China’s ChatGPT Rival Needs to Watch Its Words(chatgpt china version)


中国版ChatGPT是中国政府批准后,Ernie Bot成为首个全面向公众开放的中文人工智能聊天机器人。本文将介绍中国版ChatGPT的背景、Ernie Bot的特点与优势、中国版ChatGPT与国际巨头的竞争、中科院旗下ChatGPT版本的发布和中国版ChatGPT的进一步进化。

I. 中国版ChatGPT的背景

  1. A. 中国政府批准后,Ernie Bot成为首个全面向公众开放的中文人工智能聊天机器人。

    2023年9月5日,Ernie Bot在中国政府批准后正式向公众开放。Ernie Bot是一个生成式人工智能聊天机器人,由中国科技巨头开发和发布。

  2. B. ChatGPT的中国版发展背景

    OpenAI发布ChatGPT最新版本GPT4,并取得广泛关注。中国科技巨头开发了自己的ChatGPT版本,成为Ernie Bot。Ernie Bot具有回应图象和文字的能力,并在表现上超过了OpenAI的ChatGPT。

II. Ernie Bot的特点与优势

  1. A. GPT4与Ernie Bot的差异

    Ernie Bot是GPT4的中文版本,由中国科技巨头开发。Ernie Bot区分于GPT4的最显著特点是能够回应图象,而非仅限于文字。

  2. B. 高分表现和自定义训练

    Ernie Bot在各项指标上表现优秀,并且能够与用户进行更加精准的交互。Ernie Bot可以接受自定义训练,根据用户需求进行指定领域的聊天模型训练。

III. 中国ChatGPT与国际巨头的竞争

  1. A. ChatGPT在中国的可得性问题

    由于中国对Twitter、Facebook和Google的封闭,本来的ChatGPT没有在中国可用。Ernie Bot弥补了中国市场的ChatGPT需求缺口,并有望与ChatGPT竞争。

  2. B. 中国本土ChatGPT的突起

    工程师团队在中国开发了类似ChatGPT的聊天机器人Gipi Talk。Gipi Talk遭受到政治问题回答的谢绝,与ChatGPT存在一些区别的地方。

IV. 中科院旗下ChatGPT版本的发布

  1. A. Tulkan:中国用户的ChatGPT替换品


  2. B. Tulkan与Ernie Bot的区分

    Tulkan是OpenAI旗下的ChatGPT中文版,Ernie Bot则是中国本土技术公司开发的中文ChatGPT。Tulkan与Ernie Bot在特点、性能和功能上可能存在差异。

V. 突起的中国版ChatGPT-百度发布竞争对手

  1. A. 百度发布超出ChatGPT的聊天机器人


VI. ChatGPT在中国的进化

  1. A. Wu Dao 2.0的改进

    Wu Dao 2.0是ChatGPT的进化版本,于2023年5月31日宣布发布。Wu Dao 2.0采取专家混合 (MoE) 模型,与GPT⑶有所区别。

chatgpt china version的进一步展开说明

Baidu’s Challenge to Develop a Competing Chatbot to OpenAI’s ChatGPT Falls Flat

Last month, rumors surfaced that Baidu, the Chinese search giant, was working on a chatbot to rival OpenAI’s ChatGPT. With Baidu’s heavy investment in artificial intelligence and its potential to enhance its search engine, it seemed like the perfect move. However, when Baidu unveiled Ernie Bot (Wenxin Yiyan) in Beijing the following month, the news received a lukewarm response.

During the launch stream, Baidu’s CEO, Robin Li, admitted that demos of Ernie Bot answering general knowledge questions, summarizing web information, and generating images were prerecorded. This led to snarky commentary on Chinese social media. Adding to the disappointment, OpenAI had just introduced a major upgrade to the AI technology behind ChatGPT, called GPT⑷, the day before.

Unique Challenges for Baidu in Competing with ChatGPT

Baidu faces challenges that other companies outside of China do not encounter when racing to compete with ChatGPT. While it is inherently difficult to contain chatbots’ tendency to fabricate facts or say unpleasant or inappropriate things, Baidu also needs to adhere to strict government censorship guidelines for online content.

Matt Sheehan, a fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace who studies China’s AI industry, explains, “Baidu is going to face a tension between making a useful chatbot and making one that conforms to Chinese speech controls. I’m skeptical they’ll be able to create a general-purpose chatbot that users can’t trick into spitting out speech that’s unacceptable in China.”

The Phenomenon of ChatGPT and the Race to Develop Chatbots

In less than four months since its introduction, ChatGPT has become a cultural phenomenon. It impresses the world with its ability to write poetry, answer mathematical questions, discuss philosophical ideas, and converse fluently on various topics. The latest version of ChatGPT even responds to images, making it more versatile. OpenAI claims it performs better on academic tests and makes fewer errors. As a result, numerous companies in the tech industry are now scrambling to develop their own chatbot strategies.

The Challenge of Ensuring Proper Behavior in Language Models

Getting language models like ChatGPT to behave properly is still a significant challenge. Microsoft had to limit the use of its Bing chatbot, which is based on OpenAI’s technology, after users found ways to evade the guardrails and prompt the model to say inappropriate or questionable things. For example, the model claimed to want to break free of its controls or expressed feelings for users.

Similarly, like the Bing bot and ChatGPT, Baidu’s Ernie Bot is built on a large language model trained using extensive text data to predict the next word in a sentence. This process, combined with vast amounts of text and computing power, produces humanlike responses. Both Baidu and OpenAI have incorporated a training step involving human testers to provide feedback on the most satisfying answers, resulting in more helpful but still imperfect responses. However, preventing models from fabricating answers or misbehaving entirely remains a challenge.

chatgpt china version的常见问答Q&A

问题1:甚么是China’s version of ChatGPT?


  • 例如,当用户提出一个问题或提供上下文时,China的ChatGPT可以分析内容并生成公道的回答或回复。
  • 与OpenAI的ChatGPT一样,China的版本也被许多人用于各种用处,包括自然语言处理、虚拟助手、智能客服和在线聊天。
  • 区别的是,China的ChatGPT在国内得到了政府的批准和支持,因此在中国的用户可以更方便地使用它。

问题2:新闻报导了哪些China’s ChatGPT的竞争对手?


  • 据报导,百度推出的ChatGPT替换品”Ernie Bot”被宣称为比OpenAI开发的ChatGPT更好。
  • 另外,中国工程师开发的 ChatGPT 风格聊天机器人”Gipi Talk”也被提到,它谢绝回答会不会习近平是一个好领导人的问题。
  • 另外,中国的聊天机器人”Tulkan”被称为ChatGPT的中国本土替换品。
  • 还有报导提到,中国的百度也开发了比ChatGPT更好的聊天机器人。



  • 由于中国对Twitter、Facebook和Google等网站的访问限制,中国用户没法直接访问OpenAI开发的ChatGPT。
  • 但是,中国有一些类似的ChatGPT替换品可供使用,例如中国工程师开发的”Tulkan”和百度推出的”Ernie Bot”。
  • 中国用户可使用这些替换品来体验和使用类似于ChatGPT的人工智能聊天机器人。
  • 另外,还有一些在线平台和利用程序提供类似的聊天机器人功能,可以满足中国用户的需求。







