OpenAI ChatGPT (GPT⑶.5) API error 429: “You exceeded your current quota, please check your

I. ChatGPT的使用期限问题

A. ChatGPT使用期限和不要钱额度


  1. 1. 不要钱试用期和5美元的不要钱额度







    1. 您已用完了给定的不要钱额度。
    2. 不要钱额度已过期,通常在3个月后。
  2. 2. 不要钱试用期的到期时间和API使用费用


    为了继续使用ChatGPT API,您需要在“Billing”(计费)中输入信用卡信息以进行付费。


II. ChatGPT使用时间延长的方法

A. 切换互联网连接


  1. 1. 解决“会话已过期”问题的另外一种方法




B. 定阅ChatGPT Plus

ChatGPT Plus是一个定阅计划,让您可以继续使用ChatGPT而不受试用期限制。

  1. 1. ChatGPT Plus定阅不受试用期限制

    ChatGPT Plus定阅的用户可以享受无穷制的使用,而不受试用期限制。

    定阅ChatGPT Plus后,您可以在任什么时候间使用ChatGPT,而无需担心不要钱试用期的到期问题。

C. 升级到付费方案


  1. 1. 超越不要钱额度后可以选择输入计费信息升级到付费方案




III. 总结


如果您遇到使用期限问题,可以尝试切换互联网连接,定阅ChatGPT Plus,或升级到付费方案来延长您的使用时间。

chatgpt usage expired的进一步展开说明

Why are you getting a RateLimitError?

If you are encountering a RateLimitError from OpenAI, it means that you have exceeded your assigned rate limit. This can happen for a few reasons:

  • You are using a high-volume or complex service that consumes a large number of credits or units per request.
  • You are working with a large or diverse data set that requires a significant number of API requests to process.
  • Your limit is set too low for your organization’s usage.
  • You have used up all your free tokens or three months have passed since you signed up.

What to do if you hit the rate limit?

If you have hit the rate limit, here are the steps you can take to resolve the issue:

  1. Upgrade to a paid plan. This will give you access to more credits or units to use.
  2. Set up a paid account by adding a credit or debit card.
  3. If your old API key was generated before the upgrade, generate a new API key to ensure it is associated with your paid account.
  4. Keep in mind that it may take a few minutes for your paid account to become active after the upgrade, so don’t expect the error to disappear immediately.

Why did you get error 429?

Error 429 indicates that you have exceeded your maximum monthly spend for the API. This means that you have used up all the credits or units allocated to your plan and have reached the limit of your billing cycle. There are a few reasons why this might happen:

  • You have utilized a high-volume or complex service that consumes a significant number of credits or units per request.
  • You are working with a large or diverse data set that requires a large number of requests to process.
  • Your limit is set too low for your organization’s usage.
  • You signed up some time ago and either used all your free tokens, or three months have passed since you signed up.

To explore and experiment with the OpenAI API, new users typically receive $5 worth of free tokens that expire after three months. If you have used all your free tokens or three months have passed, you can enter billing information to upgrade to a paid plan and continue using the API on a pay-as-you-go basis. Without entering billing information, you will retain login access but won’t be able to make any further API requests.

What happens if you created a second OpenAI account?

If you receive error 429 and you have created a second OpenAI account with the same phone number, it seems that free credits are given based on phone numbers. In this case, subsequent accounts created with the same phone number will not receive free credits.

How to resolve the issue?

To resolve the issue and avoid the RateLimitError or error 429, follow these steps:

  1. If you’ve hit the rate limit, consider upgrading to a paid plan to access more credits or units.
  2. When upgrading to a paid plan, allow for a few minutes for your paid account to become active. It may take some time for the error to disappear.
  3. If you are encountering error 429, check if you have used up all your free tokens or if three months have passed since you signed up. If so, enter billing information to upgrade to a paid plan or consider adjusting your usage to fit within the free token limits.
  4. If you created a second OpenAI account with the same phone number and are not receiving free credits, try creating a new account with a different phone number and email address.

In conclusion, to avoid the RateLimitError and error 429, it is recommended to upgrade to a paid plan, ensure that your billing information is up to date, and be mindful of your API usage. Keep in mind that it may take a few minutes for the changes to take effect and for your paid account to become active.

chatgpt usage expired的常见问答Q&A

问题1:ChatGPT & OpenAI API Error: You exceeded your current …

答案:当你遇到这个毛病时,表示你已超越了当前的OpenAI API配额限制。这个毛病可能有以下几种情况:

  • 你已使用完了不要钱的API配额。
  • 不要钱配额已过期(通常在3个月后过期)。


  • 升级到付费计划,以继续使用API。
  • 确保你的API密钥处于有效状态。
  • 检查你的API使用情况,了解会不会超越了配额限制。

问题2:ChatGPT API Expired ? How to Renew it

答案:如果你的ChatGPT API已过期,可以采取以下步骤来重新激活:

  • 检查API密钥的有效性,确保密钥没有被撤消或过期。
  • 联系OpenAI支持团队,确认你的API定阅状态。
  • 如果需要,输入付款信息,以继续使用API。

通过这些步骤,你应当能够成功续订ChatGPT API。

问题3:I hope to extend the time of Free trial usage – API


  • 联系OpenAI支持团队,了解会不会有延长试用期的选项。
  • 斟酌升级到付费计划,以取得更长的API使用时间。
  • 使用API前确保你的不要钱试用期尽量有效地利用,避免浪费。


问题4:How To Fix “Your session has expired” in ChatGPT

答案:如果你在ChatGPT中遇到”Your session has expired”的毛病,你可以尝试以下解决方法:

  • 重新加载ChatGPT页面,看看会不会可以恢复会话。
  • 尝试切换到其他网络连接,有时网络问题可能致使会话过期。
  • 清除浏览器缓存和Cookie,然后重新登录ChatGPT。

通过上述方法,你有可能解决ChatGPT中的”Your session has expired”毛病。

问题5:What happens after I use my free tokens or the 3-months is over?


  • 你需要输入付款信息以继续使用API。
  • 你可以选择升级到付费计划,以获得更多的API配额和功能。
  • 如果你选择不付费或不升级,你将没法再使用API。









