Fix ChatGPT Not Working [ChatGPT Errors and their Solutions](chatgpt unable to load site vpn)



I. 问题分析

A. ChatGPT没法加载站点的缘由

1. DNS屏蔽


2. VPN禁止


II. 解决方法

A. 更换DNS服务器

1. 查找可靠的公共DNS服务器列表


2. 更改计算机或路由器的DNS设置为新服务器


B. 使用代理服务器

1. 寻觅可信赖的代理服务器


2. 在VPN没法连接时,将代理服务器利用于浏览器


C. 清除浏览器缓存

1. 打开浏览器设置

2. 清除浏览器缓存和Cookie

3. 重新加载ChatGPT网站


D. 检查VPN提供商

1. 尝试使用另外一个VPN服务器


2. 斟酌更换区别的VPN提供商


E. 检查网络泄漏

1. 在使用VPN时,检查会不会产生DNS泄漏


2. 如有必要,修复网络泄漏问题


F. 检查ChatGPT状态

1. 查看ChatGPT状态页面以了解会不会存在故障


2. 检查ChatGPT的官方渠道以获得相关信息


III. 其他注意事项

A. 检查VPN利用和浏览器插件

1. 确保VPN利用已启用并连接正常


2. 禁用或删除可能干扰ChatGPT加载的浏览器插件


B. 检查登录凭据和网络连接

1. 确认用户名和密码会不会正确


2. 检查网络连接会不会正常


C. 重新加载页面

1. 按下”Ctrl + Shift + R”强迫重新加载页面

有时候浏览器缓存可能致使ChatGPT没法加载站点,按下”Ctrl + Shift + R”强迫重新加载页面可以解决这个问题。

2. 确保没有其他页面或标签中有冲突的ChatGPT实例



chatgpt unable to load site vpn的进一步展开说明

How to Fix ChatGPT Not Working

OpenAI’s ChatGPT is a strong and versatile chatbot that can communicate with you on any topic. It generates realistic and engaging replies using a cutting-edge natural language processing algorithm. But what if ChatGPT is not working properly for you? For those unfortunate times when ChatGPT is down, we’ve put together a list of possible fixes you can attempt to get it back online.

Why is ChatGPT not working?

The OpenAI website may occasionally experience technical difficulties, resulting in the AI bot not functioning. There could be several reasons why ChatGPT isn’t working for you. However, the most frequent issue is a large number of users attempting to use the chatbot at the same time, which causes a server overload, resulting in many people being locked out of the site.

However, this is not the only reason. On occasion, issues on your end can cause problems. The most common causes are technical difficulties connecting to the internet, corrupted browser cache or cookies, or your geographic location. The user’s internet connection could also be to blame. For example, if the connection to the internet is slow, the chatbot might not work.

How to Fix ChatGPT Not Working

There are many reasons why ChatGPT is not working today. First, check to see if the servers are up and running. You can also make sure you’re using a browser that is compatible with the service, that your VPN is turned off, and are accessing the service through a web browser directly. Here are some ways to Fix ChatGPT Not Working issue:

  1. Check if ChatGPT is down

    First, you should verify to see if ChatGPT is currently unavailable or experiencing service issues. Because of the exponential rise in users, the service frequently goes down, and ChatGPT does not work smoothly. To resolve server-related ChatGPT problems, wait until ChatGPT returns to normal.

  2. Reload your Browser (Log out and log in again)

    If you leave the site for a while and then return to ask a query, the page shows the error ‘Something went wrong.’ This is because your login session is only suitable for a limited duration. You can quickly fix the problem by reloading the page if you have the same error. Sometimes, you must log in again after reloading the page for the chatbot to respond.

  3. Clear your Browser Cache and Cookies

    Often, a corrupt browser cache may block ChatGPT from opening in your web browser. However, most browser-related issues can be fixed by clearing the browser’s cache and cookies.

  4. Turn off Chrome Extensions

    There is a possibility that ChatGPT stop working due to it may conflict with other extensions. Therefore, we recommend disabling browser extensions before using the service to avoid problems.

  5. Try incognito mode or a Different Browser

    If you encounter errors while using ChatGPT in your browser, try a different browser. Additionally, you can use the incognito mode to help identify the issue with your browser’s settings.

  6. Turn ON/OFF VPN

    If you’re using a VPN, it’s possible that your VPN is creating the issue. You can test this by disabling the VPN in your browser.

  7. Contact the Support Team

    If none of the above solutions work, the last thing you should do is contact support via social media or official email. Once the chat window opens, follow the instructions on the screen to reach an OpenAI representative.

Most of the time, the above solutions will fix your ChatGPT problems. But some error codes appear when you try to use ChatGPT. In this part, we discuss these ChatGPT errors and how to fix them.

Common ChatGPT Errors and their Solutions

Most of the time, the above solutions will fix your ChatGPT problems. But some error codes appear when you try to use ChatGPT. In this part, we discuss these ChatGPT errors and how to fix them.

How to Fix ChatGPT Error Code 1020: Access Denied

When you get ChatGPT error code 1020, it usually means that the website or app you’re trying to use has blocked your IP address.

To fix ChatGPT Error Code 1020, consider turning off the proxy service or VPN you are using.

How to Fix ChatGPT Error Code 429: Rate Limit Reached

ChatGPT Error Code 429 occurs when too many requests are sent to the Chat GPT API in a brief period of time.

To fix ChatGPT Error Code 429, you can wait until the API rate limit resets. You can also upgrade to a plan with a higher limit if you are currently using a free plan.

How to Fix ChatGPT Error Code 401: Invalid Authentication

ChatGPT Error Code 401 represents invalid authentication credentials.

To fix ChatGPT Error Code 401, make sure that your request header has the correct API key and organization ID. You can make a new API key if needed.

How to Fix ChatGPT “Something went wrong” Error

ChatGPT “Something went wrong” error appears when you have been away from the site for some time and then returned to ask a question.

To fix ChatGPT “Something went wrong” error, you can reload the page or turn off your VPN.

How to Fix ChatGPT 404 Error

ChatGPT 404 Error indicates that the requested resource or endpoint could not be located.

To fix ChatGPT 404 Error, make sure the endpoint address is accurate. If the URL is accurate, the requested item may no longer be accessible or may have been relocated.

Hopefully, by using the fixes described in the article, you’ll be able to find and fix the ‘ChatGPT Not Working’ error you are facing. If nothing works, you should report the issue to OpenAI, and they will take care of it.

chatgpt unable to load site vpn的常见问答Q&A

问题1:如何消除 ChatGPT 在任何地点的屏蔽?

答案:要消除 ChatGPT 在任何地点的屏蔽,你可以尝试以下方法:

  • 更改 DNS 服务器:这可以帮助绕过由您的 ISP (互联网服务提供商) 引入的任何基于 DNS 的屏蔽。
  • 使用代理服务器:通过使用代理服务器,您可以隐藏您的真实 IP 地址并绕过对 ChatGPT 的屏蔽。

问题2:为何我没法通过 VPN 访问 ChatGPT?

答案:没法通过 VPN 访问 ChatGPT 多是由于以下缘由:

  • 连接被禁止:一些网络可能会禁止 VPN 连接到 ChatGPT,这多是为了避免滥用或保护安全。
  • 网络堵塞:如果您的 VPN 服务器所在的网络出现堵塞,可能会致使没法正常访问 ChatGPT。
  • VPN 泄漏:如果您的 VPN 存在泄漏问题,可能会致使 ChatGPT 进行 IP 检测并谢绝访问。

问题3:如何修复 ChatGPT 在使用 VPN 时没法工作的问题?

答案:要修复在使用 VPN 时 ChatGPT 没法正常工作的问题,可以尝试以下方法:

  • 使用其他服务器:尝试连接其他 VPN 服务器,以排除特定服务器的问题。
  • 更改 VPN 提供商:您可以尝试更换区别的 VPN 提供商,以找到与 ChatGPT 兼容的 VPN。
  • 清除浏览器 Cookie:清除浏览器的 Cookie 可能有助于消除由于 Cookie 冲突引发的 ChatGPT 问题。
  • 修复 DNS 泄漏:检查 VPN 会不会存在 DNS 泄漏问题,并修复该问题。








