Quickstart – Deploy a model and generate text using Azure OpenAI Service – Azure

I. Azure OpenAI服务概述

A. Azure OpenAI服务介绍

Azure OpenAI是Azure上的新产品,它允许用户使用大范围的AI模型来增强他们的利用程序。用户可以像在Azure定阅中创建其他Azure产品一样开始使用Azure OpenAI。


在过去的几年中,人工智能技术发展迅速,愈来愈多的组织开始意想到利用人工智能可以为他们的业务带来巨大的优势。Azure OpenAI提供了一种简单而强大的方式,让用户能够快速地将人工智能集成到他们的利用程序中。

B. Azure OpenAI服务的优势

Azure OpenAI服务的优势在于它利用大范围AI模型为利用程序提供支持,并提供了新的推理和理解功能。


通过使用Azure OpenAI服务,用户可以利用先进的AI模型,为他们的利用程序提供更多的功能和能力。例如,他们可使用Azure OpenAI的语言模型来生成文本内容,总结大量文本数据,并理解文本中的语义。

C. Azure OpenAI服务的申请和部署

要申请Azure OpenAI服务,用户需要具有一个Azure账号,并通过资源组的方式开始创建属于自己的Azure OpenAI服务。


申请Azure OpenAI服务非常简单。用户只需要登录到他们的Azure账号,导航到Azure服务页面,然后点击Azure OpenAI图标以开始创建和配置他们的服务资源。

II. Azure OpenAI服务的功能

A. Azure OpenAI服务的AI模型

Azure OpenAI服务提供了一系列强大的AI模型,包括OpenAI GPT⑷、GPT⑶、Codex和DALL-E等。这些模型可以为用户的利用程序提供高级语言AI功能。


使用Azure OpenAI服务的AI模型,用户可以构建强大的利用程序,具有先进的自然语言生成和理解能力。例如,他们可使用GPT⑷模型创建一个智能聊天机器人,能够理解和回答用户提出的问题。

B. Azure OpenAI服务的文本处理功能

Azure OpenAI服务可以处理各种文本数据,并提供内容生成、总结和语义理解等功能。


通过Azure OpenAI服务的文本处理功能,用户可以将大量的文本数据输入到模型中,并取得生成的文本内容、总结或语义理解的结果。这对自动文档生成、文章总结和情感分析等任务非常有用。

III. Azure OpenAI服务的利用场景

A. Azure OpenAI在政府机构中的利用

Azure OpenAI服务可以提高政府机构的效力和生产力,并通过集成生成式AI能力提供更多服务。


政府机构通常需要处理大量的文本数据,例如法律文件、政府报告和公共舆情等。利用Azure OpenAI服务的文本处理功能,政府机构可以自动化生成文档、分析舆情和总结重要信息,从而提高工作效力和决策质量。

B. Azure OpenAI在业务中的利用

Azure OpenAI服务可以为区别的业务场景提供实际利用,并提供行业领先的编码和语言AI模型。


许多行业都可以从Azure OpenAI服务中受益。例如,电商行业可以利用语言AI模型来生成商品描写和自动回复用户的问题。医疗行业可以利用算法生成医疗报告和辅助诊断。金融行业可使用AI模型帮助分析市场和预测趋势。

IV. Azure OpenAI服务的未来发展

A. 微软对云服务的许诺




B. Azure OpenAI的发展计划

Azure OpenAI服务将延续开发更先进的AI模型,并提供更多定制化的功能和服务。


Azure OpenAI服务的发展计划包括不断改进现有的AI模型,并开发新的模型来满足用户不断增长的需求。另外,Azure OpenAI还将提供更多定制化的功能和服务,以帮助用户更好地利用AI技术。

openai azure service的进一步展开说明

Table of Contents

  • Quickstart: Get started generating text using Azure OpenAI Service
  • Article
  • Feedback

Quickstart: Get started generating text using Azure OpenAI Service

This quickstart guide will walk you through the process of generating text using Azure OpenAI Service. It is intended for those who are new to the service and want to get started right away. With this guide, you will be able to make your first calls to Azure OpenAI and start generating text.


The purpose of this article is to provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to use Azure OpenAI to generate text. Whether you are a developer, researcher, or simply curious about the capabilities of text generation, this article will help you get started.


Azure OpenAI is a powerful text generation service that utilizes advanced machine learning models to generate high-quality text based on the input provided. By leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, Azure OpenAI can assist in various applications, such as content generation, language translation, and chatbot development.

Getting Started

Before you can start generating text with Azure OpenAI, you will need to set up an Azure account and subscribe to the OpenAI service. Once you have done that, you will need to obtain the necessary credentials and configure your development environment. This typically involves creating an API key and installing the required SDKs or libraries.

Step 1: Create an Azure Account

If you do not already have an Azure account, you will need to sign up for one. This will give you access to the Azure portal and allow you to subscribe to the OpenAI service. Simply visit the Azure website and follow the instructions to create your account.

Step 2: Subscribe to OpenAI Service

Once you have an Azure account, navigate to the Azure portal and search for the OpenAI service. Subscribe to the service and choose the appropriate pricing plan based on your requirements.

Step 3: Obtain the Necessary Credentials

After subscribing to the OpenAI service, you will need to obtain the necessary credentials to authenticate your API calls. This typically involves creating an API key, which you will use to authorize your requests. Follow the documentation provided by Azure to generate your API key and securely store it.

Step 4: Configure Your Development Environment

Once you have your API key, you will need to configure your development environment to communicate with the Azure OpenAI service. Depending on your programming language and framework of choice, you will need to install the relevant SDKs or libraries. Follow the official documentation and guidelines to set up your environment.

Generating Text

Now that you have set up your environment, you can start generating text using Azure OpenAI. The process typically involves constructing a request object with the desired parameters and sending it to the API endpoint. The response will contain the generated text, which you can use in your applications or further process as needed.

Example: Generating a Short Story

Let’s walk through an example of generating a short story using Azure OpenAI. Assume you have an array of story prompts and you want the AI model to continue the story based on each prompt. You can loop through the prompts, make API calls for each prompt, and collect the generated text from the responses.

Here’s a sample code snippet in Python that demonstrates this process:

import openai

# Set up your API key
openai.api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'

# Define your story prompts
prompts = [
  "Once upon a time",
  "In a faraway land",
  "On a sunny day"

# Generate the story continuation for each prompt
for prompt in prompts:
  response = openai.Completion.create(
  generated_text = response.choices[0].text

In the above code, you first set up your API key. Then, you define an array of story prompts. Finally, you loop through the prompts, make API calls using the OpenAI SDK, and retrieve the generated text from the response. You can customize the parameters, such as the maximum number of tokens to generate, based on your needs.


Azure OpenAI is a versatile and powerful service that can be used to generate text for a wide range of applications. This article provided a detailed guide on how to get started with Azure OpenAI. You learned the steps involved in setting up your environment, obtaining the necessary credentials, and generating text using the service. As you delve deeper into Azure OpenAI, you will discover its full potential and find creative ways to leverage its capabilities.


We value your feedback! If you have any comments, suggestions, or improvements regarding this article, please feel free to share them. Your feedback will help us enhance the content and provide better guidance to our readers.

Contributors: 5

openai azure service的常见问答Q&A

问题1:Azure OpenAI Service是甚么?

答案:Azure OpenAI Service是一项由Microsoft Azure提供的高级语言AI服务,它利用OpenAI GPT⑷、GPT⑶、Codex和DALL-E模型提供先进的语言AI功能。用户可以根据自己的需求对这些模型进行微调,以满足各种用例的特定需求。

  • Azure OpenAI Service提供了哪些模型?
  • 怎样使用Azure OpenAI Service进行文本生成?
  • Azure OpenAI Service的定价是怎样的?

问题2:Azure OpenAI Service提供了哪些模型?

答案:Azure OpenAI Service由多种具有区别能力和价格的模型提供支持。可用的模型按地区而异。目前可用的模型有GPT⑶和GPT⑶5-Turbo。

  • OpenAI GPT⑶模型的功能是甚么?
  • OpenAI GPT⑶5-Turbo模型的功能是甚么?
  • 怎样在Azure OpenAI Service当选择并部署模型?

问题3:怎样使用Azure OpenAI Service进行文本生成?

答案:使用Azure OpenAI Service进行文本生成非常简单。您需要创建并部署一个Azure OpenAI Service资源,然后通过调用API来要求生成文本。您可使用GPT⑶和GPT⑶5-Turbo模型进行文本生成。

  • 怎样创建并部署Azure OpenAI Service资源?
  • 怎样使用API要求生成文本?
  • 可使用GPT⑷模型进行文本生成吗?

问题4:Azure OpenAI Service的定价是怎样的?

答案:Azure OpenAI Service的定价根据模型和使用情况而定。您可使用不要钱的Azure账户尝试一些热门服务,也能够按需付费,没有预支费用。

  • Azure OpenAI Service的定价和计费方式有哪几种?
  • 如何评估使用Azure OpenAI Service的本钱?
  • 有无不要钱试用的选项?







