Making a Data Visualization With No Coding Skills Using ChatGPT(chatgpt visualization)

How Useful is ChatGPT for Data Visualization Work?

ChatGPT, although not designed specifically for data visualization, can still be a valuable tool for this purpose. It is currently available for free, making it easily accessible for data visualization work. Additionally, ChatGPT can provide suggestions and guidance on how to approach data visualization through interactive conversations with users.

4 Ways to Use ChatGPT for Data Visualization

Here are four methods that ChatGPT offers to aid in intelligent data visualization:

  1. Let ChatGPT suggest which data to visualize:
    By engaging in a conversation with users, ChatGPT can understand the desired data elements to be visualized and provide appropriate suggestions. This approach helps users select the most suitable data for visualization during the data analysis process.
  2. Utilize AI for predictive analytics:
    With AI technology, ChatGPT can support predictive analytics to help users generate intelligent data visualization charts. This enables users to understand potential future trends based on the available data.
  3. Combine programming skills with ChatGPT:
    While ChatGPT can create impressive visualizations on its own, having programming skills enhances the possibilities further. Programming skills allow users to overcome coding challenges and implement custom data visualization requirements. These skills also enable users to deeply explore and analyze data, resulting in more advanced and personalized data visualization effects.
  4. Create data visualizations with ChatGPT:
    To utilize ChatGPT for data visualization, users need to prepare and describe the data accurately. By providing accurate descriptions of the desired data set, users can request appropriate visualization scripts from ChatGPT. These scripts can be used in Python, R, or other programming languages to create the final data visualization charts.

Using ChatGPT for Data Visualization: Step-by-Step Guide

Performing data visualization with ChatGPT involves the following steps:

  1. Preparing the data:
    Data preparation is a crucial step in data visualization. It involves cleaning and organizing the data to ensure accuracy and consistency, allowing ChatGPT to better understand and analyze the data.
  2. Describing the data to ChatGPT:
    Users need to accurately describe the data they wish to visualize to ChatGPT. This ensures that ChatGPT can generate appropriate visualization scripts based on the description provided.
  3. Obtaining visualization scripts from ChatGPT:
    ChatGPT can generate visualization scripts based on the user’s description. These scripts can then be utilized in Python, R, or other programming languages to create the desired data visualization charts.

ChatGPT Code Interpreter: Enhancing Data Visualization

The ChatGPT code interpreter serves as a valuable tool not only for data visualization but also for data analysis. It can interpret complex data and code, providing practical advice and insights on data visualization aspects. This helps users understand data better and create more insightful visualization charts.

Smart Data Visualization with VizGPT

VizGPT takes data descriptions and input data to create intelligent data visualization charts. It further enhances the capabilities of ChatGPT for data visualization, providing more accurate and effective visualizations based on user requirements.

Efficiency and Time Advantages of Using ChatGPT for Data Visualization

ChatGPT is a powerful tool that simplifies the data visualization process, saving both time and effort. By leveraging ChatGPT, users can generate code and scripts for data visualization without the need for manual coding. This significantly improves the efficiency of data visualization work, reducing repetitive and time-consuming tasks.

chatgpt visualization的进一步展开说明

Using ChatGPT for Data Visualization Made Easy

Data visualization is an essential tool for understanding and communicating complex data. However, many people find it daunting because it requires technical knowledge and the ability to code. But with the help of artificial intelligence (AI), we no longer need to be intimidated by technology. In this article, I will share my journey of leveraging ChatGPT to create data visualizations effortlessly.

I teach data visualization at The New School, and one common feedback I receive from my students and colleagues is that it can be overwhelming to learn all the technical skills required to implement data visualization. Even as a student myself, I spent a considerable amount of time learning how to code and work with different tech stacks while studying data visualization.

Thankfully, ChatGPT simplifies the process by providing knowledge and doing the heavy lifting for us. Are you excited? Let’s get started on building a data visualization using ChatGPT!

1. Find Data Source

Finding the right data source is crucial for any data visualization project. With ChatGPT, this process becomes more pleasant. You simply need to provide specific details about the data you are looking for, and ChatGPT can guide you to the right source. For example, you can ask for data on art galleries and museums in New York City, and ChatGPT will provide you with a link to the original data source.

Once you have the data source, you can download the data in CSV format and examine its structure. In this example, the data includes latitude and longitude coordinates, which might need some additional processing.

2. Data Processing

Data processing is often the most intimidating part, especially for those without a background in programming. However, ChatGPT can guide you through this process as well. By specifying your requirements and asking the right questions, ChatGPT can generate Python code to help you manipulate and structure the data.

It’s worth noting that while ChatGPT can provide code snippets, having some coding knowledge can be beneficial for understanding and troubleshooting any errors that may arise during the process. ChatGPT is a powerful tool, but it does have limitations in terms of identifying and resolving complex errors.

3. Decide Visualization Method

After processing the data, the next step is to decide how you want to visualize it and what tools you want to use. Again, ChatGPT can assist you in making these decisions. You can ask for guidance on the appropriate visualization methods, libraries, and APIs based on your specific requirements.

For example, you might need a mapping API like Mapbox and a JavaScript library like D3.js for your data visualization. ChatGPT can provide you with the necessary information and recommend additional resources if needed.

4. Implementation of Design

Finally, it’s time to implement the design of your data visualization. This step usually requires technical expertise in areas like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. However, with ChatGPT’s assistance, you can navigate this process more easily, even if you don’t have extensive coding experience.

By asking specific questions about the required components and tools, ChatGPT can generate code snippets for the HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files needed for your visualization. You can then copy and paste these code snippets into a code editor like Jupyter Notebook or any other platform of your choice.

It’s worth mentioning that while ChatGPT can handle most of the implementation, having some familiarity with coding can facilitate the debugging process. If any errors occur during the implementation, you can paste the error messages into ChatGPT, and it can help you troubleshoot and generate revised code if necessary.

Once you have implemented the design, you can run the code and download or view the final data visualization. ChatGPT’s guidance and assistance make it possible to create visually appealing and informative data visualizations without writing a single line of code.


Data visualization is no longer an intimidating field thanks to the power of AI and tools like ChatGPT. By leveraging ChatGPT’s capabilities, you can simplify and streamline the process of creating data visualizations. However, it’s important to note that while ChatGPT can provide valuable assistance, having some coding knowledge and technical skills opens up even more possibilities in the world of data visualization. Being able to understand and troubleshoot code can significantly enhance your experience and help you overcome any challenges that may arise along the way.

I hope that this article has inspired you to explore the world of data visualization and coding further. While ChatGPT can be a valuable resource, it should be seen as a starting point rather than a complete solution. By combining your own skills and knowledge with the power of AI, you can unlock endless creative and analytical possibilities in the realm of data visualization.

Originally published on Medium.

chatgpt visualization的常见问答Q&A




  • ChatGPT可以建议可视化哪些数据:ChatGPT可以分析用户提供的数据和问题,并给出建议,指点用户选择哪些数据最合适进行可视化展现。
  • ChatGPT可以丰富数据以实现更智能的可视化:ChatGPT可以根据用户的描写和需求,通过生成数据或补充数据的方式,帮助用户优化数据可视化效果,实现更智能的可视化展现。
  • ChatGPT可以用于预测分析:ChatGPT具有一定的预测分析能力,可以根据用户提供的数据和问题,预测未来的趋势或结果,并通过可视化展现给用户。
  • ChatGPT可以进行数据清洗:ChatGPT可以帮助用户进行数据清洗,去除数据中的噪音和异常值,提高数据的质量和可靠性。



  • 使用ChatGPT建议要可视化的数据:ChatGPT可以分析用户提供的数据和问题,向用户提供建议,指点用户选择哪些数据最合适进行可视化展现。
  • 使用ChatGPT进行数据丰富以实现更智能的可视化:ChatGPT可以根据用户的描写和需求,通过生成数据或补充数据的方式,帮助用户优化数据可视化效果,实现更智能的可视化展现。
  • 使用ChatGPT进行预测分析可视化:ChatGPT具有一定的预测分析能力,可以根据用户提供的数据和问题,预测未来的趋势或结果,并通过可视化展现给用户。
  • 使用ChatGPT进行数据清洗可视化:ChatGPT可以帮助用户进行数据清洗,去除数据中的噪音和异常值,提高数据的质量和可靠性。



  1. 准备数据:首先需要准备好要进行可视化的数据,可以是从数据库或文件中获得的原始数据。
  2. 将数据描写给ChatGPT:将数据的相关信息和需求描写给ChatGPT,可以通过自然语言的方式向ChatGPT发问或交换。
  3. 向ChatGPT要求可视化脚本:根据数据描写和需求,向ChatGPT要求生成可视化脚本的建议或相关代码。
  4. 在Python、R或其他工具中创建可视化:使用ChatGPT生成的可视化脚本,在相应的编程工具中创建和展现数据可视化。




  1. 解释复杂代码:ChatGPT代码解释器可以接受用户提供的代码,帮助用户理解代码中的各个部份的功能和作用,和代码的履行进程。
  2. 优化可视化代码:ChatGPT代码解释器可以对用户提供的可视化代码进行优化,改进代码的效力和可读性,使得数据可视化更加准确和高效。
  3. 调试和毛病修复:ChatGPT代码解释器可以帮助用户辨认代码中的毛病和问题,并提供相应的解决方案和建议,以便用户修复代码并得到正确的数据可视化结果。



  • 与ChatGPT交互:通过与ChatGPT进行交互,向其提供数据和需求,并接收其生成的数据可视化建议和解决方案。
  • 数据处理和准备:根据ChatGPT的建议和解决方案,对数据进行处理和准备,以便用于可视化展现。
  • 生成可视化:使用ChatGPT生成的脚本或代码,在相应的编程工具中创建和展现数据可视化。








