Sider: ChatGPT Sidebar, GPT⑷, Draw & Web(chatgpt sidebar firefox)



I. ChatGPT边栏插件简介


A. 插件下载和安装


  • 1. 下载ChatGPT边栏插件:您可以在「ChatGPT Sidebar – Add-ons for Firefox」页面找到插件的下载链接。
  • 2. 安装插件到Firefox浏览器:您可以在下载完成后,打开Firefox浏览器并进入插件管理界面,然后将插件安装到您的浏览器。

B. 快捷接入ChatGPT


  • 1. 显示或隐藏边栏:您可以通过点击ChatGPT边栏插件图标,在浏览器的侧边栏显示或隐藏ChatGPT的界面。
  • 2. 点击插件快速进入ChatGPT页面:您可以直接点击ChatGPT边栏插件图标,快速进入ChatGPT的页面,省去了在区别标签页之间切换的时间。

II. 插件与Firefox浏览器的关系


A. 需要Firefox浏览器才能使用该插件


  • 1. 下载Firefox浏览器:您可以在Mozilla官方网站上找到Firefox浏览器的下载链接。选择适用于您操作系统的版本进行下载。
  • 2. 在Firefox浏览器上获得插件:一旦您完成了Firefox浏览器的安装,您可以在Mozilla的官方插件商店中搜索并获得ChatGPT边栏插件。

III. 插件功能与优势


A. 提供便捷接入方式


  • 1. 在边栏中使用ChatGPT:您可以通过在浏览器的侧边栏中打开ChatGPT界面,并在其中进行聊天和文本处理。
  • 2. 不需要在区别标签页之间切换,节省时间:由于ChatGPT边栏插件可以在浏览器的边栏中显示ChatGPT界面,因此您无需切换区别的标签页,从而节省了宝贵的时间。

B. 自动转动和加载更多功能


  • 1. 插件自动转动边栏内容:当您在边栏中浏览一段较长的聊天记录时,ChatGPT边栏插件会自动将内容转动到最新的部份,以便您可以实时查看最新的聊天内容。
  • 2. 自动点击“显示更多”按钮加载之前的聊天记录:当边栏中的聊天记录过量时,ChatGPT边栏插件会自动摹拟点击“显示更多”按钮,以加载之前的聊天记录,帮助您浏览完全的聊天记录。

IV. 插件版本历史与评价


A. 最新版本和版本历史

ChatGPT边栏插件的最新版本是1.0.0.0,发布于2023年9月8日。该插件适用于Firefox 48.0及更高版本。

B. 用户评价和评级


V. ChatGPT边栏插件与Sider的关联


A. Sider作为AI伴侣


  • 1. Sider的功能和用处:Sider可以用于选取文本、解释文本、翻译文本、总结文本等多种用处,使您在ChatGPT的边栏中进行文本处理更加便捷。
  • 2. 在ChatGPT边栏中使用Sider进行文本处理和翻译:通过使用Sider插件,您可以在ChatGPT的边栏中直接使用Sider的功能,以便更好地完成文本处理任务和翻译工作。

B. Sider插件与ChatGPT边栏插件的区分


  • 1. Sider插件的自动转动和加载更多功能适用于所有网站:相比之下,Sider插件具有适用于所有网站的自动转动和加载更多功能,而ChatGPT边栏插件的这些功能仅适用于ChatGPT页面。
  • 2. ChatGPT边栏插件专注于ChatGPT页面中的便捷接入:ChatGPT边栏插件主要提供了一种更加便捷的方式来接入ChatGPT,使得您无需离开当前浏览的页面便可使用ChatGPT的功能。

chatgpt sidebar firefox的进一步展开说明

Introducing Sider: Your AI Assistant for Web Browsing

Meet Sider, the ChatGPT Sidebar, your very own AI assistant that accompanies you as you browse the web. This powerful tool is designed to help you read and write articles on any website you visit. With support for GPT3.5/GPT⑷ model, smart internet access, YouTube summarization, ChatPDF, AI painting, and AI chatbots, Sider offers a range of advantages and capabilities:

Various AI Capabilities in One Chatbot

  • Chat with ChatGPT⑶.5 and ChatGPT⑷, NewBing, and Bard
  • AI Painter: Generate images from text using AI painting models like Midjourney and Adobe Firefly

Web-Browsing Assistant in the Sidebar

The ChatGPT Sidebar brings ChatGPT’s functionalities to any webpage you visit. It can assist you with summarization, translation, explanation, rewriting, grammar checks, finding similar pages, and more.

Preset and Customized Prompts

The ChatGPT Sidebar provides preset prompt templates optimized for various web activities. Additionally, you can create and use your own prompt templates on any webpage you like.

YouTube Summary

Quickly obtain video summaries and summary outlines for YouTube videos.

Multi-Platform Use

Sider can be used as a Chrome extension, Edge extension, Safari extension, iOS app, Android app, and Mac app. A Windows app is also coming soon. All platforms are compatible with one Sider account.

Smart Internet Access for Free

Sider provides smart internet access with support for ChatGPT⑷ and ChatGPT⑶.5. It can process factual data starting from 2023 onwards for real-time information.

Top Reasons to Choose the ChatGPT Sidebar

  1. Powerful sidebar with various features available for free:
    • ChatGPT translator
    • ChatGPT writer
    • ChatGPT summary
    • ChatGPT rewriter
    • Grammar checker
    • Customizable prompts
  2. Quick Lookup window:
    • The fastest way to search for selected text
    • Text-to-Speech (TTS) support
    • Easy enable/disable option
  3. Super enhanced search page:
    • Personalizable search page prompts
    • Support for popular search engines
    • Enable/disable search page panel option
  4. Easy access to ChatGPT:
    • Supports ChatGPT API key
    • Supports ChatGPT Webapp
  5. ChatGPT response page:
    • Markdown rendering
    • Code highlighting
    • Option to stop generating response
    • Option to copy response to clipboard
  6. Smart internet access:
    • Real-time web information with ChatGPT⑶.5 and ChatGPT⑷.0
  7. Features to improve your writing:
    • Compose messages with ChatGPT
    • Reply to emails, tweets, comments, etc. with original text
  8. YouTube video summary:
    • Summarize 1 hour of YouTube video in just 1 minute
    • Provide summary and show notes
  9. AI painter:
    • Generate AI paintings with models like DALL-E, Midjourney, and Adobe Firefly
    • Create pictures from text or reference images
  10. ChatPDF:
    • Ask questions about PDF files
    • Quickly understand academic papers
    • Summarize and infer based on the PDF content
  11. Full-page chatbot:
    • Chat with various AI for free, including ChatAI
    • Supports NewBing and Bard

Future Features

Sider is constantly evolving and considering new features to meet user needs. Some potential features that may be supported in the future include:

  • Claude model: A next-generation AI created by Anthropic
  • Prompt Generator: Generate customized and high-quality prompts, similar to AutoGPT or AgentGPT
  • Prompt Library: A collection of pre-written prompts, similar to AIPRM, for inspiration or writing
  • Plugins: Add-ons to extend the capabilities of the AI chatbot, such as Link Reader and Code Interpreter
  • Voice interaction: Chat with AI using voice input and output, similar to Siri

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Sider?

Sider is a Chrome extension powered by OpenAI’s ChatGPT API. It serves as an AI assistant to help you browse websites. With advanced features like free internet access, YouTube summarization, PDF chat, AI painting, and AI chat with NewBing and Bard, Sider is like your Microsoft copilot.

Is Sider free to use?

Yes, Sider is free to download and use. It offers 30 free queries per day for every user. Advanced features such as PDF chat, AI painting, and YouTube summarization have limited usage for free users due to the charge by OpenAI for the ChatGPT API.

What platforms does Sider support?

Sider can be used as a Chrome extension, Edge extension, Safari extension, Mac app, iOS app (similar to ChatAI), Android app, and soon as a Windows app. All platforms can be used with a single Sider account.

What features will Sider support in the future?

Sider is always looking to meet user needs and may consider supporting the following features in the future:

  • Claude model: A next-generation AI created by Anthropic
  • Prompt Generator: Generate customized and high-quality prompts
  • Prompt Library: A collection of pre-written prompts similar to AIPRM
  • Plugins: Add-ons to extend the capabilities of the AI chatbot
  • Voice interaction: Chat with AI using voice input and output

If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. We are here to assist you throughout your journey. You can also refer to our updated privacy policy for details on how we handle user data:

chatgpt sidebar firefox的常见问答Q&A

问题1:ChatGPT Sidebar 是甚么?

答案:ChatGPT Sidebar 是一个Firefox浏览器扩大,它为用户提供了在浏览器侧边栏中使用ChatGPT的功能。用户可以通过在侧边栏中打开ChatGPT,而无需在区别标签之间切换,从而节省时间和提高使用效力。

  • ChatGPT Sidebar 可让用户直接在浏览器侧边栏中进行聊天和交互。
  • 用户可以在侧边栏中调用 ChatGPT,而无需打开新的浏览器标签。
  • ChatGPT Sidebar 还支持 GPT⑷、绘图和网页访问等功能,让用户取得更多的使用选择。

问题2:怎么安装 ChatGPT Sidebar 扩大?

答案:您可以依照以下步骤在Firefox浏览器中安装 ChatGPT Sidebar 扩大:

  1. 在Mozilla附加组件库中搜索 ChatGPT Sidebar 或在Firefox扩大商店中搜索 ChatGPT Sidebar。
  2. 找到 ChatGPT Sidebar 的扩大页面,并点击“Add to Firefox”按钮。
  3. 等待扩大安装完成后,会在浏览器的工具栏中看到 ChatGPT Sidebar 的图标。
  4. 单击图标便可在侧边栏中打开 ChatGPT。

问题3:ChatGPT Sidebar 会不会适用于所有版本的 Firefox 浏览器?

答案:ChatGPT Sidebar 支持 Firefox 48.0 及更高版本的浏览器。

  • ChatGPT Sidebar 可以与最新的 Firefox 浏览器版本兼容,确保用户可以在最新的浏览器环境中使用该扩大。
  • 用户可以在浏览器的附加组件和扩大管理页面中检查其当前的 Firefox 版本,并确保其与 ChatGPT Sidebar 的最低要求相匹配。

问题4:用户对 ChatGPT Sidebar 的评价如何?

答案:以下是用户对 ChatGPT Sidebar 的评价和评级:

  • 用户对 ChatGPT Sidebar 的评价和反馈非常积极。
  • 用户表示 ChatGPT Sidebar 的侧边栏功能为他们提供了更方便和高效的 ChatGPT 使用体验。
  • 用户对 ChatGPT Sidebar 的稳定性和性能表示满意。
  • 用户认为 ChatGPT Sidebar 的功能扩大(如 GPT⑷、绘图和网页访问)增加了其实用性和灵活性。








