Introducing ChatGPT Enterprise(chatgpt enterprise license)







A. 管理工具


  • 新的管理控制台:ChatGPT企业许可证提供了一个新的管理控制台,让企业用户可以轻松管理团队成员。通过这个管理控制台,用户可以根据需要添加、删除或更新团队成员。
  • 域名验证:ChatGPT企业许可证支持域名验证,确保只有授权的团队成员可以访问和使用许可证。
  • 单点登录(SSO):ChatGPT企业许可证还支持单点登录(SSO),使得团队成员可使用其现有的企业账号登录,避免了记住多个账号和密码的麻烦。
  • 使用洞察:ChatGPT企业许可证还提供使用洞察,允许管理员取得关于团队成员怎样使用ChatGPT的洞察和数据。

B. 数据集和功能增强


  • 更强大的数据集:ChatGPT企业许可证提供了更强大的数据集,以支持企业用户在各个领域的专业需求。这些数据集涵盖了广泛的行业和主题,可以帮助企业用户更好地应对任务。
  • 更快的处理速度和更准确的输出结果:通过使用GPT⑷,ChatGPT企业许可证实现了更高的处理速度和更准确的输出结果。这意味着企业用户可以更快地完成任务并取得更准确的答案。




A. ChatGPT企业许可证定价公平吗?


B. ChatGPT企业许可证的定价策略


  • 不要钱基本服务:OpenAI提供了不要钱的基本服务,让用户可以避不要钱使用ChatGPT的基本功能。
  • Plus套餐:为了满足一些高级功能的需求,OpenAI还推出了每个月20美元的Plus套餐,提供更多的功能和服务。
  • ChatGPT企业许可证:作为OpenAI的最高级别套餐,ChatGPT企业许可证提供了更强大的功能和服务,合适对安全性、隐私保护和高性能有较高要求的企业用户。


与其他竞争产品相比,ChatGPT企业许可证特点有哪些和优势呢?下面与ChatGPT Business和Bing Chat Enterprise进行比较。

A. ChatGPT企业许可证 vs. ChatGPT Business

ChatGPT企业许可证相对ChatGPT Business来讲,更加强调大范围管理和安全性,为企业用户提供更多功能和服务。

  • ChatGPT企业许可证:提供了新的管理控制台,方便用户管理团队成员。支持域名验证、单点登录(SSO)和使用洞察。
  • ChatGPT Business:适用于需要较价格比较低格和基本功能的企业用户,满足一般办公利用的需求。

B. ChatGPT企业许可证 vs. Bing Chat Enterprise

与Bing Chat Enterprise相比,ChatGPT企业许可证的定价相对较高。

  • ChatGPT企业许可证:定价可能相对较高,需要综合斟酌其功能差异和所提供的价值。
  • Bing Chat Enterprise:随Microsoft 365商业标准定阅一起提供,相对ChatGPT企业许可证的价格较低。



chatgpt enterprise license的进一步展开说明

Securely extend ChatGPT’s knowledge with your company data by connecting the applications you already use

The ability to connect ChatGPT with your company data is now available, allowing you to securely extend its knowledge and capabilities. With this feature, you can integrate ChatGPT with the applications you already use, ensuring a seamless flow of information and enhancing its effectiveness in understanding and assisting with your specific business needs. This customization option empowers you to leverage your company’s data to improve the performance and relevance of ChatGPT within your organization.

Availability for all team sizes: a self-serve ChatGPT Business offering for smaller teams

We understand that not all teams have the same scale and resources. That’s why we are excited to introduce the self-serve ChatGPT Business offering, specially designed for smaller teams. Whether you are a startup or a small company, you can now easily adopt ChatGPT and benefit from its capabilities without the need for extensive resources or support. This offering ensures that ChatGPT is accessible to all businesses, regardless of their size, allowing organizations of all scales to leverage the power of AI for their specific needs.

Power tools: Even more powerful versions of Advanced Data Analysis and browsing that are optimized for work

To further enhance the productivity and efficiency of data analysis and browsing, we have developed even more powerful versions of our Advanced Data Analysis and browsing tools. These optimized versions are tailored specifically for work, providing you with a suite of powerful features to explore and analyze your data with ease. With these power tools, you can extract valuable insights, make informed decisions, and uncover hidden patterns within your data, empowering your team to work more efficiently and effectively.

Solutions for your function: more tools for specific roles, such as data analysts, marketers, customer support and more

We understand that different roles within your organization require specific tools and functionalities. That’s why we are committed to providing solutions that cater to the unique needs of various functions. Whether you are a data analyst, marketer, customer support representative, or any other role, we have developed specialized tools to assist you in your specific tasks. These tools are designed to optimize your workflow, increase productivity, and ultimately help you achieve better results in your role. With our tailored solutions, you can effectively leverage ChatGPT to enhance your performance and accomplish your goals.

We look forward to sharing an even more detailed roadmap with prospective customers and continuing to evolve ChatGPT Enterprise based on your feedback.

Our commitment to improving and evolving ChatGPT Enterprise is unwavering. We are excited to share our detailed roadmap with prospective customers, outlining the future developments and enhancements we have planned. By listening to your feedback and incorporating your input, we aim to continuously improve ChatGPT Enterprise to better address your business needs and surpass your expectations. Your partnership and collaboration play a crucial role in shaping the future of ChatGPT, and we are committed to providing you with a product that exceeds your expectations.

We’re onboarding as many enterprises as we can over the next few weeks. Learn more on our website and connect with our sales team to get started.

As we continue to expand and onboard more enterprises onto ChatGPT, we invite you to join us on this transformative journey. Over the next few weeks, we are dedicated to onboarding as many enterprises as possible, ensuring that they can benefit from the powerful capabilities of ChatGPT. To learn more about our offering and how it can benefit your organization, please visit our website. Our sales team is also available to assist and guide you through the onboarding process. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to leverage the full potential of AI in your business.

chatgpt enterprise license的常见问答Q&A

问题1:ChatGPT Enterprise 是甚么?

答案:ChatGPT Enterprise 是OpenAI推出的面向企业客户的企业级版本的聊天GPT模型。

问题2:ChatGPT Enterprise 的定价会不会公平?

答案:关于ChatGPT Enterprise 的定价会不会公平,区别观点存在。以下是一些可能的观点和讨论:

  • 一些人认为ChatGPT Enterprise 提供的功能和性能与其定价符合,因此认为定价是公平的。
  • 其他人可能认为ChatGPT Enterprise 的定价太高,特别是对小型企业或个人用户来讲,这个定价可能不划算。
  • 但是,对需要强大的自然语言处理能力和更高级别的技术支持的大型企业来讲,ChatGPT Enterprise 的定价多是公道的。

问题3:ChatGPT Enterprise 针对企业用户推出了甚么计划?

答案:OpenAI推出了ChatGPT Enterprise 的专属计划,旨在为企业客户提供更高级别的服务。

  • ChatGPT Enterprise 提供更高的安全性和隐私保护,保证企业数据的安全。
  • 企业用户可以享受无穷制的高速访问GPT⑷模型,取得更强大的自然语言处理能力。
  • ChatGPT Enterprise 还提供了全新的管理员控制台,方便企业管理团队成员,并提供域验证、SSO(单一登录)和使用情况洞察等功能,适用于大范围使用处景。

问题4:ChatGPT Enterprise 在OpenAI的产品线中处于甚么位置?

答案:ChatGPT Enterprise 是OpenAI产品线中提供的区别服务层级中的最高级别的服务。

  • OpenAI的基本不要钱服务是ChatGPT的入门级选项,为用户提供基本的自然语言处理功能。
  • Plus 计划是ChatGPT推出的第二个服务层级,用户需要支付每个月20美元,享受额外的优先访问权和更快的响应时间。
  • ChatGPT Enterprise 则作为最高级别的服务层级,提供了更高级的功能,更强大的数据处理能力,和专为企业用户设计的管理员控制台。








