Building Icons / Icon Sets with ChatGPT(chatgpt icon design)

I. ChatGPT为设计师提供灵感

A. ChatGPT如何帮助设计师提出图标创意


B. ChatGPT的优势


II. 使用ChatGPT设计图标的挑战

A. 从头开始设计图标的挑战


B. ChatGPT带来的便利


III. 使用ChatGPT设计图标的资源

A. Vecteezy的贡献

Vecteezy提供了333个Chatgpt Icon矢量图供设计师选择。在Vecteezy上可以下载免版税的Chatgpt Icon矢量图、图标、剪贴画和背景图。

B. ChatGPT图标下载


IV. ChatGPT图标的利用实例

A. 无版权限制的使用


B. 与人工智能相关的利用


V. ChatGPT图标的设计原则

A. 色采功能性



chatgpt icon design的进一步展开说明

Building Icons / Icon Sets with ChatGPT


In today’s digital age, icons have become an essential component of user interfaces, enhancing interactions and improving user-friendliness. However, designing icons from scratch can be a complex and time-consuming task. This is where ChatGPT can be a valuable tool.

In this blog post, we will explore how to use ChatGPT to create icons and icon sets.

Problem Statement

As a Solution Architect, I often find myself in need of a standardized set of icons for design patterns. While there are existing icon sets available, such as the EIP icon set, I wanted to create a more versatile icon set that can be easily extended as needed.


Before we delve into utilizing ChatGPT for icon creation, let’s first understand the characteristics and structure of icons.

Icons are symbolic images that represent a concept, object, or action. They should be simple, minimalistic, and effectively convey the intended concept. Additionally, icons within a set should be consistent, adaptable to multiple sizes, and themable.

To define an icon, we need to consider the following parameters:

1. Purpose: What concept or idea should the icon symbolize?
2. Style: What aesthetic and visual semantics should the icon adhere to? For example, material design, skeuomorphic design, or 3D design.
3. Shape: What overall shape should the icon have? Examples include geometric or round shapes.
4. Size: What should be the default size of the icon?
5. Colour Scheme: Which color palette should be used for the icon? Options may include pastel, material, or complementary colors.
6. Detail: How much detail should be included in the icon? As a best practice, icons should be kept minimalistic.

Based on the above parameters, we can ensure that all aspects are taken into account when creating an icon set.

Icon Creation Process

1. Purpose: Design patterns
– Icons in this set should symbolize different design patterns commonly used in user interfaces. Examples include navigation menus, search bars, or notifications.
– The icons should effectively convey the purpose of each design pattern to users.

2. Style: Material design
– Material design provides a clean and modern visual language for icons.
– It focuses on simplicity and minimalism, ensuring icons are easily understandable and visually pleasing.

3. Shape: Square
– Icons in this set should have a square shape as it provides a balanced and uniform appearance.
– The square shape also allows for more versatile usage and compatibility across various design scenarios.

4. Size: Adaptable
– Icons should be designed in a way that allows them to adapt to different sizes without losing clarity and consistency.
– This ensures that icons remain visually appealing whether they are displayed in a small mobile interface or a large desktop application.

5. Colour Scheme: Material with complementary colours
– The material color scheme offers a wide range of harmonious colors that can be used to create visually pleasing icons.
– By using complementary colors, we can add variety and contrast to the icon set, making it more engaging for users.

6. Detail: Minimalistic
– Icons in this set should follow a minimalistic design approach, keeping unnecessary details to a minimum.
– This enhances the simplicity and clarity of the icons, making them instantly recognizable and easy to understand.


Building icons or icon sets can be a challenging task, but with the help of tools like ChatGPT, it becomes more accessible and efficient. By considering the purpose, style, shape, size, color scheme, and level of detail, we can create a well-designed and versatile icon set that enhances user experiences.

ChatGPT can assist with generating icon ideas and providing design recommendations based on the parameters defined. It can also help with iterating and refining the icons until they meet the desired requirements.

Incorporating icons into user interfaces not only improves the aesthetic appeal but also enhances usability and intuitiveness. With the right icon set created using ChatGPT, designers and developers can provide a more cohesive and engaging user experience in their applications and websites.

So, if you’re looking to build icons or icon sets, consider leveraging tools like ChatGPT to streamline the process and achieve exceptional results.

chatgpt icon design的常见问答Q&A





  1. 指定设计要求和限制。
  2. 与ChatGPT进行对话,描写所需图标的主题、风格、色彩等。
  3. 通过ChatGPT的生成文本来取得图标设计的创意和灵感。
  4. 根据ChatGPT提供的想法进行进一步的设计和修改。
  5. 循环进行对话和设计,直到满意为止。



  1. 肯定所需图标的主题和用处。
  2. 与ChatGPT进行对话,描写图标的细节要求,如形状、大小、风格等。
  3. 根据ChatGPT提供的创意和灵感,设计和绘制图标。
  4. 如果需要设计图标集,可使用ChatGPT来肯定图标之间的一致性和关联性。
  5. 根据实际需要对设计进行调剂和修改,直到满意为止。



  • UXWing:提供ChatGPT图标的PNG和SVG格式不要钱下载。
  • Vecteezy:提供ChatGPT图标的矢量图象、图标和背景等不要钱下载。
  • 其他类似的创意贡献者网站也可能提供ChatGPT图标的不要钱资源。









