How to Use ChatGPT with Bing(how do i use chatgpt in bing)
I. 怎样在Bing中访问ChatGPT
A. 点击搜索框下方的“Chat”选项,或从Bing首页的导航栏当选择“Chat”
B. 使用ChatGPT与机器人对话时,可以像与人类对话一样输入问题,由于AI具有上下文感知能力,之前的对话会保存
II. 使用Bing Chat的步骤
A. 注册Microsoft账号
- 打开Microsoft Edge浏览器,进入
- 或从Bing首页导航栏当选择“Chat”
- 参考指南进行注册
B. 登录账号
- 在Edge浏览器中使用已注册的Microsoft账号登录
C. 在Bing Chat中使用ChatGPT
- 在Bing Chat中输入问题,如与人类对话一样
- ChatGPT将会根据对话上下文提供响应
III. 使用Bing ChatGPT的其他注意事项
A. Bing使用GPT⑷与用户进行对话,而非ChatGPT
B. Bing是不要钱使用GPT⑷的唯一途径
C. 通过直接点击Bing首页的“Chat”选项可以直接访问Bing Chat
D. 快捷提示:通过打开Chat,您可以与ChatGPT进行对话,Chat选项在Bing首页上方可见
IV. 在其他利用程序中使用ChatGPT(例如Swiftkey)
A. 打开任意利用程序的键盘,点击输入区域
B. 点击左上角的Bing图标
C. 开始使用ChatGPT与机器人对话
V. 等待ChatGPT的公测
A. 访问进行报名
B. 点击“Join the waitlist”按钮进行等待
C. 一旦公测开始,便可开始使用ChatGPT
通过这个绝佳指南,您可以快速掌握在Bing中使用ChatGPT的方法和步骤。不管是通过Bing Chat或者在其他利用程序中使用,您都可以与ChatGPT进行自然的对话。值得注意的是,Bing是不要钱使用GPT⑷的唯一渠道,所以无需支付费用便可体验ChatGPT的强大功能。想要更多探索ChatGPT的机会吗?赶快注册并加入公测等待名单吧!
how do i use chatgpt in bing的进一步展开说明
Using Microsoft Bing Inside ChatGPT
ChatGPT, powered by the revolutionary GPT⑷ LLM, is widely regarded as one of the leading AI chatbots of 2023. Its performance surpasses that of its closest alternatives. However, Microsoft Bing Chat is also highly popular, offering conversation capabilities along with data provision. The good news is that you can now seamlessly integrate Bing into ChatGPT, as well as vice versa. Read on to discover the methods for doing so.
How to Use Microsoft Bing Inside ChatGPT
Let’s start by using Bing search within ChatGPT. The process is straightforward. Just follow the steps below:
Step 1: Purchase a ChatGPT Plus Subscription
The first requirement is to sign up for a ChatGPT Plus subscription. This subscription is necessary to access some of the settings mentioned later. ChatGPT Plus is priced at $20 per month and, based on our experience, offers excellent value for money. Here’s how you can get it:
- Visit the official ChatGPT website and either sign up or log in if you already have an account.
- Once on the chat screen, click on the “Upgrade to Plus” option located at the bottom left of the sidebar.
- Next, click the “Upgrade Plan” button to purchase ChatGPT Plus.
- Finally, enter your card details and complete the subscription purchase.
Step 2: Enable Bing in ChatGPT
Once you have completed the above steps, click on the ellipsis icon (three dots) at the bottom left and select “Settings.”
Within the Settings menu, click on “Beta Features” and toggle on the “Browse with Bing” option to enable Bing integration.
Step 3: Using Bing Search in ChatGPT
With the initial steps completed, let’s begin using Bing search within ChatGPT:
- Click on “GPT⑷” at the top of the screen to reveal a dropdown menu.
- From the dropdown menu, select “Browse with Bing (Beta).”
- You can now ask ChatGPT any query that requires internet access. It will automatically utilize Bing for browsing and present the results within ChatGPT.
That’s it! You are now using Microsoft Bing seamlessly within ChatGPT. Follow these steps whenever you need to access the internet and search using Bing.
Using ChatGPT in Microsoft Bing Search
While many users prefer using Bing within ChatGPT, we also understand the appeal of using ChatGPT within the Microsoft Bing search engine. The good news is that Microsoft Bing has been utilizing OpenAI’s GPT⑷ model all along. This effectively allows Bing to function as a chatbot itself.
Please note that in order to access Bing’s AI chat feature, you will need to either download Microsoft Edge (Get) or follow our guide on accessing Bing AI from any browser. Once you have taken care of that, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Create a Microsoft Account
Visit the official Microsoft account website and create a new account by providing your basic details. The account creation process is simple and straightforward.
Step 2: Log into Your Account in Microsoft Edge
Launch Microsoft Edge and visit the official Bing website. Click on the “Sign in” button to log into your newly created Microsoft account.
Step 3: Using ChatGPT via Bing Chat
You will now find yourself on the Bing home page, with access to Bing AI Chat.
Click the “Chat” button at the top of the page to initiate a conversation.
Next, choose the “More Precise” mode. However, you can also opt for any of the other modes, as all of them use ChatGPT. Feel free to ask Bing any question, and it will search for the relevant information.
In conclusion, whether you prefer to use Bing within ChatGPT or ChatGPT within Bing, the integration between these two powerful tools is now possible. Take advantage of these methods to enhance your browsing and chatbot experiences.
how do i use chatgpt in bing的常见问答Q&A
- 在搜索框下方点击“Chat”选项来访问聊天机器人(这个选项也能够在Bing.com主页上找到)。您可以像平时向他人发问一样输入您的问题(人工智能会保持上下文感知,所以之前的对话内容会留下)。
- 2023年7月26日 – 打开Microsoft Edge浏览器并访问。或,从Bing首页上方导航栏点击Chat。浏览我们的指南…
- 2023年7月21日 – Bing不使用ChatGPT,但它使用GPT⑷与用户进行对话。使用新的Bing是不要钱使用GPT⑷的唯一途径…
- 点击Bing首页上方导航栏中的“Chat”选项,直接访问聊天机器人。打开Chat后,之前的聊天记录会保存。
- 通过使用ChatGPT,您可以与Bing进行有趣和智能的对话,并获得高质量的回答。
- ChatGPT具有上下文感知能力,因此您可以依照正常对话的方式与它进行交互。
问题3:Bing Chat与ChatGPT有甚么区别?怎样使用Bing Chat?
答案:Bing Chat和ChatGPT具有以下区别的地方,并且以下是怎样使用Bing Chat的方法:
- Bing Chat是使用GPT⑷,而不是ChatGPT。因此,它可能具有区别的性能和功能。
- 要访问Bing Chat,您可以点击bing.com上的“chat”标签,或将鼠标悬停在侧边栏右上角的“发现”图标上。
- Bing Chat提供与AI聊天的功能,您可以通过键入问题并与AI进行对话来获得回答。
问题4:如何访问带有ChatGPT的Bing Chat?
答案:要访问带有ChatGPT的Bing Chat,请依照以下步骤操作:
- 到进行注册。
- 您将看到上面的屏幕截图,并可以点击“Join the waitlist”按钮。
- 这就是全部操作!您现在可以通过点击Bing.com搜索框下方的“Chat”选项,开始使用带有ChatGPT的Bing Chat进行交换。
问题5:怎样在Bing上使用新的Bing AI与ChatGPT?
答案:要在Bing上使用新的Bing AI与ChatGPT,请依照以下步骤操作:
- 点击Bing.com主页上的“Get started”按钮,一个新的浏览器窗口将打开,带您进入基于AI技术的聊天窗口。
- 您可以开始键入您的问题并与ChatGPT进行交互,它会提供智能和有用的回答。