kemomi/Unity-chatgpt: 基于unity引擎实现与ai聊天,融会了chatgpt,VITS语音合成,NLP情感分析。自定义给予ai角色设定,项目仍在开发完善中 谢谢大家!(chatg

chatgpt unity vits

【chatgpt+unity3d+vits+nlp】实现与二次元ai互动聊天 – BiliBili

unity +chatgpt+vits零基础搭建AI虚拟人直播间,高度自定义



chatgpt+vits+live2d/unity3d,以后还可以加上vr,和成熟的触摸摹拟,纸片人老婆或成真 【ChatGPT+Galgame 与老婆自由对话!-哔哩哔哩】 网页链接.

Today I continue with our Unity ChatGPT series by walking you through how to embed Roslyn C# compiler in Unity with .

2023年6月16日 — 去年山姆.奥特曼带领团队研发出轰动全球的chatgpt,作为一个小白,也想跟上时期发展的步伐,因而对LLms做了很多学习探索,从刚开始的申请chatgpt账号.

Search code, repositories, users, issues, pull requests… · Provide feedback · Saved searches · kemomi/Unity-chatgpt · Name already in use · Unity-chatgpt.码云)是OSCHINA.NET 推出的代码托管平台,支持Git和SVN,提供不要钱的私有仓库托管。目前已有超过1000万的开发者选择Gitee。

2023年2月18日 — … chatgpt+vits+live2d/unity3d,以后还可以加上vr,和成熟的触摸摹拟,纸片人老婆或成真 【ChatGPT+Galgame 与老婆自由对话!-哔哩哔哩】

2023年1月21日 — Today I continue with our Unity ChatGPT series by walking you through how to embed Roslyn C# compiler in Unity with .















chatgpt unity vits的进一步展开说明


The system has detected a branch name that already exists as a tag. It is important to note that many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, which means that creating a branch with a conflicting name may lead to unexpected behavior. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully consider the consequences before proceeding with the creation of this branch.

Why is there a conflict?

The conflict arises because the provided branch name is already being used as a tag. In Git, tags are used to mark specific points in commit history as significant milestones, while branches are used for ongoing development work. Since Git allows for identical names to be used for tags and branches, there is a possibility of confusion and unintended consequences when working with branches that share names with existing tags.

The Implications of Creating the Branch

Creating the branch with a conflicting name can result in unexpected behavior due to Git’s flexibility in accepting both tag and branch names. Git might interpret commands differently if a tag and a branch share the same name, leading to confusion and potentially incorrect outcomes. Therefore, it is essential to proceed with caution and carefully consider the potential consequences before proceeding with the creation of this branch.

1. Command Ambiguity

The existence of a tag with the same name can create ambiguity when executing Git commands. Some commands that accept both tag and branch names may behave differently depending on the context. This can lead to unintended consequences, such as modifying the wrong reference or performing unexpected actions. It is crucial to be aware of this ambiguity and take appropriate precautions to avoid any undesirable outcomes.

2. Unclear Intent

Using the same name for a tag and a branch can generate confusion regarding the intended purpose of the reference. Developers relying on branch names may assume that the reference is a branch, not realizing that it also exists as a tag. This confusion can lead to mistakes, wrong assumptions, and difficulties in collaboration. Clearly distinguishing between tags and branches by avoiding identical names helps to avoid such misunderstandings.

3. Potential for Miscommunication

The existence of a branch and a tag with the same name may lead to miscommunication among team members. Discussions and conversations about the reference can become confusing if different team members interpret it as a branch or a tag. Misunderstandings may result in incorrect assumptions about the state of the codebase or the purpose of the reference, potentially impacting collaboration and productivity.


In summary, attempting to create a branch with a name that already exists as a tag can lead to unexpected behavior and confusion within a Git repository. It is important to carefully consider the implications and potential consequences of such actions. To maintain a clear and unambiguous project structure, it is advisable to use distinct names for tags and branches to avoid confusion and ensure effective communication among team members.

chatgpt unity vits的常见问答Q&A

问题1:unity +chatgpt+vits零基础搭建AI虚拟人直播间,高度自定义


  • 通过chatgpt,可以实现与虚拟人的互动聊天。chatgpt是一个基于Transformer模型的自然语言处理模型,可以生成具有语义和上下文的回答。
  • 通过vits技术,可以实现虚拟人的语音合成。vits是一种语音合成模型,可以将文本转化为自然流畅的语音。
  • 在Unity中,可以利用这些技术组件来构建一个AI虚拟人直播间。用户可以与虚拟人进行对话,虚拟人可以根据用户的输入使用chatgpt生成回答,然后使用vits将回答合成为语音,最后通过音频播放出来。
  • 另外,Unity还提供了丰富的功能和工具,可以高度自定义虚拟人的外观和行动。用户可以通过3D建模工具创建虚拟人的模型,然后通过动画控制器给虚拟人赋予各种动作和表情。还可以通过脚本编写逻辑代码,使虚拟人能够根据区别的情境做出区别的反应。








