Dive into anything(chatgpt ios显示email missing)

ChatGPT iOS App更新后设置中显示email missing的解决方法

I. ChatGPT iOS App显示Email missing的缘由

ChatGPT iOS App显示Email missing的缘由通常是由于客户端在线人数过量,致使OpenAI资源分配不足。

  1. A. 客户端在线人数过量,致使OpenAI资源分配不足

    用户使用ChatGPT iOS App同时在线人数过量,超越了OpenAI提供的资源配额,致使出现Email missing的问题。

    例如,在客户端尝试登录或履行相关操作时,可能会收到类似“Email missing!”的提示。


II. 解决ChatGPT iOS App显示Email missing的方法

解决ChatGPT iOS App显示Email missing的方法包括:

  1. A. 重新登录账号

    有时,重新登录ChatGPT账号可以解决Email missing的问题。


    • 在ChatGPT iOS App中注销当前账号。
    • 清除iOS装备上的登录缓存。
    • 重新登录ChatGPT账号。
    • 检查问题会不会解决。
  2. B. 更换节点网络环境

    有时,使用代理节点或干净的网络环境可以解决Email missing的问题。


    • 如果使用代理,请尝试更换干净的节点网络环境。
    • 检查代理配置会不会正确,并确保网络连接畅通。
  3. C. 切换账号绑定的邮箱

    目前ChatGPT iOS App和Web版本不支持通过设置更换账号绑定的邮箱。


  4. D. 联系OpenAI官方支持



III. 其他可能的解决方法


  1. A. 清除浏览器缓存和Cookies

    如果遇到在Web版本的ChatGPT中出现Email missing问题,尝试清除浏览器缓存和Cookies。

    清除浏览器缓存和Cookies有时可以解决ChatGPT Email Not Supported毛病。

  2. B. 检查网络连接和代理设置




ChatGPT iOS App显示Email missing通常是由于客户端在线人数过量致使OpenAI资源分配不足。





chatgpt ios显示email missing的进一步展开说明


In order to download the app, there are two options available to the users. They can either scan the QR code or go to the app stores.

Download Options

1. Scanning QR Code

The first option to download the app is by scanning the QR code. Users can simply use their smartphones to scan the QR code provided. This will lead them directly to the download page without any additional steps. It is a quick and convenient way to download the app.

2. App Stores

The second option is to search for the app in the app stores. Users can go to their preferred app store and search for the app using the app’s name or related keywords. Once they find the app, they can simply click on the “Download” button to start the download process.

Benefits of Scanning QR Code

Scanning the QR code to download the app offers several advantages:

  • Time-saving: Scanning the QR code eliminates the need for manual searching and typing. Users can directly access the download page without any additional steps, saving them valuable time.
  • User-friendly: Scanning a QR code is a user-friendly process. It requires no technical knowledge or expertise, making it accessible to users of all ages and backgrounds.
  • Security: QR codes are generally secure and reliable. They provide a direct link to the official download source, ensuring that users are not redirected to fraudulent or malicious websites.

Advantages of App Stores

While scanning QR codes offers convenience, there are also advantages to downloading apps from the app stores:

  • Trustworthy source: App stores are recognized and trusted platforms for app distribution. Users can be confident that the apps they download from app stores have undergone a review process to ensure their quality and safety.
  • App recommendations: App stores provide users with personalized recommendations based on their interests and preferences. This makes it easier for users to discover new apps that they might find useful or interesting.
  • Easy updates: When an app is downloaded from an app store, future updates can be easily installed. Users will receive notifications when a new update is available and can choose to install it with just a few taps.


Whether by scanning the QR code or searching in the app stores, users have multiple options for downloading the app. Each method has its own advantages, and users can choose the one that suits their preferences and needs. No matter which option they choose, they can quickly and securely access the app and start benefiting from its features and functionalities. So why wait? Download the app now and explore its offerings!

chatgpt ios显示email missing的常见问答Q&A

问题1:ChatGPT iOS app更新后设置里的显示email missing是甚么问题?

答案:ChatGPT iOS app更新后设置里的显示”email missing!”是一个可能由于网络问题致使的bug,可能出现在一些特定的节点上。具体解决办法以下:

  • 尝试重新登录账号。
  • 更换代理节点,使用干净的节点网络环境。
  • 确保不要开启MitM,以避免出现毛病。

问题2:ChatGPT iOS 上的账号被OpenAI封禁该怎么处理?


  • 检查网络连接会不会正常。
  • 重新启动ChatGPT客户端。
  • 尝试使用其他装备或网络登录账号。
  • 联系OpenAI客服寻求帮助并解决封禁问题。

问题3:ChatGPT iOS 客户端对话出现”This request is invalid.Try again …”毛病怎样办?

答案:当在ChatGPT iOS客户端进行对话时,出现”This request is invalid.Try again …”毛病时,可以尝试以下解决方法:

  • 检查网络连接会不会正常。
  • 尝试重新启动ChatGPT客户端。
  • 确保使用的ChatGPT客户端版本是最新的。
  • 联系OpenAI客服寻求进一步帮助。








