GPTGenius/chatgpt-vercel: Create a private ChatGPT website with one-click for free using Vercel &

I. ChatGPT是甚么?

A. ChatGPT的介绍

ChatGPT是一款使用OpenAI API GPT⑷/3.5技术驱动的聊天机器人,可以进行多文本/图片生成对话。它的设计灵感来源于OpenAI和Vercel两个开发团队,旨在提供优雅和高效的使用体验。

B. ChatGPT的特点


II. 在Vercel上部署GitHub聊天机器人

A. 选择Vercel进行部署


B. 在GitHub上创建ChatGPT项目


III. 在Vercel中创建私有ChatGPT网站

A. 使用Vercel快速创建私有ChatGPT网站


B. 添加环境变量和配置参数


IV. ChatGPT-Vercel的优势和用处

A. ChatGPT-Vercel的特点和优势

ChatGPT-Vercel具有跨平台特性,兼容Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS等操作系统。它提供全功能的、可定制的Next.js AI Chatbot,满足用户对聊天机器人的各种需求。

B. ChatGPT-Vercel的用处


V. ChatGPT-Vercel的项目演示和贡献

A. ChatGPT-Vercel的GitHub项目


B. 参与ChatGPT-Vercel的贡献和反馈


VI. 总结和展望

A. ChatGPT-Vercel的整体使用体验


B. 未来发展方向和期望


chatgpt vercel github的进一步展开说明


In this blog post, we will learn how to create a private ChatGPT website with just one click using Vercel. This website will utilize the powerful OpenAI API GPT⑷/3.5 and Vercel for deployment. With this website, you will be able to have conversations with the AI model using text and images, and even switch between different models and adjust context length.


Let’s take a look at the features of this ChatGPT website:

1. **Quick and Free Deployment**: You can deploy your website quickly and for free using Vercel.

2. **Text Conversation**: The website supports text conversations with the ability to switch between different models and set context length. It also allows you to add preset prompts to customize the AI behavior.

3. **Image Generation Conversation**: The website supports image generation conversations using the DALL-E and Midjourney models. You can adjust the image size and count as per your requirements.

4. **Multiple Language Support**: You can switch between various languages, currently supporting Simplified Chinese and English.

5. **Local Chat History**: The website saves the local chat history and provides search, import, and export functionalities.

**Live Demo**

You can access the live demo of the ChatGPT website to explore its functionalities. Alternatively, you can also deploy it privately to have your own personalized experience.

**User Guide**

To use the ChatGPT website, follow the steps below:

1. **Create a Project**: Create a project on Vercel either by forking the GitHub repository or using the Deploy button provided.

2. **Set OPENAI_API_KEY**: You need to set the OpenAI API Key in one of the following ways:
– Set the Vercel Environment Variable OPENAI_API_KEY.
– Rename the .env.expample file to .env and set the OPENAI_API_KEY.
– Set the OPENAI_API_KEY within the page.

Note: In Vercel, all environment variables need to be redeployed to take effect.

3. **Configure Midjourney (optional)**: If you want to use the AI drawing feature of Midjourney, you can configure the relevant Discord settings by providing the Discord Server ID, Discord Channel ID, and Discord Token. You can find these details by visiting the midjourney-cookbook for some sample prompts.

4. **Keep Code Synchronized (optional)**: You can keep your code synchronized by following the Sync Fork process.

**Other Deployment Methods**

Apart from deploying the website using Vercel, you can also deploy it using the pnpm build and pnpm run server commands.


There are various configurations available for the ChatGPT website:

1. **Deployment Configurations**: You can configure the deployment settings in the .env file or using Environment Variables in Vercel. These configurations include the website access password, OpenAI API Key, language, API key strategy, and more.

2. **Global Configurations**: The global configurations, which are stored locally, include the OpenAI API Key, language, conversation history, temperature, conversation models, number of historical messages carried, image generation models, number and size of generated images, Discord server and channel IDs, Discord token, and Discord image proxy.

**Planned Features**

The developers have planned to add the following features to the ChatGPT website:

1. Export functionality to export conversations as markdown and images.
2. Support for theme color switching.
3. Audio conversation support.
4. Image generation using other models.

The developers welcome collaborations and suggestions for new features.


To contribute to the development of the ChatGPT website, you should have NodeJS v18 or higher and pnpm v7 or higher installed.

The website supports using a custom proxy to request the OpenAI API locally. You can set the LOCAL_PROXY in the .env file. Alternatively, if you don’t need a proxy, you can disable the local proxy by setting DISABLE_LOCAL_PROXY=true in the .env file. In this case, the requests will be directly made to

For development, you can run the pnpm dev command. To expose the port, use the pnpm start command when using a cloud IDE. To build the project, run pnpm build.


Any contributions to the ChatGPT website are highly appreciated. You can contribute in various ways, such as improving translations, adding new languages, optimizing the API, optimizing page interactions, and suggesting new features. Please feel free to open an issue for new feature support.


The English and Chinese prompts used in the ChatGPT website are modified from the awesome-chatgpt-prompts and awesome-chatgpt-prompts-zh repositories respectively.

**Star History**

The ChatGPT website is based on the MIT License.

chatgpt vercel github的常见问答Q&A


答案:chatgpt-vercel是一个在Vercel平台上部署的ChatGPT项目。它提供了一个私有的ChatGPT网站,可以通过一键部署在Vercel上进行不要钱使用。chatgpt-vercel支持多个文本/图片生成对话,并使用OpenAI API GPT⑷/3.5进行动力驱动。

  • chatgpt-vercel通过创建一个私有的ChatGPT网站,让用户能够在网页上进行多文本/图片生成对话。
  • 用户可以避不要钱使用chatgpt-vercel,并可通过一键部署在Vercel上进行快速搭建。
  • chatgpt-vercel的动力来源于OpenAI API GPT⑷/3.5,以提供强大的文本/图片生成能力。



  • 简单易用:chatgpt-vercel通过一键部署在Vercel上进行快速搭建,用户无需进行复杂的配置便可使用。
  • 强大功能:chatgpt-vercel支持多文本/图片生成对话,并由OpenAI API GPT⑷/3.5提供动力驱动,具有强大的文本/图片生成能力。
  • 私有性:chatgpt-vercel创建的ChatGPT网站是私有的,用户可以具有自己的ChatGPT网站,并在网页上进行对话。
  • 不要钱使用:用户可以避不要钱使用chatgpt-vercel创建的ChatGPT网站,享受强大的文本/图片生成能力。



  1. 在GitHub上Fork chatgpt-vercel项目至你的GitHub账号。
  2. 在Vercel上新建一个项目,并选择刚刚Fork的chatgpt-vercel项目进行导入。
  3. 在项目的Environment Variables中添加环境变量。
  4. Vercel将为你创建项目并自动部署chatgpt-vercel。








