ChatGPT’s Wikipedia skills can’t outclass the human touch(chatgpt wikipedia arti
A. ChatGPT是甚么?
1. ChatGPT是一种大型语言模型,它基于Transformer架构,可以生成人类语言的文本。
2. ChatGPT可以回答问题、生成文章、进行对话等。
B. ChatGPT的功能和利用
1. ChatGPT可以用于回答问题、生成文章和进行对话等多种利用。
2. 对非英语母语的学者来讲,使用ChatGPT可能有益,可以帮助他们进行科研写作。
C. ChatGPT的性能和限制
1. ChatGPT的性能需要进行广泛评估,以便更好地了解其在区别领域的适用性。
2. ChatGPT通过覆盖Wikipedia等资源并支持自然语言问答,可以提供丰富的背景知识。
A. 主题选择和了解
1. 肯定要编写的维基百科文章主题,并进行相关主题的研究和了解。
2. 熟习该主题的背景和关键信息,以便能够编写出准确和全面的维基百科文章。
B. 语言准备和结构计划
1. 肯定使用的语言和文体,根据维基百科的要求选择适当的语言风格。
2. 设计好文章的结构和框架,包括标题、段落和子节等。
C. 使用ChatGPT生成初始文章
1. 以主题为输入,让ChatGPT生成初始文章,并根据需要进行屡次尝试以获得更好的结果。
2. 调剂生成的文章的内容和风格,确保其准确性和易读性。
D. 文章校订和修改
1. 仔细校订并修改生成的文章,确保语法正确、信息准确。
2. 确保文章的逻辑流畅,各部份之间的过渡自然。
E. 预览和发布
1. 在维基百科上进行预览和渲染,查看文章的终究效果。
2. 确认文章无误后,将其发布到维基百科上。
A. 依赖可靠和准确的源材料
1. 确保文章所基于的资料来源可靠,避免使用不准确或未经验证的信息。
2. 借助可靠的来源,构建准确和权威的维基百科文章。
B. 理解维基百科的标准和要求
1. 熟习维基百科的编辑规范和条目要求,确保文章符合维基百科的标准。
2. 保持中立、客观、有据可查的风格,避免主观偏见和不可靠的信息。
C. 人工编辑和审核
1. ChatGPT生成的文章可能需要经过人工编辑和审核,以修正语法毛病、调剂句子结构和表达方式。
2. 通过人工编辑,提高文章的质量和准确性。
A. 提高维基百科文章的数量和质量
1. ChatGPT可以帮助扩充维基百科的内容覆盖范围,提高文章的数量。
2. 但为了保持维基百科的质量,仍需要人工编辑和审核来确保文章的准确性。
B. 探索未来的人工智能与知识共享的可能性
1. ChatGPT的出现反应了人工智能在知识共享领域的潜力,为将来的发展提供了启示。
2. 可能会出现更智能化、协同化的知识编辑工具与维基百科相结合,提升知识共享的效力和质量。
chatgpt wikipedia articles的进一步展开说明
Automation and AI on Wikipedia
Since its inception, Wikipedia has been exploring ways to streamline the editing process. Editors have sought methods to efficiently import large amounts of data, which often only vary slightly in terms of names or population numbers. They have also aimed to utilize databases and computers to make knowledge more accessible to the general public.
For the past two decades, bots have been the primary solution to these challenges. Created by editors, bots are computer programs designed to perform simple and repetitive edits, such as updating citations or archiving Talk page conversations. Unlike ChatGPT, bots are not capable of “thinking” or generating novel responses. They are programmed to carry out specific functions.
In the early days of Wikipedia, editors created bots with significantly more power, importing data from sources like the Census Bureau or NASA to generate thousands of articles within a week. However, many of these articles did not meet Wikipedia’s guidelines and were subsequently reviewed and deleted by human editors. The development of bots on Wikipedia is extensively covered in Chapter 5 of Andrew Lih’s book, “The Wikipedia Revolution.”
The mass creation of articles prompted the establishment of bot policies, including a ban on creating articles on a large scale. A rigorous approval process was also implemented for the creation of new bots. Additionally, guidelines were set to determine whether certain tools qualified as “bot-like,” even if they were not independently operational programs. As of May 2023, more than 2,600 bots had been approved on Wikipedia, with most of them making inconspicuous background edits that go unnoticed by casual readers.
In recent years, AI has played a role in automating and assisting with tasks on Wikipedia. The Wikimedia Foundation has utilized various versions of machine learning and language models, employing tools like ORES to train bots in detecting vandalism and leveraging machine translation to translate articles into different languages.
Artificial intelligence is not a new concept and has been a topic of interest for academics since the 1950s. However, accessibility to AI has been limited for the average person. It was only in 2023 that AI made significant strides, as The Atlantic noted, “After years of seemingly false promises, AI got startlingly good in 2023.” The once obscure idea of interacting with a real artificial intelligence suddenly became accessible with just a few keystrokes.
Initially, people were drawn to AI image generators, which enabled them to create charming pictures of cats playing chess or seek assistance with interior design projects. The technology rapidly improved, sparking philosophical discussions about the nature of art (Is AI-generated imagery considered art?), the ethics of training image models (Should artists be credited if AI imitates their style?), and the concept of truth (Can we believe what we see anymore?).
On November 30, 2023, OpenAI introduced ChatGPT for general use. While not the first chatbot in existence, it quickly distinguished itself as superior and more user-friendly than other options available on the market. This development presented new questions for Wikipedia. ChatGPT possessed the ability to generate text that closely resembled genuine Wikipedia articles. In addition to its reasonable accuracy in capturing Wikipedia’s voice, ChatGPT could also work with wikitext, the coding language used in the encyclopedia. It could format tables, condense existing text, create custom user boxes, and even provide references. What impact would this program have on Wikipedia? How would ChatGPT collaborate with human editors? What limits did it have?
At first glance, the articles created by ChatGPT are nearly indistinguishable from those written by humans. However, a closer examination highlights the importance of human involvement for a crucial reason: when faced with unfamiliar information, ChatGPT will confidently provide fabricated answers.
chatgpt wikipedia articles的常见问答Q&A
- ChatGPT通过学习大量文本数据,可以生成人类语言的文本。
- ChatGPT可以进行问答、生成文章和对话等多种任务。
- 有人认为ChatGPT可以为非英语母语学者提供帮助,使他们更容易发表SCI论文。
- 也有人认为不应当使用ChatGPT来撰写维基百科文章。
- 被用来撰写新的维基百科条目。
- 被用来编辑现有的维基百科文章。
- 被用来回答用户的问题。
- ChatGPT利用大量的文本数据进行训练。
- 这些数据包括维基百科等各种来源的文本。
- Transformer模型和注意力机制对ChatGPT的性能起到了关键作用。
- 它们提高了ChatGPT在自然语言处理任务中的性能和效力。