OpenAI Gym经典控制环境介绍:CartPole(倒立摆)及入门教程(openai gym action space)
Introduction to OpenAI Gym
OpenAI Gym is a widely used open-source toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms. It provides a collection of environments with pre-defined reward structures and actions, making it easier for researchers and developers to test and benchmark their algorithms.
OpenAI Gym Classic Control Environment: CartPole-v0
In this article, we will focus on one of the classic control environments provided by OpenAI Gym called CartPole-v0. The CartPole problem involves balancing a pole on a cart by moving it left or right. It is a simple yet significant problem in the field of reinforcement learning as it serves as a baseline for evaluating the performance of algorithms.
Understanding Gym’s Features
Let’s explore some of the key features of OpenAI Gym by looking at the code snippet below:
import gym
# Create the CartPole-v0 environment
env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')
# Reset the environment to its initial state
The gym.make() function is used to instantiate the CartPole environment. It takes the name of the environment (‘CartPole-v0’) as an argument. The env.reset() function resets the environment to its initial state, returning the initial observation.
Implementing the CartPole-v0 Environment
Let’s simulate the CartPole-v0 environment using a for loop:
for _ in range(1000):
# Visualize the environment
# Take a random action
action = env.action_space.sample()
# Perform the action
observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
The env.render() function is used to visualize the environment at each time step, allowing us to observe the agent’s actions. The env.action_space.sample() function randomly selects an action from the action space, and the env.step() function performs the selected action, returning the new observation, reward, done flag, and additional information.
Key Feature: Action Space
Action space refers to the set of possible actions an agent can take in a given environment. In the case of CartPole-v0, the action space is discrete and consists of two possible actions: moving the cart to the left or to the right. The agent needs to learn which action to take in order to balance the pole on the cart for as long as possible.
OpenAI Gym provides a valuable toolkit for reinforcement learning research and development. The CartPole-v0 environment serves as an important benchmark for testing and evaluating reinforcement learning algorithms. Understanding the action space is crucial in designing effective algorithms that can successfully solve the CartPole problem.