ZYallers/chatgpt_wechat_robot: 个人微信接入ChatGPT,实现和GPT机器人互动聊天。支持私聊回复和群聊艾特回复。(chatgpt接入微信github)

ChatGPT 在 GitHub 上实现微信接入教程,让你轻松打造智能微信机器人

ChatGPT-wechat-bot 是一个基于 Docker 的项目,通过注册 OpenAI 账号并获得 API-KEY,可以将 ChatGPT 接入微信,从而打造智能微信机器人。下面是教程的详细大纲:


ChatGPT-wechat-bot 是一个能将 ChatGPT 接入微信的项目,下面是具体的步骤:

  1. 首先,你需要使用 Docker,并且注册一个 OpenAI 的账号,并获得到 API-KEY。
  2. 然后,在 GitHub 上将 ChatGPT-wechat-bot 项目克隆到本地,并进行相应的配置。
  3. 最后,使用 Docker 部署 ChatGPT-wechat-bot,并完成微信接入的配置。

通过以上步骤,你就可以成功将 ChatGPT 接入微信,并使用智能微信机器人。


chatgpt-on-wechat 是另外一个可以将 ChatGPT 接入微信的项目,下面是具体的步骤:

  1. 首先,在 GitHub 上将 chatgpt-on-wechat 项目克隆到本地。
  2. 然后,安装相应的依赖,并进行配置文件的模板设置。
  3. 最后,使用 Wechaty 和 ChatGPT API 来构建微信机器人。

通过以上步骤,你就能够使用 ChatGPT 在微信上构建智能机器人。


使用 ChatGPT 模型和 Wechaty,可以构建一个功能强大的微信机器人,具体步骤以下:

  1. 支持长对话和私人对话,和支持群聊功能。
  2. 可使用@命令或触发词触发机器人回复,并且支持快速接入二次开发。



chatgpt_wechat_robot 是一个可以通过个人微信接入 ChatGPT 的项目,具体步骤以下:

  1. 通过个人微信接入 ChatGPT,实现和 GPT 机器人的互动聊天。
  2. 支持私聊回复和群聊艾特回复的功能。
  3. 可以配置 GPT 机器人模型的热度,并且发问时可以增加上下文。

通过以上步骤,你就可以够在个人微信中和 GPT 机器人进行互动和聊天。

五、ChatGPT 接入微信公众号

通过 GitHub 上的 chatgpt-wechat-public-account 项目,可以将 ChatGPT 接入微信公众号,具体步骤以下:

  1. 根据项目中的指引进行配置和部署。

通过以上步骤,你就能够将 ChatGPT 接入微信公众号,实现更多功能。

六、ChatGPT 在微信中使用

通过使用 ChatGPT 在微信中进行互动,可以实现更多功能,具体步骤以下:

  1. 在微信中使用 ChatGPT 进行互动,基于 Wechaty 和官方 API。
  2. 支持企业微信中转,可以在微信中安全使用。
  3. 支持多渠道客服消息接入,和代理支持和反向域名代理支持。

通过以上步骤,你就能够在微信中安全地使用 ChatGPT 并享受更多功能。

七、微信公众号接入 ChatGPT

通过 GitHub 上的 chatGPT-wechat-official 项目,可以将 ChatGPT 接入微信公众号,具体步骤以下:

  1. 根据项目中的指引进行配置和部署。

通过以上步骤,你就能够将 ChatGPT 接入微信公众号,实现更多功能。


通过以上提到的多个项目和方法,可以实现将 ChatGPT 接入微信,并打造智能微信机器人。不管是个人微信、公众号或者企业微信,都可使用 ChatGPT 进行聊天和互动。通过这些方法,可以轻松地配置和部署,让你的微信机器人更智能和有趣。



The existing branch name provided is already associated with a tag. It is important to note that both tags and branches can be used with many Git commands, and creating a branch with this name may lead to unexpected behavior. Therefore, careful consideration is advised before creating such a branch.

Reasons to Be Cautious

When creating a branch that shares the same name as an existing tag, there are a few factors to consider in order to avoid any potential issues:

  1. Possible Confusion: The coexistence of both a tag and a branch with the same name might lead to confusion. Users might mix up their usage, mistakenly thinking they are working with a branch or a specific tag when they are not. This confusion can result in unintended consequences and potentially disrupt the development process.
  2. Unexpected Behavior: As mentioned earlier, Git commands accept both tag and branch names. This means that if a branch and a tag share the same name, certain commands may behave unexpectedly. For example, checkout operations or merges might yield unexpected results. This can lead to wasted time and effort in resolving the resulting issues and inconsistencies.
  3. Loss of History: Another consideration is the potential loss of historical information. Tags are generally used to mark specific points in the commit history, such as releases or important milestones. If a branch is created with the same name as a tag, it might overwrite or mask the tagged commit, making it difficult to access the original historical reference. This can be problematic for future reference or when attempting to recreate a specific release.

Proceeding with Caution

Despite the potential risks associated with creating a branch that shares the name with an existing tag, it is still possible to proceed if certain precautions are observed:

  1. Clear Communication: Ensure that the entire development team is made aware of the branch and tag naming convention. Clear communication and documentation will help prevent confusion and misunderstandings regarding the usage and purpose of branches and tags.
  2. Validation Process: Implement a validation process when creating branches. This process should include checking for existing tags with the same name as the branch being created. Automated checks can be set up as part of the development workflow to alert users if they attempt to create a branch with an existing tag name.
  3. Backup and Restore: Take necessary steps to back up and preserve any existing tags associated with the branch name. This ensures that historical information is not lost during the branch creation process. If any issues arise, the backup can be used to restore the original tagged commits.
  4. Review and Testing: Prioritize thorough code review and testing when working with branches that share the name of existing tags. These practices help identify any unexpected behavior early on, allowing developers to address it before it impacts the project.
  5. Documentation: Maintain clear and up-to-date documentation regarding the project’s branch and tag naming conventions. This documentation should outline the potential risks of creating branches with the same name as tags, and provide guidelines for handling such scenarios.


Creating a branch with the same name as an existing tag can lead to unexpected behavior and potential issues. Careful consideration, clear communication, and adherence to established naming conventions are crucial in mitigating any risks. By following best practices and implementing proper validation processes, developers can avoid confusion, loss of historical information, and other negative consequences associated with overlapping branch and tag names.




  1. 使用Docker容器,创建ChatGPT的运行环境。
  2. 通过OpenAI官方接口,获得ChatGPT的API密钥。
  3. 调用企业微信的API接口,将用户的消息传递给ChatGPT。
  4. 将ChatGPT返回的回答发送到用户的企业微信中。









  1. 在GitHub上找到相应的ChatGPT接入微信公众号的项目。
  2. 克隆项目代码,并安装项目所需的依赖。
  3. 根据项目文档的指点,配置微信公众号和ChatGPT的相关参数。
  4. 将配置好的代码部署到服务器上。
  5. 在微信公众号管理平台进行相应的配置,将公众号与ChatGPT进行关联。














