OpenAI Gym Cartpole: Solving the Classic Control Problem Using Q-Learning and Keras(openai gym cartp


The article aims to provide an overview of the OpenAI Gym Cartpole problem and demonstrate how it can be solved using the Q-Learning algorithm and the Keras library. OpenAI Gym is a versatile toolkit that allows developers to create and compare reinforcement learning algorithms. One of the prominent problems in this toolkit is the CartPole problem, which involves controlling a pole attached to a cart that moves along a frictionless track.


OpenAI Gym CartPole-v0 environment

The OpenAI Gym CartPole-v0 environment is a simulation that provides a description and objective for the problem. The objective is to balance the pole on the cart by applying control actions either to the left or right. The environment also provides observations, such as the cart’s position, velocity, pole angle, and pole angular velocity, which the agent can use to make decisions.

Q-Learning algorithm

Q-Learning is a reinforcement learning algorithm that uses a table or a function approximator to estimate the optimal action-value function. The algorithm iteratively updates the Q-values based on the agent’s observations and rewards to eventually converge to an optimal policy. In the context of the CartPole problem, Q-Learning can be used to learn the optimal actions to balance the pole on the cart.

Keras library

Keras is a high-level neural networks library that provides a user-friendly interface for building and training deep learning models. It can be used to implement the Q-Learning algorithm by creating a neural network model that approximates the action-value function. Keras offers advantages such as ease of use, flexibility, and compatibility with other popular deep learning libraries.


Setting up the OpenAI Gym CartPole-v0 environment

To begin solving the CartPole problem, the OpenAI Gym CartPole-v0 environment needs to be installed along with its dependencies. Once installed, the environment can be initialized, and the agent can observe the state space, which consists of the cart’s position, velocity, pole angle, and pole angular velocity.

Designing the Q-Learning agent

The Q-Learning agent is designed by creating a neural network model using Keras. This model approximates the action-value function and takes in the state as input to output the Q-values for each action. The Q-Learning algorithm is then implemented, which involves initializing the Q-values, selecting the actions based on an exploration-exploitation trade-off, and updating the Q-values based on the observed rewards.

Training the agent

During the training phase, episodes are run where the agent interacts with the environment by selecting actions, receiving rewards, and observing the new state. The Q-values are updated based on the rewards, and the agent’s performance and convergence are tracked to evaluate the training progress.

Evaluating the trained agent

The trained agent’s performance is evaluated by testing it on the CartPole problem. The agent’s actions are determined by the policy learned during training, and the results are compared to benchmark solutions to assess the effectiveness of the Q-Learning approach.

Results and Discussion

Performance analysis of the Q-Learning agent

The performance of the Q-Learning agent is analyzed using evaluation metrics and measures such as the average rewards obtained, the duration of episodes, and the percentage of successful episodes. These metrics allow for a comparison of the agent’s performance with other algorithms or approaches applied to the CartPole problem.

Insights and observations

By analyzing the learning process and strategies employed by the agent, insights and observations can be gained. The agent’s behavior and decision-making patterns can be examined to understand the strengths and limitations of the Q-Learning algorithm in solving the CartPole problem. Potential improvements and further research can also be discussed based on these insights.


In conclusion, the OpenAI Gym Cartpole problem can be efficiently solved using the Q-Learning algorithm implemented with the Keras library. The combination of OpenAI Gym, Q-Learning, and Keras provides developers with a powerful toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms. The project demonstrates the effectiveness of the Q-Learning approach in addressing the CartPole problem and opens up possibilities for future extensions and research in this field.

Q&A: OpenAI Gym CartPole – Understanding Key Information and Keywords

  • What is OpenAI Gym CartPole?

    OpenAI Gym CartPole is an environment that simulates a pole attached to a cart on a frictionless track. The goal is to balance the pole by applying a force of +1 or ⑴ to the cart.

  • What is the purpose of OpenAI Gym?

    The purpose of OpenAI Gym is to provide a toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms. It supports teaching agents various tasks, including games and physical movements.

  • What are some projects related to OpenAI Gym CartPole?

    • adibyte95/CartPole-OpenAI-GYM: A solution to solve the OpenAI Gym CartPole-v0 environment.

    • Q learning using Open AI Gym CartPole-v0 environment.

    • pyliaorachel/openai-gym-cartpole: A modified version of CartPole environment for testing different controllers and reinforcement learning algorithms.

  • What algorithms are used in solving OpenAI Gym CartPole?

    Various algorithms can be used to solve OpenAI Gym CartPole, including Q learning, policy search, and deep reinforcement learning.

  • How can I learn more about OpenAI Gym CartPole?

    You can refer to the official repository of OpenAI Gym on GitHub, where you can find the implementation of CartPole environment and explore different projects and solutions related to it.

OpenAI Gym CartPole is a popular reinforcement learning environment that involves balancing a pole attached to a cart on a frictionless track. It is part of the OpenAI Gym toolkit that provides a platform for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms. The goal of CartPole is to keep the pole balanced by applying the correct force to the cart.

Several projects and solutions have been developed to solve the CartPole environment. Some notable examples include the adibyte95/CartPole-OpenAI-GYM project, which provides a solution to solve the CartPole-v0 environment. Another project, pyliaorachel/openai-gym-cartpole, offers a modified version of the CartPole environment for testing different controllers and reinforcement learning algorithms.

To gain a deeper understanding of CartPole, you can explore the official OpenAI Gym repository on GitHub. Here, you will find the implementation of the CartPole environment, as well as various projects and solutions from the open-source community.

In summary, OpenAI Gym CartPole is an intriguing environment for experimenting with reinforcement learning algorithms. Through various projects and solutions, researchers and developers strive to find optimal strategies for balancing the pole attached to the cart.








