Visual Studio Marketplace(chatgpt vscode genie)



I. ChatGPT在VSCode中的功能和优势

A. ChatGPT – Genie AI是甚么?

ChatGPT – Genie AI是在VSCode中的OpenAI GPT⑷、GPT⑶.5和GPT⑶的对话式AI扩大程序。它能够提供智能的代码建议和对话式交互功能,使得编程的进程更加高效和有趣。

B. 功能介绍

ChatGPT – Genie AI提供了一些实用的功能,如上下文菜单命令和一键复制/移动建议代码到编辑器功能。这些功能可以帮助开发者快速添加代码片断,并提供与AI进行实时的对话交互。

C. 优势与利用场景

ChatGPT – Genie AI在编程进程中具有很多优势。首先,它可以大大提高编程效力,减少编写和查找代码的时间。其次,它可以与ChatGPT交互,发问问题并获得智能代码建议。这对新手来讲非常有帮助,由于他们可以随时取得编程指点和学习资源。

II. 在VSCode中安装和使用ChatGPT

A. 下载和安装ChatGPT – Genie AI扩大程序

要在VSCode中添加ChatGPT功能,首先需要下载和安装ChatGPT – Genie AI的扩大程序。只需要在VSCode的“扩大”选项卡中搜索“ChatGPT – Genie AI”,然后点击“安装”便可。

B. 使用ChatGPT – Genie AI


III. ChatGPT – Genie AI的利用场景

A. 代码建议和补全

ChatGPT – Genie AI可以根据上下文提供智能的代码建议。它可以分析已有代码的语法和逻辑,提供适合的代码片断和纠正建议,帮助开发者快速编写出正确的代码。

B. 解决问题和提供指点

ChatGPT – Genie AI可以回答编程问题,并提供解决方案。不管是初学者或者经验丰富的开发者,他们都可以向ChatGPT发问,并得到满意的答案和建议。

C. 与机器人进行对话

ChatGPT – Genie AI可以实现对话式交互,让编程进程更加有趣。你可以向ChatGPT提出问题,并获得用户自定义的回答和建议。这使得编程的学习进程更加生动和互动。

IV. 添加ChatGPT功能以提高生产力

A. 探索其他的VSCode扩大程序和工具

除ChatGPT – Genie AI,你还可以探索其他与ChatGPT兼容的扩大程序。这些扩大程序可以进一步提高你的编程生产力,让你更高效地完成工作。

B. 自定义ChatGPT – Genie AI的设置

根据个人的喜好和需求,你可以调剂ChatGPT – Genie AI的设置,如对话模型和对话长度等。通过优化设置,可以提高ChatGPT的性能和交互体验。

C. 学习和分享经验


通过在VSCode中添加ChatGPT功能,我们可让编程进程更智能和高效。不管是提供智能代码建议,解答问题,或者进行对话交互,ChatGPT – Genie AI都为我们的编程工作带来了很多的便利和乐趣。

chatgpt vscode genie的进一步展开说明


ChatGPT is an unofficial VS Code extension developed by the GenieAI team. It has quickly become the most loved ChatGPT extension in VS Code, with over 500,000 downloads and more than 100 5-star ratings within just 3 months of its release. This project is a hobby project and has no affiliation with any organization. The extension relies on OpenAI services without any direct affiliation to them. If you’re interested in trying out this extension, you can find it on the marketplace: ChatGPT – Genie AI.


The ChatGPT extension offers several powerful features to enhance your coding experience:

1. Use the latest AI models: You can choose to use GPT⑷, GPT⑶.5, GPT⑶, or Codex models by utilizing your OpenAI API Key. This allows you to leverage the most advanced language models for your coding needs.

2. Streaming answers: The extension provides a sidebar conversation window where you can get streaming answers to your prompts. This real-time conversation feature ensures a seamless interaction with the AI model.

3. Token management: You have the ability to stop the responses from the model to save tokens. This helps you efficiently manage your token usage and avoid exceeding any limits.

4. Code editing: With just one click or by using keyboard shortcuts, you can create files or fix your code. The extension offers convenient code editing functionalities to streamline your coding workflow.

5. Conversation history export: You can export all your conversation history at once in Markdown format. This allows you to keep track of your previous conversations and reference them later.

6. Automatic code response detection: The extension detects partial code responses and continues and combines them automatically when a response is cut off. This feature ensures a smooth coding experience even when dealing with long or complex code snippets.

7. Ad-hoc prompt prefixes: You can customize the prompt prefixes to tailor your requests to the ChatGPT model according to your specific needs. This flexibility allows you to ask the model specific questions or provide instructions in a way that best suits your coding tasks.

8. Prompt management: You can easily edit and resend a previous prompt. This feature is especially useful when you want to refine your instructions or make changes to your original request.

9. Code integration: The extension allows you to copy, insert, or create new files directly from the code that ChatGPT suggests. This seamless integration with your editor enhances your coding productivity.


If you are developing a separate extension based on this project, ensure that you follow the license requirements. The ChatGPT extension is released under the ISC License, and the copyright notice and permission notices must appear in all copies.

How to Build and Run

To build and run the project locally, follow these steps:

1. Clone the repository to your local machine.

2. In the root directory, run the command “yarn” to install the dependencies listed in package.json.

3. Within VS Code, run the project by simply hitting F5.

How to Install Locally

To install the ChatGPT extension locally, follow these steps:

1. If you don’t have it already, install vsce (The Visual Studio Code Extension Manager) globally by running the command “npm install –global vsce”.

2. Run the command “vsce package”.

3. Follow the instructions provided to install the extension manually.


The ChatGPT extension developed by the GenieAI team offers a wide range of powerful features to enhance your coding experience in VS Code. With the ability to leverage the latest AI models, get streaming answers, and seamlessly integrate with your code editor, this extension takes your coding productivity to the next level. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, the ChatGPT extension is a valuable tool for improving your coding workflow.

chatgpt vscode genie的常见问答Q&A

问题1:ChatGPT — Genie AI是甚么?

答案:ChatGPT — Genie AI是一款Visual Studio Code的扩大插件,它允许用户与OpenAI的GPT⑷、GPT⑶.5和GPT⑶等对话式人工智能进行交互。通过该插件,用户可以在VS Code编辑器中添加ChatGPT的功能,以提高编程的效力和生产力。

  • 例如,用户可使用上下文菜单命令,一键将建议的代码复制/移动到编辑器中。
  • 插件还提供了一个对话窗口和自定义选项,以满足用户对OpenAI的GPT模型的区别需求。

问题2:怎样在VS Code编辑器中使用ChatGPT?

答案:在VS Code中使用ChatGPT可以依照以下步骤进行:

  1. 在VSCode中,点击“Extensions”选项卡,并搜索“ChatGPT — Genie AI”插件。
  2. 找到插件后,点击“安装”按钮进行安装。
  3. 安装完成后,在VS Code的左边栏会看到一个名为“ChatGPT — Genie AI”的选项,表示插件已成功安装。
  4. 现在,用户可以在VS Code中使用ChatGPT的各项功能,包括与GPT模型进行交互、获得代码建议等。

问题3:ChatGPT — Genie AI插件的主要功能有哪几种?

答案:ChatGPT — Genie AI插件提供了以下主要功能:

  • 与OpenAI的GPT模型进行交互,以便进行人机对话和获得代码建议。
  • 上下文菜单命令,实现一键将建议的代码复制/移动到编辑器中的功能。
  • 自定义选项,用户可以根据自己的需要对插件进行定制和设置。
  • 对话窗口,用于展现与GPT模型的对话历史和交互结果。

问题4:有其他类似的VS Code插件可以替换ChatGPT — Genie AI吗?

答案:是的,有其他类似的VS Code插件可以替换ChatGPT — Genie AI。例如,The extension comes with context menu commands, copy/move suggested code into editor with one-click, conversation window and customization options for OpenAI’s…

  • 这些插件提供了类似或相同的功能,让用户能够与GPT模型进行交互和获得代码建议。
  • 但是,在选择替换插件时,用户应当注意插件的稳定性和兼容性,以确保其与VS Code的版本和其他扩大插件的兼容。







