenAI的使命是确保AGI造福全人类,避免社会混乱
  • D. 重申OpenAI的非营利性质和目标,创造安全、有益、可信赖的人工智能


  • A. CoPilot作为AI工具的例子,展现人工智能对科学贡献的方式
  • B. GPT模型产品存在偏见,OpenAI致力于解决隐性偏差问题
  • C. 最新研究表明GPT⑷在偏差测试中比人类表现更少偏差


  • A. AGI有潜力赋能人类,也有风险,OpenAI致力于推动AGI安全治理
  • B. OpenAI预计AGI系统可能在未来十年内诞生
  • C. 埃隆·马斯克对控制比人类更强大的系统的耽忧

四、OpenAI CEO的背景和OpenAI的历史

  • A. OpenAI由Sam Altman等知名人士于2015年创建
  • B. OpenAI是非营利性研究机构,以创建安全、有益、可信赖的人工智能为目标
  • C. OpenAI在人工智能领域的研究和成果

五、OpenAI CEO的演讲意义和智源大会的背景

  • A. Sam Altman首次对中国观众发表演讲,体现OpenAI对中国开放合作的重视
  • B. 智源大会作为专业交换活动,吸引了顶尖专家参与
  • C. 展现了OpenAI的研究成果和推动AGI安全治理的意义

Q: What is the key focus of OpenAI CEO’s speeches in China?

OpenAI CEO’s speeches in China mainly focus on AI entrepreneurship, AGI safety governance, and the potential impact of AI on the world.

Q: What did OpenAI CEO mention about AI development in the next decade?

OpenAI CEO mentioned that within the next ten years, there is a possibility of the emergence of super-intelligent AI systems.

Q: What is the mission of OpenAI?

The mission of OpenAI is to ensure the development and deployment of safe, beneficial, and trustworthy artificial intelligence that benefits all of humanity.

Q: What has been a recent concern about OpenAI’s GPT model?

A recent concern about OpenAI’s GPT model is the potential bias in its outputs.

Q: What is the purpose of the Beijing Zhigen Conference?

The purpose of the Beijing Zhigen Conference is to provide a platform for international exchange and professional communication in the field of artificial intelligence.

Q: What did OpenAI CEO mention about the Custom Instructions feature?

OpenAI CEO mentioned that the introduction of the Custom Instructions feature did not receive much attention from users.

Q: What did OpenAI CEO state about the value alignment between AI and human preferences?

OpenAI CEO stated that the value alignment between AI and human preferences should go beyond personal preferences and reflect a broader consensus.

Q: What did OpenAI CEO warn about the lack of control over advanced AI systems?

OpenAI CEO warned that without understanding how to control more powerful systems, there will be potential risks and challenges.

Q: What is the significance of OpenAI CEO’s speeches in China?

The significance of OpenAI CEO’s speeches in China lies in the opportunity to promote collaboration and ensure AI safety on a global scale.

Q: What is the background and purpose of OpenAI?

OpenAI is a non-profit research organization founded by prominent figures in the technology industry, including the CEO of Tesla. Its purpose is to create safe, beneficial, and trustworthy AI for the benefit of all humanity.








