‘Political propaganda’: China clamps down on access to ChatGPT(chatgpt china ban)

China Enforces ChatGPT Ban as Tech Fears Grow

China has recently implemented a ban on ChatGPT, a popular discussion robot developed by OpenAI in the United States. This ban not only restricts access to ChatGPT but also threatens to extend to other applications utilizing this AI program. While ChatGPT has gained significant popularity globally, it has not been officially launched or made available in China.

Ban and Geographical Restrictions

ChatGPT is inaccessible in China due to geographical restrictions. The Chinese government enforces a “Great Firewall” to block access to various foreign online platforms, and ChatGPT is no exception. This ban is likely a result of the misalignment between ChatGPT’s capabilities and the Chinese government’s strict censorship regulations.

China’s Ban on ChatGPT

China has intensified its efforts to enforce the ban on ChatGPT and has even threatened to extend the ban to applications using this AI program. For the Chinese government, preventing the use of ChatGPT and similar applications is a way to avoid potential threats to social stability and government control.

Bans in Other Countries

In addition to China, several other countries have also implemented bans on ChatGPT. These include Russia, North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Syria, and Italy. These countries share concerns about potential risks and national interests associated with ChatGPT, including the dissemination of undesirable information or privacy infringements.

Technological Concerns and Privacy Issues

The ban on ChatGPT has raised broader concerns about the application of AI technology and its potential risks to society. The ban may be due to the possibility that ChatGPT could enable the spread of information that does not comply with the Chinese government’s requirements. Italy’s ban on ChatGPT, for example, is motivated by concerns over privacy. It is likely that other countries share similar concerns.


The strengthening of the ban on ChatGPT in China and the potential extension to other applications underscores the growing anxieties surrounding AI technology. It is crucial for governments and societies to engage in in-depth discussions about the compliance and applications of AI. This ban on ChatGPT has sparked global attention, prompting a broader exploration of the responsible and appropriate utilization of artificial intelligence.

chatgpt china ban的进一步展开说明

Chinese Regulators Clamp Down on Access to ChatGPT

Chinese regulators have taken measures to restrict access to ChatGPT, as Chinese tech firms and universities continue to develop domestic artificial intelligence (AI) bots. ChatGPT, a popular discussion bot created by US-based OpenAI, is not officially available in China due to the government’s comprehensive firewall and strict internet censorship. However, many users had been accessing it through virtual private networks (VPNs), and some third-party developers had created programs that allowed limited access to the service.

Recently, these programs have disappeared from WeChat accounts, and reports indicate that major tech companies including Tencent and Ant Group have been ordered to cut access to them. State media have also highlighted the potential dangers of ChatGPT, stating that it could be a tool for the US to “spread false information.” For example, an article in China Daily claimed that when asked about Xinjiang, ChatGPT provided answers that aligned with the political propaganda of the US government regarding the alleged “genocide” in the region.

Given the Chinese government’s denial of mass human rights violations in Xinjiang, the crackdown on access to ChatGPT is not surprising. Searches for ChatGPT on Chinese platforms no longer yield any results, and workaround programs have been disabled or suspended for violating relevant laws and regulations.

Implications for Chinese AI Development

Dr. Ilaria Carrozza, a senior researcher at the Peace Research Institute Oslo, explains that OpenAI’s restrictions on Chinese registration had already posed barriers, but the service was not entirely blocked. The model on which ChatGPT is trained is based on open information from Western countries, which could potentially cause issues for the Chinese government as people might use it to raise questions about sensitive topics such as human rights abuses.

Chinese social and state media have seen a surge of interest in ChatGPT, fueling the ongoing competition in China’s AI industry to develop domestic chatbots. However, domestic AI chatbots are yet to match the capabilities of ChatGPT. For example, Baidu’s AI chatbot, Plato, has drawn unfavorable comparisons to ChatGPT and faced criticism on social media for its failure to perform adequately.

Challenges for Chinese AI Developers

According to an article from the Jiemian business news outlet, Chinese AI developers face two major challenges: limited training materials and intense competition within the technology industry. The article, as translated by ChinaTalk, criticizes Baidu’s Plato chatbot, stating that it appears to have been trained on the low-quality content found in the Weibo comment section.

With ChatGPT no longer accessible for Chinese consumers and no equivalent domestic replacement available, there is an unmet demand in China. However, the AI industry in China has been navigating heavy regulatory interventions for the past two years, creating a dilemma for companies. They want to assure investors and consumers of their progress compared to other global tech companies, but they also need to avoid upsetting the government and potential regulatory consequences.

Chinese AI Chatbot Developments

Amidst the regulatory challenges, several Chinese firms and universities, including Baidu, Alibaba, JD.com, and Tencent, have announced plans to develop AI chatbots. Baidu’s chatbot, Ernie Bot, is considered to be the most advanced among them and is set to launch in March. Baidu CEO Robin Li stated that the company has spent years developing large language models based on billions of daily search engine requests, making Ernie Bot a state-of-the-art model that understands and incorporates China’s language and culture.

Despite the current setbacks, Chinese AI developers remain determined to compete globally and overcome the obstacles they face. However, striking a balance between innovation and compliance with government regulations proves to be a complex challenge for the industry.

chatgpt china ban的常见问答Q&A




  • 中国政府发布了对ChatGPT访问的限制。
  • 中国制止了使用ChatGPT的利用程序。
  • ChatGPT在中国的社交媒体上被屏蔽。



  • 中国
  • 俄罗斯
  • 朝鲜
  • 古巴
  • 伊朗
  • 叙利亚
  • 意大利



  • 政治宣扬:中国认为ChatGPT可能会传播政治宣扬信息。
  • 技术耽忧:中国对ChatGPT等生成式人工智能技术存在安全和隐私方面的耽忧。
  • 审查制度:中国政府要求对网络内容进行审查,ChatGPT没法符合中国的审查要求。



  • 使用VPN绕过封闭器。
  • 通过其他途径访问ChatGPT的服务。
  • 使用其他替换的聊天机器人服务。








