How to Use ChatGPT with Siri on iPhone(chatgpt ios app siri)

苹果手机的新玩具:ChatGPT iOS app与Siri的完善融会

一、ChatGPT iOS app的介绍

A. ChatGPT的功能和特点

1. ChatGPT是一款具有学习和思考总结能力的人工智能软件。与Siri相比,ChatGPT在智能回答和搜索功能上更加强大。

2. ChatGPT提供了比Siri更强大的关键字搜索和自动回答功能,可帮助用户快速获得准确的信息。

B. ChatGPT的最新更新

1. ChatGPT与Siri实现了完善的集成,用户可以通过语音调出ChatGPT,更加方便快捷地使用。

2. ChatGPT支持添加到快捷指令,为用户提供了更便捷、智能的体验。


A. 获得ChatGPT Siri快捷方式

1. 在Safari中打开ChatGPT Siri快捷方式页面。

2. 点击“获得快捷方式”按钮,并将其添加到快捷方式屏幕。

B. 调用ChatGPT Siri

1. 使用Siri语音助手调出ChatGPT,只需说出“Hey Siri”后跟上相关指令便可。

2. 通过点击快捷方式利用中的Siri Pro调用ChatGPT,可以更灵活地进行控制和交互。

C. 使用ChatGPT Siri的实例

1. 用户可以口头询问ChatGPT问题,并通过语音回答取得准确的答案。

2. 用户还可使用快捷指令向ChatGPT发问或发送消息,实现更方便的交互体验。


A. ChatGPT的学习和思考能力

1. ChatGPT具有学习和思考总结能力,可以通过不断学习提供更准确的回答。

2. Siri仅具有简单的关键字搜索和自动回复功能,没法像ChatGPT一样进行学习和总结。

B. 快捷指令支持的差异

1. ChatGPT可以添加到快捷指令,提供更强大的操作和智能体验。

2. Siri的快捷指令功能有限,只支持基本的操作指令。


A. ChatGPT对其他语音助手的挑战

1. ChatGPT的出现对苹果的Siri、亚马逊的Alexa等语音助手构成了挑战。

2. ChatGPT的学习和思考能力使其在智能回答方面更具竞争力。

B. ChatGPT的发展前景

1. ChatGPT的Siri集成和快捷指令支持使其更加智能和便捷。

2. ChatGPT的进一步发展将带来更多创新和便利性。

chatgpt ios app siri的进一步展开说明

How to Use ChatGPT with Siri on Your iPhone

Artificial Intelligence has been a widely discussed concept in recent months, with the introduction of AI chatbots like ChatGPT. However, while voice assistants like Siri have been around for a long time, they are not considered highly intelligent. But what if there was a way to combine the capabilities of ChatGPT with Siri on your iPhone? Surprisingly, it is possible. Read on to find out how to use ChatGPT with Siri on your iPhone.

Step 1: Get ChatGPT on Your iPhone (2023)

To begin the process, there are certain requirements and links that you will need. Make sure you have them all before proceeding.

Requirements to Get ChatGPT to Work with Siri
  1. Siri ChatGPT Shortcut
  2. The integration of ChatGPT into Siri is made possible through a shortcut that you need to download onto your iPhone. The shortcut, called Siri Pro, is provided by YouTuber Tim Harris. However, you can rename it to something more personal if you prefer. Start by downloading the Siri Pro (Get) shortcut but do not run it just yet. Keep reading for the next set of requirements.

  3. ChatGPT API Key
  4. You will also need the ChatGPT API key, which can be accessed through your OpenAI account. Login to your account and go to the OpenAI API keys page. Here, you can generate a new API key by clicking on the option to “Create new secret key.” Copy the API key once it is generated, as you will not be able to copy it again after closing the pop-up box. Remember to keep the API key safe.

    If you do not have an OpenAI account, you can create one on their official website.

Step 2: Set up and Use ChatGPT with Siri on Your iPhone

Now that you have the Siri Pro shortcut and the ChatGPT API key, you can proceed to set up and use ChatGPT with Siri on your iPhone.

  1. Open the Shortcuts app on your iPhone to access the downloaded Siri Pro shortcut.
  2. You will find the Siri Pro shortcut here. Tap the ellipsis icon (three dots) to open the shortcut’s settings. Note: We have renamed the Siri Pro shortcut to Siri Bro on our iPhone.
  3. Under the second dialog box titled “Text”, you will see the message – “Insert ChatGPT API Key here.” Paste the previously copied API key here and tap “Done” at the top right.
  4. That’s it! ChatGPT has been integrated with Siri on your iPhone. You can activate the shortcut by tapping on Siri Pro in the Shortcuts app, or by saying “Hey Siri” followed by the shortcut’s name (Bro, Pro, or your own renamed title). As shown below, I asked ChatGPT Siri to plan a two-day trip to London, and it responded accurately.

It is important to note that the shortcut may not always work depending on the server load of ChatGPT or if it is down. However, in my experience, it worked most of the time without any problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to common questions you may have:

  1. I followed all the above steps but the shortcut gives no response. What do I do?
  2. If the shortcut does not provide a response, it is likely due to the current server load on ChatGPT. If the chatbot is overloaded, it may not be able to respond. Wait for an hour or two and try running the shortcut again.

  3. Is this method available for Android?
  4. Currently, using ChatGPT with Siri is only available on iOS. Since it relies on the shortcut app on iPhone, there is no similar method available for Android devices at the moment. However, if any alternative methods become available, we will update you.

  5. The shortcut keeps telling me to add in my API key first. What do I do?
  6. If you receive this error message, it means that you have not properly added your ChatGPT API key. Without the API key, the shortcut cannot communicate with the server. To add the ChatGPT API key, refer to the question above or the section in the article.

  7. How do I get a ChatGPT API key?
  8. To obtain a ChatGPT API key, visit OpenAI’s official website. Keep in mind that you will need an account with OpenAI to access the API key. Follow the steps mentioned above to get started.


We hope you enjoy using ChatGPT with Siri on your iPhone. To further enhance your experience, check out these additional features and functions you can explore with ChatGPT. Additionally, if you prefer using a mobile app to access the AI chatbot on your phone, learn how to use ChatGPT on Android and iOS. If you encounter any issues or have any questions about Siri Pro, feel free to leave a comment below.

chatgpt ios app siri的常见问答Q&A



  • ChatGPT是一个具有学习和思考总结能力的人工智能,而Siri只是一个简单的关键字搜索和少量的自动回答。
  • ChatGPT通过AI模型生成回答,能够进行更加深入和复杂的对话,而Siri则是通过事前设置的语音命令和固定回答进行交互。
  • ChatGPT在iOS上进行了关键升级,包括支持Siri和快捷方式,而Siri只能在苹果装备上使用。



  1. 安装ChatGPT iOS利用程序。
  2. 在Safari中打开ChatGPT Siri快捷方式页面,并点击获得快捷方式按钮。
  3. 在快捷方式屏幕上,点击添加快捷方式按钮,然后该快捷方式会在主屏幕上创建一个图标。
  4. 现在,您可以通过点击快捷方式利用中的Siri Pro,或说”Hey Siri”,再加上快捷方式的名称来调用ChatGPT。
  5. Siri会读出ChatGPT生成的回答,您可以通过语音与ChatGPT进行对话。



  1. 在Safari中打开ChatGPT Siri快捷方式页面。
  2. 点击获得快捷方式按钮,然后在快捷方式屏幕上点击添加快捷方式按钮。
  3. 接下来,返回到主屏幕,并使用Siri唤醒ChatGPT。可以说”Hey Siri”,然后说出设置的快捷方式名称,例如”ChatGPT”。
  4. 随后,Siri会启动ChatGPT,并通过语音助手和ChatGPT进行对话。







