How to get ChatGPT API key(chatgpt api keys)

I. 甚么是ChatGPT API key

ChatGPT API key是OpenAI提供给开发者使用的密钥,用于创建第三方工具和集成ChatGPT功能。

API key是开发者调用ChatGPT API的身份凭证,确保安全访问和数据传输。

II. 如何获得ChatGPT API key

  1. 访问OpenAI官方网站:
  2. 登录个人账号,在右上角点击”Personal”,展开菜单后点击”View API keys”。
  3. 在API keys页面,可以查看已有密钥或点击”Generate”按钮生成新的API key。

III. 使用ChatGPT API key

  1. 在开发利用程序中集成API key,以便调用ChatGPT API。
  2. 通过API文档了解如何构建API要求,并将API key作为认证凭证。
  3. 使用API key发送要求,获得ChatGPT生成的回复。
  4. 对生成的文本进行审查和处理,确保内容符合政策和条款。

IV. 充值ChatGPT API使用流量

  1. 登录OpenAI网站,点击个人账号信息,选择”Billing”进行付款方式设置。
  2. 绑定申请的卡号信息,用于ChatGPT API的充值。
  3. 检查使用情况,公道计划API使用流量,避免逾额消费和费用增加。
  4. 随时关注账户余额和使用报告,及时充值或调剂使用策略。

V. ChatGPT API的利用场景

  1. 开发聊天机器人:利用ChatGPT API构建智能聊天机器人,实现自动化客服、语音助手等功能。
  2. 创建智能应对系统:将ChatGPT集成到利用程序中,帮助用户快速获得准确的答案。
  3. 语言翻译和生成:通过ChatGPT API实现多语言翻译或文本生成任务。
  4. 开发创意辅助工具:利用ChatGPT API帮助创作者、作家等进行创意启发和写作辅助。

VI. 注意事项和最好实践

  1. 遵照OpenAI的政策和条款,确保使用ChatGPT API的合法性和道德性。
  2. 定期审查生成的文本,避免不当内容或误导性回答。
  3. 保护好API key的安全性,避免泄漏和滥用。
  4. 了解ChatGPT API的限制和使用指南,充分发挥其功能。

chatgpt api keys的进一步展开说明

How to Get a ChatGPT API Key

ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot developed by OpenAI that uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to understand and respond to user queries in a conversational manner. OpenAI has recently launched the ChatGPT API, providing developers with the ability to integrate ChatGPT’s capabilities into their own applications, systems, or platforms. To utilize this API, developers need to obtain an API key. This article will guide you through the process of getting a ChatGPT API key.

Step 1: Account Creation

In order to use ChatGPT via the API, you first need to create a free account and generate API keys. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Visit the OpenAI signup page ( and sign up for a new account. You can either use your Google or Microsoft account to sign up, or create a new account using an email/password combination. Note that you may need to provide a valid mobile number to verify your account.
  2. Once you have created your account, go to your OpenAI key page ( or click on the menu item “View API Keys” to access your API keys.
  3. To generate a new API key, click on the “Create new secret key” button. Refer to the image below for reference:
Create new secret key

Step 2: Obtaining the API Key

Once you have followed the above steps, you will have successfully created a new API key. This key grants you access to both the GPT⑷ and ChatGPT models, so there is no need for separate API keys.


It is important to note that using the ChatGPT API will incur costs based on your monthly usage. The cost structure is as follows: 750 words (or 1000 tokens). Here is a table representing the cost per 1000 tokens for the GPT⑶.5 Turbo models:

Model Cost (Input)
GPT⑶.5 Turbo (4k context) $0.0015 (13x cheaper than GPT⑶ Davinci)
GPT⑶.5 Turbo (16k context ) $0.003

For example, if you use 10,000 tokens per day of GPT⑶ Turbo for 20 days in a month, you will be charged 400 cents per month, which amounts to $0.002 * 10 * 20.

Setting Limits

OpenAI provides $18 of free credits for a limited set of users, which can be consumed within the first 3 months. This allows you to test the service without any additional charges. If you plan to use the ChatGPT API regularly, you will need to add your credit card information on the billing page ( You also have the option to set up a usage limit, such as $10/month, on the limits page (

Common Errors

When using the ChatGPT API, you may encounter certain errors:

  • Quota Error: This error occurs when you have exceeded your current quota or monthly spending limit. You can check your plan and billing details in the account billing section to determine the cause of this error.
  • Server Overload: If you receive this error message, it indicates that the ChatGPT servers are currently overloaded. In such cases, you should try again after waiting for a short while.
  • Rate Limit: This error occurs when you are making requests at a rapid pace. To resolve this, you should slow down your requests and refer to the rate limit guide.

ChatGPT API provides developers with the capability to enhance their applications through AI-powered chatbot features. By following the steps outlined above, you can obtain a ChatGPT API key and make use of the various functionalities offered by ChatGPT.

Lastly, if you’re interested, you can also explore Elephas, a tool that enables you to easily utilize ChatGPT features on your Mac. With Elephas, you can chat with your documents, such as PDFs, Word files, Notion pages, and Obsidian notes, directly on your Mac.

chatgpt api keys的常见问答Q&A

问题1:如何申请和使用ChatGPT的API Key?

答案:要申请和使用ChatGPT的API Key,您可以依照以下步骤进行:

  1. 访问OpenAI的官方网站并登录您的账号。
  2. 点击右上角的个人信息图标,然后选择“View API Keys”选项。
  3. 在API Keys页面,点击“Create new secret key”按钮以生成一个新的API Key。
  4. 在弹出窗口中输入新API Key的名称,并点击确认。
  5. 您将看到新生成的API Key,复制该Key并保存好,由于它将用于后续的API调用。

使用ChatGPT的API Key时,您可以将其集成到您的利用程序中,以便在利用程序中使用ChatGPT的功能。以Python为例,您可使用OpenAI的Python库来进行API调用,使用您的API Key进行身份验证,并将输入信息传递给ChatGPT模型,取得响应并进行处理。以下是一个使用Python进行API调用的示例:

    import openai
    # 设置您的API Key
    openai.api_key = '您的API Key'
    # 调用ChatGPT API
    response = openai.Completion.create(
    # 处理响应结果
    answer = response['choices'][0]['text']

通过依照上述步骤申请和使用ChatGPT的API Key,并使用适合的API调用方法,您就能够轻松地使用ChatGPT的功能和能力了。

问题2:如何充值ChatGPT的API Key?

答案:要充值ChatGPT的API Key,您可以依照以下步骤进行:

  1. 登录OpenAI的官方网站,并进入您的个人信息界面。
  2. 点击右上角的账号信息图标,并选择“Billing”选项。
  3. 在Billing页面,您可以设置您的付款方式,并将您刚申请的API Key与您的账号绑定。
  4. 输入您的卡号信息,并完成绑定进程。

通过以上步骤,您就能够将资金充值到您的ChatGPT API中,以便在使用API时进行付费。务必确保账号充值余额充足,以避免影响您的API调用。

问题3:如何查找我的ChatGPT的API Key?

答案:要查找您的ChatGPT的API Key,您可以依照以下步骤进行:

  1. 登录OpenAI的官方网站,并进入您的个人信息界面。
  2. 点击右上角的账号信息图标,并选择“View API Keys”选项。
  3. 在API Keys页面,您将找到您的API Key列表,其中包括您已生成的所有API Key。
  4. 复制您需要使用的API Key,并保存好以备后续的API调用。

通过依照上述步骤查找您的ChatGPT的API Key,您就能够取得您需要的API Key用于进行API调用了。








