e2b-dev/llm-code-interpreter: Powered by AI Playgrounds by E2B. Code interpreter on steroids for Cha




GitHub上提供了一个使人振奋的ChatGPT代码解释器,它具有强大的解释和分析功能。要找到这个开源项目的关键字可以尝试搜索”chatgpt code interpreter github”。

Code Interpreter API

Code Interpreter API是基于LangChain实现的ChatGPT代码解释器API。它使用CodeBoxes作为沙箱Python代码履行的后端。



基于GPT⑷或Llama 2的敏感数据AI代码解释器

ChatGPT代码解释器还提供了处理敏感数据的AI代码解释器,它支持调用GPT⑷或Llama 2进行解释和履行。











chatgpt code interpreter github的进一步展开说明

Code Interpreter on steroids for ChatGPT (by e2b)

Code Interpreter on steroids for ChatGPT is a powerful plugin developed by E2B’s AI Playgrounds. This plugin gives your ChatGPT instance access to a fully sandboxed cloud environment that offers a wide range of capabilities, making it more than just a regular code interpreter.
If you’d like to see a demo of this plugin in action, click on the image below.

What can this plugin do?

The E2B plugin for ChatGPT provides your instance with access to a variety of functionalities:
  1. Access to Linux OS: This plugin allows you to interact with the Linux operating system, giving you the flexibility to perform various tasks.
  2. Install programs: You can use this plugin to install programs on your ChatGPT instance, expanding its capabilities.
  3. Filesystem operations: With this plugin, you can create, list, and delete files and directories in the sandboxed environment.
  4. Run processes: The plugin allows you to run processes and execute commands on your ChatGPT instance.
  5. Sandboxed environment: You have the freedom to run any code within the sandboxed environment provided by the plugin.
  6. Access to the internet: This plugin enables your ChatGPT instance to access the internet, opening up a world of possibilities.
The cloud instances provided by this plugin are designed to be used for agents, serving as sandboxed playgrounds where the agent can freely explore its capabilities and perform various tasks.
Note: This plugin is powered by the E2B API. If you’d like early access, join our Discord community and send us a message!


There are two ways to install this plugin:
  1. Wait for OpenAI to approve our plugin in their store: You can simply wait for OpenAI to make this plugin available in their store.
  2. Have developer access to ChatGPT plugins: If you have developer access, you can follow the instructions below to install the plugin locally on your machine.
How to run the plugin locally
To install the required packages for this plugin, run the following command:
npm install
To run the plugin, you will need an API Key. Follow the link provided to get your API key.
Once you have the API key, enter the following command:
E2B_API_KEY=[Your API Key] npm run dev
Once the local server is running, follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to https://chat.openai.com.
  2. In the Model dropdown, select “Plugins” (if you don’t see it, you don’t have access).
  3. Select “Plugin store.”
  4. Select “Develop your own plugin.”
  5. Enter “localhost:3000” as the URL since this is the URL the server is running on locally.
  6. Select “Find manifest file.”

Usage examples

Here are a few examples of what you can do with this plugin:
  1. Install youtube-dl and use it to download a specific video.
  2. Start an HTTP server on a specific port.
  3. Clone a repository, make changes, and push it.

How to upload & download files

The official ChatGPT Code Interpreter supports uploading and downloading files, but the E2B code interpreter doesn’t support this functionality natively yet. However, there is a workaround:
Uploading your files to the plugin
  1. Get an S3 bucket or any alternative storage solution.
  2. Upload your files to the bucket and make them public.
  3. Tell ChatGPT to download files using curl and provide the public URL.
Downloading files from the plugin
To download files from the plugin, instruct ChatGPT to upload its files to an S3 bucket using the curl command.

About e2b

E2B is the company behind this plugin. We are building an operating system for AI agents, providing a set of low-level APIs for building agents and sandboxed cloud environments for these agents to freely explore without limitations. Our goal is to create a seamless platform for AI development.


Install dependencies
To install the required dependencies for development, run the following command:
npm install
Start the reloading server
To start the reloading server, run the following command:
npm run dev
API routes
We are using tsoa to generate the OpenAPI spec and server route boilerplate. The API is described using TypeScript decorators in the Controllers located in the src/plugin directory.
The documentation for the API is generated from the JSDoc comments in the Controllers. You can find more information about this in the tsoa docs.
Note: If you want to change the info section inside the OpenAPI spec, you need to modify the generated spec script, not the openapi.yaml file directly.
If you want to modify the ChatGPT plugin manifest, you can do so to change the metadata about the plugin.

chatgpt code interpreter github的常见问答Q&A

问题1:甚么是ChatGPT Code Interpreter?

答案:ChatGPT Code Interpreter是OpenAI开发的一个工具,用于在交互环境中履行编程代码。它可以运行Python代码,并具有自动生成和履行代码的功能。如需使用ChatGPT Code Interpreter,只需向OpenAI模型提出要求,它将生成并履行代码。它是一个开放源代码的实现,可以用于数据分析、图象转换、编辑代码等任务。下面是有关ChatGPT Code Interpreter的详细信息:

  • 具体解释和例子:ChatGPT Code Interpreter是OpenAI的ChatGPT Code Interpreter的一个开源实现。它以自然语言描写作为输入,将其转换为Python代码并自动履行。
    例如,当你向ChatGPT Code Interpreter提出以下要求:“请帮我计算1加1的结果”,它将生成并履行以下Python代码:
  • result = 1 + 1



    这个例子展现了ChatGPT Code Interpreter的功能,它可以将自然语言转化为可履行的Python代码。

  • 其他相关信息:







