You’ll Probably Need a ChatGPT Company Policy(chatgpt usage policies)



I. 引言

A. 更新使用政策的目的


B. 以安全和负责任的方式使用ChatGPT工具的重要性


II. 负责任使用AI生成内容的指点方针

A. 侧重于校订、编辑和事实核对的重要性


1. AI生成内容的不肯定性和毛病可能性


2. 准确性和信任的关键性


III. 潜伏的法律、商业和名誉风险

A. 隐私、消费者保护和名誉风险的斟酌


1. 使用ChatGPT的潜伏隐私风险


2. 保护消费者权益的必要性


IV. 内部ChatGPT政策制定指南

A. 负责任企业使用生成型AI的必要条件


1. 制定内部ChatGPT政策的目的


2. 制定ChatGPT使用规则的关键原则


V. 授权使用和保密要求

A. ChatGPT的授权使用和保密准则


1. 仅限于工作相关目的进行ChatGPT的授权使用


2. 员工不得流露任何与ChatGPT相关的机密信息


VI. 公司对ChatGPT使用的分类政策

A. ChatGPT使用分为制止、需授权和一般允许三个种别


1. 制止种别的ChatGPT使用情况


2. 需授权种别的ChatGPT使用情况


VII. 非付费用户使用ChatGPT时的注意事项

A. 开放AI可能利用非付费用户的数据


1. 非付费用户的数据可能用于改进模型


2. 用户应对数据使用有一定认识


VIII. 在Stack Overflow上发布内容时制止使用ChatGPT

A. 制止在Stack Overflow上使用生成型AI

公司制定政策,制止在Stack Overflow等平台上使用生成型AI,以保护问答平台的质量和真实性。

1. ChatGPT在发问时的使用被制止

根据政策,制止在Stack Overflow的发问环节使用ChatGPT等生成型AI工具。

2. 限制使用以保护Stack Overflow的质量

为了确保发问的真实性和质量,制定政策限制在Stack Overflow等平台上使用生成型AI。

IX. 公司ChatGPT政策要点

A. 引导员工了解对输入提示的处理方式的不肯定性


1. 在使用ChatGPT时的输入提示处理不肯定性


2. 制止使用个人信息进行ChatGPT操作的要求


X. 总结

A. 创建最好ChatGPT政策的关键要素


B. 提示员工遵照ChatGPT政策的重要性


chatgpt usage policies的进一步展开说明


ChatGPT, an AI-powered language model developed by OpenAI, was launched in November 2023 and has quickly amassed millions of users. Initially designed to assist users with personal tasks such as creating workout plans and recipes, ChatGPT has also found its way into the workplace, enhancing employee productivity. This article delves into how employees are utilizing ChatGPT in their work and explores the potential risks associated with its use.

Enhancing Employee Productivity with ChatGPT

Many discussions have taken place regarding the potential job displacement caused by ChatGPT. However, for now, ChatGPT seems to function more as a tool that enhances employee productivity rather than replacing them. Here are some examples of how ChatGPT is being used in the workplace:


Employees employ ChatGPT as they would Google or Wikipedia to fact-check documents they are producing or reviewing.

First Drafts

ChatGPT can generate initial drafts for speeches, memos, cover letters, and routine emails. It provides valuable suggestions, such as the need for employees to undergo training to understand its capabilities, limitations, and best practices for using it in the workplace.

Editing Documents

Using its language model capabilities, ChatGPT excels at editing text. Employees take poorly-worded paragraphs to ChatGPT, which improves grammar, clarity, and overall readability.

Generating Ideas

ChatGPT demonstrates surprising proficiency in creating lists. For example, it can generate queries for upcoming webcasts, addressing topics like maintaining privilege, accuracy checks, and client and court disclosure.


Creating new code and verifying existing code are the two primary applications of ChatGPT in the workplace. Programmers report that ChatGPT significantly boosts their efficiency and productivity.

Risks Associated with ChatGPT in the Workplace

While ChatGPT offers substantial benefits, its usage also entails certain risks that need to be addressed. The following are some of the key risks associated with ChatGPT in the workplace:

Quality Control Risks

Despite its impressive performance, ChatGPT can produce inaccurate outcomes. It may refer to irrelevant or non-existent cases when composing parts of a legal brief, struggle with computational tasks, and generate incorrect results for basic algebraic problems. OpenAI acknowledges these limitations and warns users about potential inaccuracies. Quality control risks can be minimized when reviewers can promptly identify and rectify errors. However, if errors go unnoticed or uncorrected, the risks associated with inaccurate information increase. The significance of these risks varies depending on the usage scenario.

Contractual Risks

Using ChatGPT for work presents two primary contractual risks. First, there may be limitations on an organization’s ability to disclose confidential information about customers or clients to third parties, including ChatGPT. Second, there may be uncertainties regarding the ownership of intellectual property rights for work produced using ChatGPT. These risks can be addressed and mitigated through revisions to the company’s contracts.

Privacy Risks

Sharing personal data about customers, clients, or workers with ChatGPT poses privacy risks. OpenAI’s ChatGPT FAQ states that chat conversations may be used for training and product improvement purposes. Depending on the personal information shared, companies may have an obligation to update their privacy policies, provide notice to customers, and obtain consent and opt-out options. Compliance with evolving privacy laws is crucial. Additionally, using ChatGPT with personal data raises concerns about deletion rights and the removal of data from ChatGPT-generated workstreams and internal models.

Consumer Protection Risks

If consumers are not aware that they are interacting with ChatGPT instead of a human customer service representative or if they receive documents without clear disclosure that they were generated using ChatGPT, there is a risk of claims of unfair or deceptive practices under state and federal laws. Depending on the circumstances, customers may be dissatisfied if they paid for content without disclosure that it was AI-generated.

Intellectual Property Risks

Integrating ChatGPT into the workplace gives rise to various intellectual property (IP) concerns. The extent to which workers use ChatGPT to generate software code or other protected content might not be protected by copyright in certain jurisdictions, as the US Copyright Office currently requires human creation. Moreover, there is a risk that ChatGPT-generated content may be deemed derivative of copyrighted materials used for training, potentially leading to infringement claims. Confidential materials entered into ChatGPT for analysis may also be accessible to other ChatGPT account holders, compromising confidentiality and exposing the company to liability. Lastly, if software submitted to ChatGPT includes open-source components, it may trigger open-source license obligations.

Vendor Risks

Most of the risks mentioned above also apply to company data provided to or received from vendors. Companies should consider obtaining consent before providing ChatGPT-generated contracts to vendors, and explicitly state that confidential company data cannot be entered into ChatGPT.

Reducing ChatGPT Risks

To mitigate the legal, commercial, and reputational risks associated with ChatGPT, companies have implemented various measures. These measures include:

Usage Categorization

Developing policies that categorize ChatGPT usage as prohibited, permitted with authorization, or generally permitted without prior approval. For instance, checking confidential information or sensitive company code with ChatGPT is not allowed, while generating code requires approval from designated authorities.

Assessing Risk Level

Creating criteria to evaluate the level of risk associated with each use of ChatGPT and requiring employees to report all ChatGPT usage for work. A dedicated team then assesses the reported usage based on established criteria.

Labelling Content

Requiring users to label content generated by ChatGPT to indicate that it was created by an AI tool. This labelling ensures appropriate review and disclosure when sharing ChatGPT-generated content with clients or the public.

Transparency and Record-Keeping

Clearly indicating when content has been generated by ChatGPT, especially when sharing it externally. Maintaining impeccable records of when high-risk content was generated and the prompt used for its generation.

Regular Training and Monitoring

Providing periodic training to employees on acceptable and prohibited uses of ChatGPT. Employing monitoring tools to identify any violations of company policy, especially in higher-risk use cases.

Additional Measures

Other measures to further mitigate ChatGPT risks include implementing access controls to limit unauthorized use, incorporating ethics into the model’s design process, regularly updating and testing the model, conducting regular risk assessments, creating clear incident response plans, and establishing external review boards to assess risks.


ChatGPT has the potential to significantly enhance employee productivity, but it also presents various risks that must be managed. By implementing the measures mentioned above and continuously evaluating and mitigating risks, companies can ensure the responsible and ethical use of ChatGPT in the workplace.

chatgpt usage policies的常见问答Q&A



  • ChatGPT是一个生成式AI模型。
  • 它可以生成与输入对话或文章类似的文本内容。
  • ChatGPT可以用于写作助手、语言翻译、编程代码生成等。



  • ChatGPT可能带来法律、商业和名誉风险。
  • 策略可以为企业指定使用ChatGPT的准则。
  • 策略可以包括保密、安全和数据隐私规定。



  1. 明确策略的目的和范围。
  2. 斟酌法律和合规要求。
  3. 确保策略符合企业价值观和道德标准。
  4. 指定允许使用ChatGPT的情况和制止使用的行动。
  5. 制定保密、安全和数据隐私规定。
  6. 培训员工并建立履行和监督机制。



  • 策略模板可以提供参考和方便。
  • 可以根据企业需求进行个性化修改。
  • 模板通常包括使用准则、保密规定、责任和背规处理等内容。







