LangChain Decoded: Part 2 – Embeddings(langchain openai embeddings)

自由搭建LLM的利用程序:探索LangChain与OpenAI Embeddings的结合

一、介绍LangChain和OpenAI Embeddings

1. 甚么是LangChain和OpenAI Embeddings

– LangChain是一个用于开发由语言模型LLMs驱动的利用程序的框架,允许用户快速构建利用程序和管道。

– OpenAI Embeddings是LangChain中的一个embedding类,用于使用OpenAI模型并生成嵌入。

2. 使用LangChain和OpenAI Embeddings的优势

– LangChain提供简化的开发流程和丰富的功能,可与多个模型提供商集成。

– OpenAI Embeddings提供文本向量化的能力,可用于构建基于大语言模型的利用程序。

二、LangChain中的OpenAI Embeddings的使用

1. 安装和设置OpenAI Embeddings

– 安装并导入OpenAIEmbeddings类

– 使用API key设置OpenAI Embeddings

2. 文本向量化和嵌入生成

– 使用CharacterTextSplitter将文本分成较小的块

– 使用OpenAIEmbeddings生成文本的嵌入向量

三、LangChain与OpenAI Embeddings的集成

1. 利用LangChain的Embeddings接口

– LangChain的Embeddings类提供与区别模型提供商的集成接口

– OpenAIEmbeddings是与OpenAI模型集成的一个Embeddings实现

2. 其他模型提供商的集成选项

– Cohere、Hugging Face等提供商也能够集成到LangChain中的Embeddings中

四、使用LangChain和OpenAI Embeddings构建利用程序

1. 基于大语言模型的利用程序开发

– LangChain和OpenAI Embeddings提供了开发基于大语言模型的利用程序的便利性

– 通过组合区别的模块和功能,可以快速构建自定义的利用程序

2. 特点和功能

– LangChain提供了许多额外的功能,例如聊天模型

– OpenAIEmbeddings提供了文本相关性的度量和其他经常使用功能


1. LangChain和OpenAI Embeddings的优势和用处

– LangChain提供了开发LLM驱动利用程序的框架和工具

– OpenAI Embeddings提供了文本向量化和嵌入生成的能力

2. 可扩大性和集成性

– LangChain的Embeddings接口允许与多个模型提供商集成

– OpenAI Embeddings是LangChain中一个强大的嵌入实现

通过LangChain与OpenAI Embeddings的结合,您可以轻松自由地搭建LLM的利用程序,使用先进的文本向量化和嵌入技术来处理和分析文本数据。这将为您提供更多的机会来创造智能、高效和创新的解决方案。

langchain openai embeddings的进一步展开说明

In this multi-part series, the author explores various modules and use cases of LangChain and documents their journey via Python notebooks on GitHub. The previous post covered LangChain Models, and this post will focus on Embeddings. The author invites readers to follow along and fork the repository or use individual notebooks on Google Colab. The author also expresses gratitude for the clarity offered by the official LangChain documentation, as much of the code is borrowed or influenced by it.

Getting Started with LangChain
Before diving into the topic of Embeddings, the author provides some instructions on getting started with LangChain. They mention that LangChain can be easily installed with pip from PyPi. However, the dependencies, such as model providers and data stores, should be installed separately based on the user’s specific needs. The author explains that LangChain supports several model providers but in this tutorial, they will only focus on OpenAI, unless explicitly stated otherwise. The OpenAI API key needs to be set via the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable, or directly inside the notebook or Python code. The author advises against accidentally committing the API key to GitHub and recommends setting the key via the environment variable for production use.

LangChain: Text Embeddings
The author then introduces the concept of text embeddings. They explain that embeddings are a measure of the relatedness of text strings and are represented as a vector of floating point numbers. The distance between two vectors measures their relatedness, with a shorter distance indicating higher relatedness. The author highlights that embeddings are useful for various use cases such as text classification, search, clustering, recommendations, anomaly detection, and diversity measurement.

The LangChain Embedding class serves as an interface for embedding providers like OpenAI, Cohere, and HuggingFace. The base class exposes two methods: `embed_query` for a single document and `embed_documents` for multiple documents.

The author demonstrates the usage of the OpenAI Embeddings wrapper and showcases a few basic operations. They mention that OpenAI offers several first-generation embedding models, but for this tutorial, they will use the default second-generation model, text-embedding-ada-002, with the cl100k_base encoding scheme. They provide code examples that show how to retrieve OpenAI text embeddings for both single and multiple text inputs.

The author also mentions the availability of a FakeEmbeddings class, which allows users to test their pipeline without making actual calls to the embedding providers.

Limitations and Solutions
The author brings up the fact that OpenAI embedding models have a maximum context length, and exceeding this limit will result in an error. To overcome this limitation, the author suggests either truncating the input text length or chunking the text and embedding each chunk individually. They provide examples of how to truncate the input text length and mention the importance of tokenizing the input text with tiktoken before truncating it. However, they note that the `embed_query` and `embed_documents` methods only support string input at the moment, so the tokens need to be re-converted to a string before embedding.

Recommended Use Cases and Vector Databases
The author mentions that the OpenAI Cookbook offers sample code for several use cases that can be used in conjunction with LangChain. They highlight use cases such as text classification, question-answering, recommendations, semantic text search, sentiment analysis with zero-shot classification, and more.

Additionally, the author discusses the use of vector databases to efficiently search over many vectors, instead of repeatedly calling OpenAI embedding models. They suggest using databases like Chroma, Weaviate, Pinecone, Qdrant, Milvus, and others for this purpose. The author notes that they will cover vector databases in the post on Indexes in a future installment.

In conclusion, this post focused on LangChain Text Embeddings and explored the usage of the OpenAI Embeddings wrapper. The author provided examples and discussed methods to deal with limitations imposed by maximum context length. They also mentioned the availability of a FakeEmbeddings class for testing purposes. The author hinted at upcoming posts in the series, including coverage of LangChain Prompts and the use of vector databases. Readers are encouraged to follow along and check out the LangChain repository for more information.

langchain openai embeddings的常见问答Q&A



  • LangChain允许用户创建自己的利用程序,而不单单是使用现有的语言模型。
  • LangChain提供了一些相关的组件和工具,以帮助用户更轻松地构建和管理利用程序。
  • LangChain支持与多个语言模型提供商进行集成,如OpenAI、Cohere和HuggingFace。



  • 自然语言处理(NLP)利用程序:LangChain可以用于构建各种NLP利用,如文本分类、情感分析、机器翻译等。
  • 对话系统:LangChain可以用于开发智能对话系统,实现人机对话交互。
  • 知识图谱构建:LangChain可以用于构建知识图谱,帮助组织和处理大量的结构化和非结构化数据。
  • 智能搜索引擎:LangChain可以用于构建智能搜索引擎,提供高效且准确的搜索结果。
  • 智能文档生成:LangChain可以用于生成自然语言文本,如文章、摘要、对话等。



  • OpenAIEmbeddings:LangChain的一个组件,用于使用OpenAI模型并生成文本嵌入。
  • CharacterTextSplitter:LangChain的一个组件,用于将输入文本分成较小的块。
  • 其他Embeddings实现:LangChain还提供了与其他模型提供商集成的Embeddings实现,如Cohere和HuggingFace。
  • 文档载入和嵌入:LangChain提供了文件载入和嵌入功能,用于将文本转化为向量表示。
  • 向量存储和Indexes:LangChain支持向量存储和Indexes功能,用于创建和管理向量索引。
  • 集成和例子利用:LangChain提供了与其他利用和库集成的接口,并提供了一些例子利用的使用指南。







