ChatGPT is Not Available in Your Country? How to Bypass it(chatgpt error=unsupported_country)

I. 使用VPN绕过区域限制


A. VPN可以帮助绕过不支持的国家限制,以使用ChatGPT。


B. 在注册进程中依然需要验证电话号码。


II. ChatGPT毛病不单单是VPN问题


A. ChatGPT问题不单单是简单的VPN问题。


III. 推荐使用高质量VPN来解决ChatGPT毛病


A. 解决ChatGPT毛病的最好方法是使用高质量的VPN。


IV. 使用VPN和电话号码可以在不支持的国家中访问ChatGPT


A. 使用VPN和电话号码可以在不支持的国家中访问ChatGPT


V. 了解ChatGPT不可用的缘由可以帮助解决问题


A. ChatGPT没法工作的可能缘由包括:

  • 多是ChatGPT服务器问题致使没法访问。
  • 多是由于网络连接问题而没法使用ChatGPT。
  • 多是由于没有使用VPN。

VI. 延续关注OpenAI的服务可用性和更新


A. 延续关注OpenAI的服务可用性和更新


chatgpt error=unsupported_country的进一步展开说明

How to Access ChatGPT in Restricted Countries?

ChatGPT, the AI-powered chatbot developed by OpenAI, has gained immense popularity since its release. However, many users have encountered the issue of ChatGPT not being available in their country.

Where is ChatGPT Available?

ChatGPT is accessible in most developed countries, with a few exceptions. Currently, it is not available in Russia, China, Iran, Egypt, and a few other countries. The complete list of supported countries can be found on OpenAI’s official website.

Methods to Bypass Regional Restrictions

If you reside in a country where ChatGPT is not available, there are several methods you can try to bypass the regional restrictions and gain access to the chatbot.

  1. Use a VPN

    One common method is to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN). By connecting to a VPN server in a country where ChatGPT is available, you can mask your IP address and appear as if you are accessing the service from that country. However, it’s important to note that ChatGPT now requires a phone number for verification, and it may not accept Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) numbers. While some users have managed to use VoIP software and a reliable VPN to bypass this restriction, it is recommended to use a phone number from a country where ChatGPT is available, if possible. There are many VPN services available, but ExpressVPN is highly recommended for its fast speeds, wide network of servers, and additional security features.

    • Get ExpressVPN: Link
  2. Try Using ChatGPT in Private/Incognito Mode

    Another workaround that has proven successful for many users is to combine a VPN with a private browsing mode, such as Incognito mode in the Chrome browser. Configure the VPN to connect through a server in the United States or France, and use a phone number from the corresponding region for verification. Access ChatGPT while in this private browsing mode, and it may enable you to bypass the regional restriction. However, if you are residing in a country where ChatGPT is available but still encounter the message “Open AI’s services are not available in your country,” it is advisable to contact OpenAI’s support team for assistance. They can help troubleshoot the issue and provide a resolution. In the meantime, if you have a friend with an OpenAI account from an available country, you can use their account with a VPN to access ChatGPT in your country.

Enhance Your ChatGPT Experience

Once you have successfully accessed ChatGPT, there are a few tips to enhance your experience with the AI-powered chatbot. Firstly, ensure that you have a stable and fast internet connection for optimal performance. Additionally, remember to share your reviews and any other solutions that helped you bypass the geo-restrictions in the comments section.

Despite the regional restrictions in place, it is still possible to bypass them and access ChatGPT from countries where it’s not available. By using a VPN, private browsing mode, and a phone number from a supported country, you can enjoy the benefits of this powerful chatbot regardless of your location.

chatgpt error=unsupported_country的常见问答Q&A

问题1:ChatGPT: OpenAI’s Services Are Not Available in Your Country


  • 尝试使用虚拟私人网络(VPN):通过使用可信赖的VPN服务,你可以摹拟位于其他受支持国家的IP地址。这将让你绕过地理限制,访问ChatGPT。选择一个可靠的VPN提供商,并确保其提供了受支持国家的服务器。
  • 验证电话号码:即便你使用VPN成功访问了ChatGPT,在注册进程中依然需要验证电话号码。确保你使用的电话号码来自一个被支持的国家。否则,你可能没法完成注册。

问题2:Fix ‘OpenAI services are not available in your country’? Error


  • 使用VPN:通过使用虚拟私人网络(VPN),你可以摹拟位于受支持国家的IP地址,绕过地理限制,访问OpenAI的服务。选择一个可信赖的VPN提供商,并连接到一个受支持国家的服务器。
  • 验证电话号码:即便你通过VPN成功访问了OpenAI服务,在注册进程中,你依然需要提供一个来自受支持国家的电话号码进行验证。如果你没法提供一个受支持国家的电话号码,那末可能没法完成注册。

问题3:Chat GPT Is Not Available In Your Country? [How To Access]

答案:如果Chat GPT在你所在的国家不可用,你可以尝试以下方法来访问它:

  • 使用VPN:使用虚拟私人网络(VPN)可以摹拟位于受支持国家的IP地址,绕过地理限制,访问Chat GPT。选择一个可靠的VPN提供商,并确保其提供了受支持国家的服务器。
  • 验证电话号码:在注册Chat GPT时,你需要提供一个来自受支持国家的电话号码进行验证。如果没有可用的电话号码,可能没法完成注册。








