ChatGPT is now available in Azure OpenAI Service(chatgpt next web azure openai)

I. 概述

ChatGPT Next Web是Azure OpenAI服务的私人聊天机器人界面。它是从项目fork过来的,并与Azure OpenAI服务连接起来。

ChatGPT目前在Azure OpenAI Service中处于预览阶段,这使人兴奋。开发者和企业现在可以将ChatGPT模型集成到自己的云利用中,实现对话型人工智能。

II. ChatGPT Next Web项目

ChatGPT Next Web提供了部署一个网站到自己的服务器的功能,只需使用Open API密钥便可实现。它还提供了一个友好的聊天界面,使用户能够与ChatGPT进行交互。

开发者可以利用ChatGPT Next Web项目创建自己的ChatGPT-like界面,并通过Azure Open AI和其他Azure服务掌控数据和知识产权。

III. 在Web利用中嵌入Azure OpenAI模型的API

开发者可使用Azure OpenAI模型的API在Web利用中嵌入ChatGPT,可以参考ChatGPT界面实现与用户的简单对话。这类模型的API可以根据本身需求进行灵活的利用,从而实现更复杂的对话AI功能,提升用户体验。

IV. 使用Azure OpenAI搭建ChatGPT界面

使用Azure OpenAI搭建ChatGPT界面的第一步是在Azure OpenAI中创建新实例或使用现有实例。创建实例的步骤和流程相对简单。

在Azure OpenAI实例中,可以配置ChatGPT界面的设置。这个进程通过一个简单的https://…链接进行配置,操作简单便捷。

chatgpt next web azure openai的进一步展开说明


The announcement of ChatGPT’s availability in preview in Azure OpenAI Service has generated much excitement. Azure OpenAI Service allows over 1,000 customers to apply the most advanced AI models, including Dall-E 2, GPT⑶.5, Codex, and other large language models, supported by Azure’s unique supercomputing and enterprise capabilities, to drive innovation in new ways.

Expanded Use Cases for ChatGPT

Since its introduction last year, ChatGPT has proven its versatility in various scenarios. It can be used for summarizing content, generating suggested email copy, and even assisting with software programming questions. With ChatGPT now available in preview in Azure OpenAI Service, developers have the opportunity to integrate custom AI-powered experiences directly into their applications. This includes enhancing existing bots to handle unexpected questions, providing recaps of call center conversations for faster customer support resolutions, creating personalized ad copy, automating claims processing, and more. By combining cognitive services with Azure OpenAI, enterprises can explore compelling use cases. For example, the integration of Azure OpenAI and Azure Cognitive Search enables conversational language for knowledge base retrieval on enterprise data.

Success Stories

Several organizations have already embraced Azure OpenAI Service and ChatGPT, leveraging its power to achieve business value. The ODP Corporation, Singapore’s Smart Nation Digital Government Office, and Icertis are just a few examples:

– The ODP Corporation is collaborating with Microsoft to deploy ChatGPT from Azure OpenAI Service, with the goal of driving business transformation. By developing a ChatGPT-powered chatbot, The ODP Corporation has improved HR’s document review process, generated new job descriptions, and enhanced communication among associates. Leveraging ChatGPT’s natural language processing and machine learning capabilities has streamlined internal operations and enhanced the customer experience.

– Singapore’s Smart Nation Digital Government Office recognizes the potential of ChatGPT and large language models in accelerating various knowledge work in the public sector. The alignment techniques embedded in ChatGPT enable officers to interact with these models more naturally and intuitively. The enterprise controls in Azure OpenAI Service have facilitated the exploration of these technologies in policy, operations, and communication use cases.

– At Icertis, AI is applied to contracts to help businesses drive revenue, reduce costs, ensure compliance, and mitigate risk. The availability of ChatGPT on Azure OpenAI Service offers a powerful tool for leveraging data lakes containing billions of metadata and transactional elements. Generative AI aids in fully realizing the intent of commercial agreements by acting as an intelligent assistant that surfaces insights throughout the contract lifecycle. The inherent security and reliability of Azure align with Icertis’ tenets of ethical AI, creating new opportunities for innovation with the Icertis contract intelligence platform.

Microsoft’s Adoption of Generative AI Models

Microsoft is not only assisting organizations in harnessing generative AI models but also internally leveraging the power of large language models from OpenAI to enhance consumer and enterprise products. Several examples include:

– GitHub Copilot, which utilizes AI models in Azure OpenAI Service to assist developers in accelerating code development with its AI pair programmer.

– Microsoft Teams Premium, which incorporates intelligent recap and AI-generated chapters to boost productivity for individuals, teams, and organizations.

– Microsoft Viva Sales’ AI-powered seller experience, which offers suggested email content and data-driven insights to help sales teams focus on strategic selling motions.

– Microsoft Bing’s AI-powered chat option, introducing new ways to enhance consumers’ search experience.

These examples demonstrate how Microsoft is driving AI transformation through generative AI models.

Developers’ Empowerment with Azure OpenAI Studio

Customers and partners can stand out from the competition by creating intelligent apps and solutions using a no-code approach in Azure OpenAI Studio. This platform offers customizability for every model offered through the service, allowing developers to tailor ChatGPT and configure response behavior to align with their organization’s needs.

Watch this video to learn how to customize ChatGPT using the System message feature in Azure OpenAI Studio.

A Responsible Approach to AI

AI has the potential to significantly impact individuals and companies, improving productivity, amplifying creativity, and augmenting everyday tasks. Microsoft is committed to developing AI systems in a responsible manner and ensuring they are used in ways that people can trust. Generative models such as ChatGPT and DALL-E introduce new challenges, as they have the ability to create convincing but incorrect text or generate realistic images of events that never occurred.

To address these challenges, Microsoft employs a layered set of mitigations aligned with its Responsible AI Standard:

1. Application-level protections allow customers to remain in control, such as explaining that text output was generated by AI and requiring user approval.
2. Technical protections include input and output content filtering.
3. Process and policy protections encompass reporting abuse and establishing service level agreements.
4. Documentation, including design guidelines and transparency notes, explain the benefits and testing of AI models.

Microsoft believes that AI will profoundly alter how we work and how organizations operate. To meet this moment, Microsoft remains committed to a principled approach that ensures AI systems are used responsibly, while continuously listening, learning, and improving to guide AI in a way that ultimately benefits humanity.

Getting Started with Azure OpenAI Service

To help developers understand the potential of Azure OpenAI Service, Seth Juarez, Principal Program Manager and co-host of The AI Show, shares top use cases and provides an example of a retail chatbot using ChatGPT. This video serves as a helpful starting point for those looking to explore the capabilities of Azure OpenAI Service for their applications.


The availability of ChatGPT in preview in Azure OpenAI Service opens up a world of possibilities for developers and organizations. By harnessing the power of AI models and Azure’s enterprise capabilities, businesses can innovate in new ways, from enhancing existing bots to creating personalized ad copy. Microsoft’s commitment to responsible AI ensures that these AI systems are developed and utilized in ways that users can trust. Azure OpenAI Studio provides a no-code approach for developers to customize ChatGPT and create intelligent solutions. The future of AI transformation is here, and Azure OpenAI Service is poised to lead the way.

chatgpt next web azure openai的常见问答Q&A

问题1:Azure ChatGPT是甚么?

答案:Azure ChatGPT 是一个在 Azure OpenAI 服务中部署的聊天模型,它可以提供强大的对话人工智能能力。

  • Azure ChatGPT 是一个聊天模型,它可以摹拟自然语言对话。
  • 通过 Azure OpenAI 服务,开发者可以将 Azure ChatGPT 集成到自己的云利用中。
  • Azure ChatGPT 提供了预定义的 API,使开发者能够与模型进行交互,实现智能化的对话界面。

问题2:怎样在 Azure App Service 上部署ChatGPT Next Web?

答案:在 Azure App Service 上部署 ChatGPT Next Web 可以通过以下步骤实现:

  • 准备一个 ChatGPT Next Web 项目的副本。
  • 使用 Azure CLI 或 Azure 门户,在 Azure 上创建一个新的 App Service 实例。
  • 将 ChatGPT Next Web 项目部署到 Azure App Service 实例的 Web 服务器中。
  • 配置 Azure App Service 实例的环境变量,包括 Open API 密钥等信息。
  • 启动 Azure App Service 实例,并通过公共 URL 访问 ChatGPT Next Web。

问题3:怎样在 Azure OpenAI 中创建自定义的 ChatGPT 服务?

答案:在 Azure OpenAI 中创建自定义的 ChatGPT 服务可以依照以下步骤进行:

  • 使用 Azure OpenAI 创建一个新的 ChatGPT 实例。
  • 通过 Azure Portal 或 Azure CLI 配置 ChatGPT 实例的参数,包括模型版本、对话界面样式等。
  • 为 ChatGPT 实例配置输入输出端点,以便与其他 Azure 服务对接。
  • 通过编写代码或使用 Azure Logic Apps 等方式,实现与 ChatGPT 实例的对接,接收用户输入并获得模型的输出。
  • 部署和启动自定义的 ChatGPT 服务,并通过 HTTP 要求或其他适当的方式与之交互。







