怎样在OpenAI Gym中创建自定义环境(openai gym create custom environment)

Introduction to OpenAI Gym

In recent years, reinforcement learning has gained significant popularity in the field of artificial intelligence. OpenAI Gym, a widely used toolkit, provides a standardized interface for developers to create and compare different reinforcement learning environments. With OpenAI Gym, researchers and practitioners can easily design and experiment with custom environments, and leverage the vast collection of pre-existing environments provided by the community.

OpenAI Gym and its standardized interface for interacting with environments: OpenAI Gym offers a consistent set of APIs that allow agents to interact with environments. This standardization allows developers to easily switch between different environments and compare the performance of various reinforcement learning algorithms.

Benefits of using OpenAI Gym for creating custom environments: OpenAI Gym provides a range of functionalities that simplify the process of developing custom environments. These functionalities include support for specifying action and observation spaces, reward shaping, and episode termination conditions. By utilizing these configurations, developers can create more diverse and challenging environments.

Overview of gym.Env class and its attributes: The base class in OpenAI Gym, called gym.Env, defines the minimum required interfaces for any environment. It includes attributes like action_space and observation_space, which define the valid sets of actions and observations, respectively. By inheriting from gym.Env and implementing specific methods, developers can create their own custom environments that adhere to the Gym interface.

Steps to Create a Custom Environment in OpenAI Gym

Creating a custom environment in OpenAI Gym involves the following steps:

  1. Create a new class that inherits from gym.Env: To start creating a custom environment, a new class needs to be created that inherits from the gym.Env base class. This ensures that the custom environment implements the required methods and attributes.
  2. Define action_space and observation_space attributes: The action_space attribute represents the set of valid actions that an agent can take in the environment, while the observation_space attribute defines the set of observations that an agent can perceive.
  3. Implement reset() and step() functions for environment interactions: The reset() function initializes the environment to its initial state and returns the initial observation. The step() function is responsible for advancing the environment by one time step, taking an action as input, and returning the next observation, reward, and episode termination status.

Registering the Custom Environment with Gym (optional)

Registering a custom environment with OpenAI Gym is an optional step but has several benefits:

  • Benefits of registering the environment with gym: Registering the environment allows it to be easily instantiated using the gym.make() function, simplifying the usage of the custom environment in experiments and evaluations.
  • Instructions on how to register the environment with gym.make: Registering a custom environment requires adding an entry to the gym registry. This entry specifies the unique ID and the class name of the custom environment.

Additional Resources and Complete Guides

In addition to the steps mentioned above, there are several additional resources that can be helpful when creating custom environments in OpenAI Gym:

  • Link to a complete guide on creating a custom Gym environment: OpenAI Gym provides a comprehensive guide that covers the creation of custom environments in detail. This guide explains various concepts, best practices, and common pitfalls.
  • Mention of available wrappers, utilities, and tests included in Gym: OpenAI Gym offers a rich set of tools and utilities that can be used in conjunction with custom environments. These include wrappers for modifying observation and reward signals, utilities for running experiments, and tests for verifying the correctness of custom environments.
  • Highlight the flexibility of Gym’s custom environment integration: OpenAI Gym’s design philosophy promotes flexibility and extensibility, making it straightforward to integrate custom environments with existing libraries and frameworks used in reinforcement learning research and development.


In conclusion, OpenAI Gym provides a powerful toolkit for creating and comparing custom reinforcement learning environments. By following the steps outlined in this article, developers can easily build their own environments that adhere to the Gym interface. Leveraging the benefits of OpenAI Gym’s standardized interface, researchers and practitioners can accelerate their progress in reinforcement learning and foster the development of more advanced and robust learning algorithms.

Recap of the steps to create a custom environment in OpenAI Gym: To create a custom environment, developers need to create a new class that inherits from gym.Env, define the action and observation spaces, and implement the reset() and step() methods for environment interactions.

Emphasize the importance of OpenAI Gym’s standardized interface: OpenAI Gym’s standardized interface allows for easy comparison of reinforcement learning algorithms and encourages the development of reusable and interoperable environments.

Encourage further exploration and experimentation: OpenAI Gym provides a vast collection of pre-existing environments and offers a supportive community that encourages exploration and experimentation in the field of reinforcement learning.







