Bing Chat: how to use Microsoft’s own version of ChatGPT(chatgpt edge computing)
I. 甚么是边沿计算和雾计算
A. 边沿计算是一种流行的计算范例,指的是在用户实际位置附近或附近的一系列网络和装备,实现数据的处理。
– 边沿计算将数据处理置于靠近数据源的位置,提供更快的响应时间和更好的用户体验。
– 边沿计算通过减少对远程云服务器的依赖来下降网络延迟和带宽消耗。
B. 雾计算是边沿计算的一种扩大,它更加重视于边沿装备之间的协作和协同处理。
– 雾计算通过在装备和云之间提供中间层,增进装备之间的直接通讯和数据共享。
– 雾计算提供了更加灵活和可靠的网络架构,适应了物联网(IoT)中大范围装备的需求。
II. ChatGPT为边沿计算和雾计算带来的好处
A. ChatGPT与其他大型语言模型的整合为边沿计算和雾计算带来更好的对话交互能力。
– ChatGPT能够提供语音回答功能,增强了人机对话体验。
– ChatGPT的整合使得边沿装备能够进行实时的语言交互,进一步提升装备的智能化水平。
B. ChatGPT作为一种有用的客户服务代理
– ChatGPT可以在边沿装备上为用户提供快速、准确的客户服务。
– 通过在边沿装备上运行ChatGPT,可以减少用户与云服务器之间的通讯延迟。
III. ChatGPT加速边沿计算和雾计算的采取
A. Microsoft整合ChatGPT技术在Bing和Edge浏览器中的潜力
– ChatGPT技术的整合为Bing和Edge浏览器的用户提供了更智能的搜索和浏览体验。
– ChatGPT可以作为“AI副驾驶员”来辅助网络用户,提供更多的搜索和网页使用功能。
B. Bing Chat在Edge浏览器中的便捷访问
– 用户可以在Edge浏览器中通过侧边栏轻松访问新的Bing Chat功能。
– Bing Chat的推出加强了Edge浏览器作为多功能工具的地位,为用户提供更便捷的搜索和交换体验。
IV. 边沿计算与IoT的结合
A. 边沿计算是在网络边沿处处理数据的最好实践
– 边沿计算将数据处理置于网络边沿的位置,更好地满足了物联网中大量装备对低延迟的需求。
– IoT中的装备可以借助边沿计算在边沿装备上进行实时数据处理和响应。
B. 嵌入式人工智能(Embedded AI)推动边沿计算的发展
– 嵌入式人工智能使得边沿装备能够在本地进行小范围的数据处理和决策。
– 边沿装备通过嵌入式人工智能减少了对云数据中心的依赖,提高了整体效力和安全性。
chatgpt edge computing的进一步展开说明
Bing Chat is a powerful conversational AI tool developed by Microsoft. It is based on the same technology that powers OpenAI’s chatbot. However, Microsoft has taken a different approach by integrating generative AI directly into its Edge web browser and Bing search engine, and it plans to expand this integration to the entire suite of Office apps in the future.
In this article, we will discuss how to sign up for and use Bing Chat, as well as its key features and functionalities.
How to Get Bing Chat
To access Bing Chat, you need to download the new version of Microsoft Edge. Simply visit and click on “Download Microsoft Edge.” Select your platform, and the browser will be installed like any other application.
- Open Microsoft Edge and go to Click on the “chat” tab to access Bing Chat.
- Alternatively, you can hover over the “Discover” icon in the top-right corner of the sidebar, known as “Edge Copilot,” and click on it to activate Bing Chat.
Microsoft has also integrated Bing Chat into the search bar of Windows 11, allowing you to open a chat window in Microsoft Edge directly from your desktop.
How to Use Bing Chat on Your Phone
You can also use Bing Chat on your smartphone through the Edge browser and the Bing app. Simply follow the same steps mentioned above to access Bing Chat on your mobile device. One advantage of using it on a phone is the ability to ask questions using your voice and receive spoken responses, similar to a smart speaker.
Key Features of Bing Chat
Bing Chat operates similarly to ChatGPT. It utilizes a large language model (LLM) to understand and respond to natural human language. However, Microsoft has introduced several unique features to enhance the Bing Chat experience:
Edge Copilot
The Edge Copilot feature provides suggestions and refinements within Bing Chat. It offers conversational language suggestions, including links for further information, recommended follow-up questions, and functions like a traditional search engine.
The Compose tab allows you to generate text in various tones and formats. You can choose from five different tones and formats to create output tailored to your needs. For example, you can generate a professional email or a short blog post with a humorous tone. If you’re not satisfied with the response, you can quickly generate a new one.
The Insights tab enriches your browsing experience by providing contextual information. When shopping, it can display product reviews, comparisons, and related news stories. If you’re reading a review, the Insights feature can suggest alternative options.
Bing Image Creator
Microsoft has introduced Bing Image Creator, a new text-to-image feature available on Bing and in Edge. It allows you to generate AI-generated images directly within the Bing Chat window. Simply click on the Bing logo, switch to “creative” mode, and start creating images from text prompts. You can also fine-tune the generated images based on your preferences.
Pricing and Limitations
As of now, Bing’s new AI features are free to use, and Microsoft has not mentioned any plans to charge a fee. However, there are limitations on conversations. Currently, the daily limit is 150 chats per day, with a maximum of 15 chats per session. Once you reach the session limit, Bing Chat will prompt you to move on to a new topic. It’s worth noting that ChatGPT does not have this limit.
Bing Chat offers a powerful conversational AI tool for users, leveraging Microsoft’s technology and integrating it directly into their Edge web browser and Bing search engine. With features like Edge Copilot, Compose, Insights, and Bing Image Creator, Bing Chat provides a comprehensive conversational experience with added context and creativity options. Although there have been some concerns about unhinged responses, Microsoft has been actively addressing them and continuously improving the chat experience.
As AI-powered search continues to evolve, competition between Microsoft’s Bing Chat and other AI writing tools, such as ChatGPT and Google’s forthcoming Bard AI, will shape the future of AI-powered search engines. Exciting developments lay ahead, and it will be interesting to see how these technologies advance and enhance our online experiences.
chatgpt edge computing的常见问答Q&A
- ChatGPT是一种基于语言模型的对话系统。
- 它由OpenAI开发。
- ChatGPT使用了大范围的预训练模型和深度学习技术。
- 它可以生成与用户进行自然语言交互的响应。
- ChatGPT可以被用于提供客户服务、辅助搜索引擎和浏览器等利用场景。
问题2:甚么是边沿计算(Edge Computing)?
- 边沿计算是一种流行的计算范式。
- 它指的是在接近实际用户的范围内进行计算的方式。
- 边沿计算处理数据的地点通常位于网络的边沿或靠近用户的装备上。
- 与传统的云计算模型区别,边沿计算将数据处理的重点从中心化的云端转移到了离用户更近的位置。
- ChatGPT在边沿计算中扮演着辅助角色。
- 通过将ChatGPT技术整合到边沿装备上,可以实现更快速、低延迟的对话和响应。
- 边沿装备可以在离用户更近的位置进行计算,将ChatGPT的功能引入边沿计算能够提升对话系统的效力和性能。
- 通过将ChatGPT的能力引入边沿装备,可以加强物联网装备之间的对话和互动,提供更丰富的用户体验。
- ChatGPT能够处理自然语言的能力可以帮助物联网装备更好地理解和回利用户的指令和需求。
- ChatGPT可以辅助解决边沿装备上的安全要挟,提供更可靠和安全的边沿计算环境。
- 微软在Bing搜索引擎和Edge浏览器中利用了ChatGPT技术。
- 这使得Bing和Edge具有了更智能和互动的功能。
- 用户可以通过Bing和Edge与ChatGPT进行对话,获得更个性化和精准的搜索结果。
- ChatGPT还可以辅助用户在搜索和浏览进程中提供实时的建议和帮助。