taranjeet/awesome-chatgpt(chatgpt ocr github)

I. 项目概述

A. ChatGPT与OCR技术结合的创新项目发布,利用GitHub实现

B. 提供开发者使用python的OCR扣除图片中的文字的方法

C. 代码运行完成后,辨认出的文字将打印在终端上

D. 结果可以通过邮件发送或接口上传

II. ChatGPT方法

A. Colossal-AI提供高效的单卡、单机4/8卡的类ChatGPT版本,下降硬件限制

  • 使更多开发者体验复现ChatGPT模型

B. ChatGPT桌面利用的Github源码地址:https://github.com/lencx/ChatGPT

C. 跨平台的利用程序,支持macOS、Windows、Linux操作系统

D. 具有直接与ChatGPT进行对话的功能

III. GitHub Copilot Chat公测版

A. GitHub Copilot企业版用户可访问GitHub Copilot Chat公测版

B. 将对话式开发体验带入Visual Studio和VS Code开发平台

C. 几分钟内获得完全利用源代码

IV. ChatGPT学术优化项目

A. 通过GitHub开源项目分享ChatGPT学术优化

B. 项目地址:https://github.com/binary-husky/chatgpt_

C. 迅速增长,目前已超过3.3k星

V. OCR与ChatGPT的结合利用

A. CHATGPT语言模型实时提供OCR支持

B. 提供读取图象中文字的功能,支持中英文语言

C. 提供了交互功能的Telegram Bot,用于与ChatGPT和OCR进行互动

VI. 与ChatGPT结合的OCR工具

A. Edithor AI Powered & OCR Note Editor App

B. 使用Java作为后端和OkHttp库进行HTTP传输

C. 提供高准确度和平均速度在5秒以下的文字辨认功能

VII. ChatGPT用于从文档中提取结构化数据的概念验证项目

A. 使用ChatGPT从杂乱的文本文档中提取结构化数据的概念验证项目

B. 支持从扫描/OCR的PDF和复杂表格中提取数据

VIII. ChatGPT的图象辨认OCR扩大

A. 提供图象辨认OCR扩大的Chrome浏览器插件

B. GitHub链接:https://github.com/Tshetrim/Image-To-Text-OCR-extension-for-ChatGPT

C. 通过与ChatGPT结合,实现图象转文字的功能

IX. ChatGPT利用案例和资源

A. awesome-chatgpt-prompts仓库提供有效的ChatGPT发问案例

B. 列出各种场景的提示(prompts)案例,帮助更好地使用ChatGPT

C. 资源清单包括开源GitHub仓库和有关ChatGPT的相关信息

X. ChatGPT实现TikTok Trivia问题的自动回答

A. 使用Google和OpenAI的ChatGPT API实现TikTok Trivia问题的自动回答

B. 通过Python编写的程序实现自动化回答

C. 提供了便捷的解决方案,结合Google搜索和ChatGPT API

chatgpt ocr github的进一步展开说明


A dilemma arises when attempting to create a branch with a name that already exists as a tag in Git. This situation prompts the system to issue a warning message, informing the user about the potential consequences. The reason behind this alert lies in the fact that many Git commands can accept both tag and branch names, which may lead to unexpected behavior if a branch is created with a name already assigned to a tag. The user is then prompted to confirm their decision to create the branch.

The Conflict: Branch Name vs Tag

In Git, branches and tags are both used to mark specific points in the history of a project. However, they serve different purposes. A branch represents an independent line of development, while a tag is typically used to mark a specific commit or release version. The conflict arises when a proposed branch name is identical to an existing tag name. This causes ambiguity within the system, as the interpretation of the name becomes uncertain.

Potential Confusion and Unexpected Behavior

Creating a branch with a name that is the same as an existing tag can potentially lead to confusion and unexpected behavior. This is due to the fact that Git commands often accept both tag and branch names interchangeably. For example, the user may intend to reference the branch when executing a command, but accidentally end up targeting the tag instead. This can result in unintended consequences, such as modifying the tag or applying branch-specific operations to the tag.

Ensuring User Intent and Preventing Ambiguity

To prevent potential confusion and ensure the user’s intent is correctly interpreted, Git displays a warning message before allowing the branch creation. By alerting the user to the existence of a tag with the same name, Git emphasizes the possibility of unexpected behavior and prompts the user to confirm their decision. This helps prevent accidental modifications to important tags and reduces the risk of unintended consequences.

User Confirmation and Decision Making

The warning message presented to the user serves as a safety net, giving them an opportunity to reconsider their decision. By explicitly asking whether they are sure about creating the branch, Git encourages users to evaluate the potential risks and consequences of their action. This additional step enhances the decision-making process and emphasizes the importance of being aware of the implications of creating a branch with a conflicting name.


The warning message in Git regarding the creation of a branch with a name that already exists as a tag highlights the potential risks and ambiguities in such a situation. By informing the user about the possibility of unexpected behavior and asking for confirmation, Git ensures that users make informed decisions and are aware of the consequences associated with their actions. This proactive approach encourages best practices and helps maintain the integrity and consistency of a Git repository.

chatgpt ocr github的常见问答Q&A



  1. 首先,将待处理的图片输入到OCR系统中。
  2. OCR系统会使用光学字符辨认技术,将图片中的文字转换成文本。
  3. 将OCR辨认的文本作为输入,传递给ChatGPT模型进行处理。
  4. ChatGPT模型会根据输入的文本生成相应的输出,可以是回答问题、完成任务等。
  5. 最后,可以将ChatGPT生成的文本输出展现给用户,或进行进一步的处理。



  • ChatGPT复现项目:https://github.com/lencx/ChatGPT
  • ChatGPT开发的代码助手工具:https://github.com/openai/copilot-chat
  • ChatGPT的多语言翻译利用:https://github.com/taranjeet/chatgpt-translate
  • ChatGPT的OCR文字提取利用:https://github.com/brandonrobertz/chatgpt-document-extraction
  • ChatGPT的语音转文字Chrome插件:https://github.com/Tshetrim/Image-To-Text-OCR-extension-for-ChatGPT



  • ChatGPT的各类场景提示案例集合:https://github.com/lvuanshui/awesome-chatgpt-prompts
  • ChatGPT的学术科研优化项目:https://github.com/binary-husky/chatgpt_research_optimization
  • ChatGPT的OCR辨认电子书文本项目:https://github.com/OCR-community/OCR-Text-Scanner



  1. 准备需要翻译的文本。
  2. 将待翻译的文本输入到ChatGPT模型中。
  3. ChatGPT会根据输入的文本生成相应的翻译结果。
  4. 将ChatGPT生成的翻译结果提取出来,可以通进程序或其他方式进行展现或处理。


  • ChatGPT语言翻译利用源码:https://github.com/taranjeet/chatgpt-translate
  • ChatGPT的语言翻译示例解答和使用技能:https://github.com/ChatGPT/translation-app



  1. 使用OCR技术将图片中的文字转换成文本。
  2. 将OCR辨认的文本输入到ChatGPT模型中。
  3. ChatGPT模型会根据输入的文本进行分析和处理,提取结构化数据。
  4. 将ChatGPT提取的结构化数据进行展现或进一步的处理。


  • ChatGPT从难以处理的文档中提取结构化数据的示例利用源码:https://github.com/brandonrobertz/chatgpt-document-extraction
  • ChatGPT在处理扫描的PDF和难以处理的表格时提取结构化数据的技能:https://github.com/OCR-community/OCR-Data-Extraction







