OpenAI co-founder on company’s past approach to openly sharing research: ‘We were wrong’(openai why



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OpenAI API返回毛病答案的可能缘由

A. 数据不足

1. 数据量不够致使准确度不高:

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B. 模型训练问题

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C. 技术问题

1. OpenAI API的技术问题致使答案毛病:

有时,OpenAI API可能存在一些技术问题,这可能致使返回的答案不准确。

D. 其他可能性

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openai why does not work的进一步展开说明

OpenAI’s Closed Approach to AI Research: A Shift in Strategy

Yesterday, OpenAI made headlines with the announcement of its long-awaited next-generation AI language model, GPT⑷. However, many researchers and experts have expressed disappointment with one particular aspect of this highly anticipated release. Despite its name, GPT⑷ is not an open AI model. OpenAI has shared benchmark results and demonstrations of the system but has provided no information on the data used for training, energy costs, or the specific hardware and methods involved in its creation.

The Debate: Open vs. Closed AI Research

Experts in the AI community are divided on whether AI research should be open or closed. Critics argue that OpenAI’s decision undermines the organization’s founding ethos as a research organization and makes it difficult for others to replicate their work. Moreover, some see the lack of transparency as an obstacle to developing safeguards against potential threats posed by advanced AI systems like GPT⑷. This debate comes at a time of increasing tension and rapid progress in the field of AI.

Ben Schmidt, VP of information design at Nomic AI, criticized OpenAI’s closed approach in a tweet, highlighting a section in the GPT⑷ technical report that states, “Given both the competitive landscape and the safety implications of large-scale models like GPT⑷, this report contains no further details…” Schmidt and others argue that without access to information about the training set, it is challenging to assess the system’s limitations and potential flaws.

In an interview with The Verge, Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI’s chief scientist, explained the organization’s rationale for not sharing more details about GPT⑷. He cited two primary concerns: the fear of competition and the evolving safety considerations. Sutskever acknowledged the competitive nature of the industry and the substantial effort it took to develop GPT⑷. He also highlighted the growing potency of these AI models, emphasizing the need to protect against potential malicious uses as capabilities continue to advance.

OpenAI’s closed approach represents a significant departure from the organization’s initial vision. Founded in 2015 as a nonprofit, OpenAI aimed to foster collaboration and work towards creating value for everyone. However, the organization later shifted its status to a “capped profit” entity in order to secure substantial investments, primarily from Microsoft, which granted them exclusive business licenses.

Sutskever admitted that OpenAI’s initial stance on open-sourcing their research was a mistake, given AI’s future potential. He stated, “At some point, AI — AGI — is going to be extremely, unbelievably potent, then it just does not make sense to open-source. It is a bad idea… I fully expect that in a few years, it’s going to be completely obvious to everyone that open-sourcing AI is just not wise.”

The Impact of Closed AI Research

The launch of GPT⑷ has sparked widespread discussion about the threats and benefits of open-source research, especially when contrasted with Meta’s LLaMA, another AI language model that recently leaked online. While the decision to keep GPT⑷ closed has been met with negative reactions, some acknowledge OpenAI’s position from a business perspective. However, concerns have been raised about the potential negative consequences this decision may have on the broader AI research community.

William Falcon, CEO of Lightning AI and creator of the open-source tool PyTorch Lightning, understands the business motivations behind OpenAI’s approach but believes it sets a “bad precedent.” He highlights the need for ethical researchers to be able to scrutinize and suggest improvements to models like GPT⑷ when they inevitably encounter problems.

Another aspect raised by some is the legal liability associated with sharing details of GPT⑷’s construction. Training AI models, especially language models, involves using large text datasets often collected from the web, which may contain copyrighted material. Similar challenges have been faced by AI image generators trained on internet content, resulting in legal action by independent artists and copyright holders.

OpenAI’s decision not to disclose its training data is rooted in the view that it is proprietary information, akin to the number of parameters used in the model. While Sutskever doesn’t directly address the use of pirated material, he acknowledges the merit of open-sourcing models for the development of safeguards against potential risks.

Governing AI Research

The broader discussion surrounding the sharing of AI research comes at a time of rapid advancements and growing concerns about the societal impact of AI. Major tech companies are incorporating AI features into their products, often sidelining ethical considerations. On the research side, the technology itself is progressing swiftly, prompting fears of the imminent dangers posed by AI.

Jess Whittlestone, head of AI policy at UK think tank The Centre for Long-Term Resilience, emphasizes the need for a balanced approach and suggests involving third-party regulators in governing AI research. She acknowledges OpenAI’s valid reasons for limited disclosure but raises concerns about the concentration of power in the AI domain.


The shift towards a closed approach to AI research by OpenAI, exemplified by the launch of GPT⑷, has ignited a debate within the AI community. While some sympathize with OpenAI’s concerns about competition and safety, others highlight the importance of transparency and collaboration in developing effective safeguards. As the field of AI continues to evolve, finding the right balance between closed and open research approaches will be crucial in ensuring responsible and beneficial advancements.

openai why does not work的常见问答Q&A

问题1:为何我没法登录到OpenAI API?

答案:如果您没法登录到OpenAI API,可能有几个缘由:

  • 首先,请确保您刷新了浏览器的缓存和Cookie,并尝试使用桌面装备登录。另外,请确保您正在使用正确的身份验证方法。例如,如果您使用“Continue with Google”进行注册,请尝试使用该方法进行登录。
  • 另外一个缘由是您的OpenAI API密钥可能无效。如果这是缘由之一,请确认您的账户会不会已激活。
  • 另外,网络连接问题可能致使您没法登录到OpenAI API。请检查您的网络连接会不会正常。
  • 如果以上解决方法都无效,多是由于OpenAI API服务器出现故障或停机。您可以查看当前会不会有关于OpenAI的问题和停机报告。

问题2:OpenAI API密钥无效的解决方法

答案:以下是OpenAI API密钥无效的一些常见缘由和解决方法:

  • 无效的API密钥:请确保您输入的API密钥是正确的。
  • API密钥已过期:检查您的API密钥会不会已过期,并获得一个新的API密钥。
  • 计费问题:如果您的账户存在计费问题,可能致使API密钥无效。请检查您的账户状态和付款信息。
  • 网络或连接问题:请确保您的网络连接正常,以便正确使用OpenAI API。

问题3:OpenAI Playground没法正常工作的解决方法

答案:如果OpenAI Playground没法正常工作,您可以尝试以下解决方法:

  • 尝试强迫刷新页面:按下Ctrl+Shift+R(Windows)或Command+Shift+R(Mac)强迫刷新页面。
  • 清除浏览器缓存和Cookie:打开浏览器设置,找到清除缓存和Cookie的选项,并履行清除操作。
  • 检查OpenAI服务器运行时间:您可以查看OpenAI的服务器运行时间,以肯定会不会存在服务器问题。
  • 禁用浏览器扩大程序和插件:某些浏览器扩大程序和插件可能会干扰OpenAI Playground的正常运行。请禁用它们并重新加载页面。

问题4:为何Q/A型OpenAI API没法给出准确答案?

答案:Q/A型OpenAI API没法给出准确答案的缘由可能有以下几种:

  • 数据不足:如果问题的相关数据不足,OpenAI API可能没法给出准确答案。请提供更多详细和全面的问题描写和相关信息。
  • 模型训练不足:如果使用的模型训练不足或质量不高,可能致使答案不准确。请使用更好的模型或进行更充分的模型训练。
  • 技术限制:任何自然语言处理模型都存在一定的技术限制。由于语言的复杂性和多义性,有些问题可能没法得到准确的答案。







