ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers(chatgpt prompt engineering for developers)





A. 关键词选择



B. 发问技能




A. 设计适合的提示

  1. 将问题转化为指令



  2. 提供上下文信息



B. 调试和优化提示

  1. 测试提示的效果



  2. 分析毛病的回答




A. 提供相关的信息

  1. 引导用户提供更多细节


  2. 提供相关资源链接


B. 处理歧义和模糊性

  1. 澄清问题


  2. 引导用户提供更多上下文




chatgpt prompt engineering for developers的进一步展开说明


In this blog post, we will explore the power of large language models (LLMs) and how they can be utilized to build innovative applications. By leveraging the OpenAI API, developers can now create applications that were previously either too costly, technically challenging, or simply impossible. Join Isa Fulford from OpenAI and Andrew Ng from DeepLearning.AI in this short course as they explain the working principles of LLMs, provide best practices for prompt engineering, and demonstrate how LLM APIs can be applied to various tasks, including summarizing user reviews, sentiment classification, topic extraction, translation, spelling & grammar correction, and automatically writing emails.

Understanding Large Language Models (LLMs)

At the beginning of the course, Isa and Andrew will explain in detail how LLMs work. They will delve into the architecture and mechanisms behind these models, highlighting their ability to process and understand natural language. Through this explanation, learners will gain a deeper understanding of how LLMs can be harnessed for a wide range of applications.

Prompt Engineering Best Practices

One of the key skills learners will acquire in this course is prompt engineering – crafting effective prompts that generate the desired output. Isa and Andrew will introduce two fundamental principles for writing effective prompts, and provide practical tips and techniques for systematically engineering good prompts. This section of the course will provide learners with the necessary skills to maximize the potential of LLMs.

Summarizing User Reviews

Summarizing user reviews is a common task that can greatly benefit from LLMs. In this section, Isa and Andrew will demonstrate how to use the LLM API to summarize user reviews for brevity. They will showcase the steps and methods involved in extracting key information from a large volume of user reviews, and condensing it into concise and informative summaries. This will allow developers to gain comprehensive insights from a vast pool of user feedback in a quick and efficient manner.

Sentiment Classification and Topic Extraction

Leveraging LLMs, developers can also perform sentiment classification and topic extraction on large amounts of text data. Isa and Andrew will showcase how to use the LLM API to determine the sentiment of a given piece of text, such as a customer review or social media post. Additionally, they will demonstrate how LLMs can be used to extract relevant topics from a body of text. These capabilities enable the automation and analysis of sentiment and topic-based tasks, saving valuable time and resources.

Translation, Spelling & Grammar Correction

LLMs can significantly enhance translation services by providing accurate and efficient translations. Isa and Andrew will explain how developers can utilize the LLM API to perform translation tasks, enabling seamless communication across languages. Additionally, they will showcase how LLMs can be employed for spelling and grammar correction, ensuring that written text is error-free and polished. These capabilities can greatly improve the quality and clarity of written content, enhancing communication and understanding.

Automatically Writing Emails

Writing emails can be time-consuming and repetitive. Isa and Andrew will demonstrate how LLMs can automate this process by generating email content based on given prompts. They will showcase how developers can utilize the LLM API to create customized email templates and leverage LLMs’ language generation capabilities to automatically draft emails. This application of LLMs can save considerable time and effort, streamlining email communication.

Building a Custom Chatbot

The course will culminate with a section on building a custom chatbot. Isa and Andrew will guide learners through the process of leveraging LLMs to create a chatbot that can engage in interactive conversations. They will explore the prompt engineering techniques necessary for designing an effective chatbot, highlighting the importance of generating appropriate responses. This section will provide learners with hands-on experience in building and deploying their own AI-powered chatbot.


This course provides developers with the practical knowledge and skills to harness the power of large language models. Learners will gain a comprehensive understanding of LLMs and their applications, along with best practices for prompt engineering. By leveraging the OpenAI API, developers can unlock the full potential of LLMs, enabling them to innovate and create value in diverse fields. Through numerous examples and hands-on exercises, learners will be equipped with the tools to build powerful applications that leverage the capabilities of LLMs.

chatgpt prompt engineering for developers的常见问答Q&A

问题1:甚么是ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers?

答案:ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers是一门针对开发人员的课程,教授怎样使用大型语言模型(LLM)快速构建新的强大利用程序。

  • 大纲内容:该课程介绍了编写有效提示的模式和方法,以便与大型语言模型进行交互。
  • 详细解释和示例:学生可以学习使用LLM来创建聊天利用程序,掌握如何设计引导模型响应的提示。
  • 其他相关信息:课程合适任何人参加,无需先修知识。

问题2:Andrew Ng’s ChatGPT Prompt Engineering Course是甚么?

答案:Andrew Ng’s ChatGPT Prompt Engineering Course是一门不要钱课程,由Andrew Ng与OpenAI合作推出,为开发人员提供高质量的内容。

  • 具体解释和例子:该课程介绍了怎样使用大型语言模型(LLM)进行提示工程,以提高ChatGPT的性能。
  • 其他相关信息:课程不要钱提供,开发人员可以借此提高自己在ChatGPT领域的能力。

问题3:ChatGPT Prompt Engineering的目的是甚么?

答案:ChatGPT Prompt Engineering的目的是通过特定方式构建输入提示,以引导AI模型的回复。

  • 详细解释和示例:在ChatGPT Prompt Engineering中,问题或陈说的方式会对模型的响应产生影响,提示工程就是为了在模型中引导期望的回答。








