如何获得OpenAI API key并接入?OpenAI API Key接入指南及申请教程(leaked openai api keys)

I. Introduction to OpenAI API

OpenAI is an artificial intelligence company that aims to ensure that artificial general intelligence (AGI) benefits all of humanity. They provide a powerful API service that allows developers to access and integrate OpenAI models into their applications. Obtaining an OpenAI API key is essential for accessing and using this service effectively.

This guide will walk you through the steps to register an account on the OpenAI website, retrieve your API key, and provide instructions for integrating the OpenAI API with Python.

II. Steps to Obtain OpenAI API Key

A. Registering an Account on OpenAI’s Official Website

  1. Visit OpenAI’s official website at https://openai.com/
  2. Create a new OpenAI account by clicking on the “Sign Up” button
  3. Log in to your account using your registered email address and password
  4. Once logged in, access the Dashboard page where you can manage your OpenAI API key

B. Retrieving OpenAI API Key

  1. Click on “Personal” in the top right corner of the OpenAI website
  2. From the dropdown menu, select “View API keys”
  3. In the left-hand sidebar, locate and click on “API Keys”
  4. Click on “Create new secret key” to generate a new API key
  5. Copy and save the generated API key securely, as it will be needed for API integration

III. Integrating OpenAI API with Python

A. Installing the openai Library

  1. Use pip, the Python package installer, to install the openai library by running the command: pip install openai

B. Setting Up Environment Variables

  1. Set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable, which contains your API key, in your Python environment to establish the connection between your application and the OpenAI API
  2. For Anaconda3 PowerShell users, run the following command in your command prompt: conda env config vars set OPENAI_API_KEY=<your-api-key>

IV. Applying for API Keys (Important Note)

Security concerns: It is crucial to handle OpenAI API keys securely to prevent unauthorized access and potential breaches.

To apply and generate API keys:

  1. Follow the steps above mentioned in section II to create and retrieve your API key.

Caution regarding leaked OpenAI API keys: Leaked API keys can pose severe risks to user data and resources. Ensure that your API key is kept confidential and secure. Regularly monitor and rotate your keys if necessary to maintain a high level of security.

如何获得OpenAI API Key?

您可以依照以下步骤获得OpenAI API Key:

  1. 注册OpenAI账号并进行身份验证。
  2. 登录OpenAI网站,进入API密钥页面。
  3. 点击”Create new secret key”按钮,生成您自己的API密钥。

怎样使用OpenAI API Key?

您可使用OpenAI API Key进行以下操作:

  • 文本生成:使用GPT⑶、GPT⑷等模型生成各种各样的文本,包括写作、聊天机器人、自动回复等。
  • 访问和利用OpenAI的各种人工智能模型,进行一系列有趣且有价值的操作。

如何保障OpenAI API Key的安全性?

以下是保证OpenAI API Key安全的最好实践:

  • 不要共享您的API密钥。
  • 不要将API密钥存储在公然的代码仓库或可公然访问的位置。
  • 使用安全的方法存储和传输API密钥,例如使用环境变量,而不是直接在代码中硬编码密钥。
  • 定期更改API密钥,以减少潜伏的安全风险。







