You can now train ChatGPT on your own documents via API(chatgpt for your files)

I. ChatGPT助力文件管理

A. ChatGPT简介



B. 文件智能化助力


1. 自动创建基于文件的写作


2. 生成详细见解


3. 提供个性化的文件管理解决方案


II. Humata:让您的文件更智能化

A. Humata简介


B. 文件智能分析



C. 文件上传功能



III. 使用案例和推荐利用

A. ChatPDF



B. Unriddle



C. Humata AI

Humata AI是一个用于文件管理的AI利用程序,类似于ChatGPT用于研究论文。它利用ChatGPT技术,为用户提供了一个更智能、更高效的文件管理工具,并使浏览论文变得更轻松和快速。

使用Humata AI,用户可以向ChatGPT提出关于论文内容、问题或需求的问题。ChatGPT会根据论文的内容和上下文提供相关的信息和摘要,帮助用户更好地理解和利用论文。这使得浏览论文变得更加高效和便捷。

chatgpt for your files的进一步展开说明


On Tuesday, OpenAI announced the introduction of fine-tuning for GPT⑶.5 Turbo through its API. This allows users to train the AI model with custom data, such as company documents or project documentation. OpenAI claims that a fine-tuned model can achieve performance comparable to GPT⑷ at a lower cost in certain scenarios.

Understanding Fine-Tuning

In the field of AI, fine-tuning refers to the process of taking a pretrained neural network like GPT⑶.5 Turbo and further training it on a different dataset. This dataset is typically smaller and more specific to a particular task. Fine-tuning leverages the knowledge gained by the model during its initial training phase and refines it for a specific application.

Benefits of Fine-Tuning

Fine-tuning GPT⑶.5 Turbo allows customization of the model with specific content, such as project documentation or any other written references. This is useful if you want to build an AI assistant that is intimately familiar with your product or service, but lacks knowledge of it in its original training data.

  • Improved Performance: OpenAI acknowledges that GPT⑷ is a more powerful generalist AI model, but it is slower and more expensive to run. Fine-tuning GPT⑶.5 Turbo offers the advantage of achieving GPT⑷-like performance in a specific knowledge domain at a lower cost and faster execution time. In fact, early tests have shown that a fine-tuned version of GPT⑶.5 Turbo can match or even outperform base GPT⑷ on certain narrow tasks.
  • Enhanced Customization: Fine-tuned models provide improved steerability, which means they better follow instructions. They also offer reliable output formatting, increasing the model’s ability to consistently generate text in specific formats. Furthermore, custom tone can be incorporated into chatbots, allowing for a personalized and unique interaction.
  • Reduced Prompt Size and Cost: Fine-tuning enables users to shorten prompts, resulting in potential cost savings in OpenAI API calls. Early testers have managed to reduce prompt size by up to 90% by integrating instructions directly into the model.

Process and Costs of Fine-Tuning

The process of fine-tuning GPT⑶.5 Turbo using custom data involves setting up a system prompt with the API, uploading files for training, and creating a fine-tuning job using the command-line tool curl to query an API web address. Once the fine-tuning is complete, the customized model is immediately available for use with the same rate limits as the base model.

The costs associated with fine-tuning GPT⑶.5 Turbo are split into training costs and usage costs. Training the model costs $0.008 per 1,000 tokens, while API access during the usage phase costs $0.012 per 1,000 tokens for input and $0.016 per 1,000 tokens for output.

Compared to the base 4k GPT⑶.5 Turbo model, the fine-tuned model is about eight times more expensive to run. However, OpenAI suggests that money can be saved due to the reduced need for prompting in the fine-tuned model. It’s important to note that fine-tuning will also be extended to the 16,000-token model later this fall.

Data Privacy and Accuracy Considerations

Data sent in and out of the fine-tuning API is not used by OpenAI or anyone else to train AI models, ensuring data privacy. However, OpenAI will send all customer fine-tuning training data through GPT⑷ for moderation purposes using its recently announced moderation API. This may account for additional costs associated with using the fine-tuning service.

While fine-tuning GPT⑶.5 Turbo with custom documents has its benefits, it’s essential to consider the accuracy and reliability of the model’s outputs in a production environment. GPT⑶.5 Turbo has been known to generate inaccurate or fictional information, which may require additional measures to ensure the reliability of the results.

Future Developments

OpenAI plans to introduce fine-tuning for GPT⑷ in the near future. The GPT⑷ model is known for generating less fictional information, but fine-tuning it, or using other rumored models working together, is likely to be more expensive.

chatgpt for your files的常见问答Q&A

问题1:甚么是Humata – ChatGPT for all your files?

答案:Humata – ChatGPT for all your files是一个AI聊天机器人,专为处理各种文件而设计。它通过模型训练和文件上传功能,帮助用户分析和交换文件内容。

  • 目前可通过API自主训练ChatGPT来处理文件。
  • ChatGPT File Uploader Extended是文件上传的扩大工具。
  • 通过文件上传,用户可以为ChatGPT提供更多数据,以定制化GPT⑶.5 Turbo的输出。



  1. 使用ChatGPT-powered chatbot上传文件,在超过1400个格式当选择您的文件,包括音频/视频。
  2. 点击chatpdf.com进入网站,并在页面上选择“Drop PDF here”将PDF文档拖放到指定区域。
  3. 您还可以通过输入PDF文件的URL来上传。




  • PDF
  • Word文档(.docx)
  • Excel电子表格(.xlsx)
  • 音频文件(.mp3)
  • 视频文件(.mp4)



  • 自动根据文件创建新的写作,可用于报告、论文等任务,实现快速生成详细见解。
  • 通过AI提供文件数据的即时答案,用户可以向Humata发问文件相关的问题,并取得迅速回答。



  • 专注于处理各种文件,帮助用户分析和交换文件内容。
  • 结合模型训练和文件上传功能,为用户提供更多定制化的服务。
  • Humata通过AI提供即时答案,帮助用户解决文件相关问题。

问题5:Humata和ChatGPT File Uploader Extended有甚么关系?

答案:Humata和ChatGPT File Uploader Extended是密切相关的两个工具:

  • Humata是基于ChatGPT的文件处理利用。
  • ChatGPT File Uploader Extended是用于文件上传的扩大工具。
  • 通过ChatGPT File Uploader Extended,用户可以轻松上传区别格式的文件并进行处理。







