ChatGPT Policy Template(chatgpt usage policy)





A. 商业使用制止

  • 员工不得将ChatGPT和其他第三方生成型AI服务用于业务活动。
  • 这是由于我们希望保护机密信息和保护商业道德。

B. 个人使用规定

  • 员工可以在非工作时间内个人使用ChatGPT。
  • 员工制止使用ChatGPT进行违背政策的活动。



A. 编辑和校订的重要性

  • 强调AI生成内容需要人工编辑和校订。
  • 这样可以保证内容的准确性和可靠性。

B. 事实核实流程

  • 不依赖AI生成的内容,需要进行事实核实。
  • 这样可以避免虚假信息的传播和误导。



A. 法律、商业和名誉风险

  • 使用ChatGPT会引发隐私、消费者保护等法律、商业和名誉风险。
  • 公司需要采取措施下降风险并遵照合规要求。

B. 企业中的ChatGPT使用政策

  • 制定ChatGPT的使用规定,如制止、需授权和通常允许的分类。
  • 目标是明确规定ChatGPT的合法和负责使用。



A. 非付费用户的数据使用

  • 用户一定要知情自己的数据可能被OpenAI用于改进模型。
  • 同时,提示用户保护本身的敏感信息。



A. 企业对生成型AI的负责使用需要制定一系列规章制度

  • 建立生成型AI使用的流程和标准。
  • 制定内部培训计划和意识提升活动。

B. 最大化利益的内部ChatGPT政策制定方法和步骤

  1. 调研和了解组织内部需求和问题。
  2. 制定生成型AI使用政策的目标和原则。
  3. 明确ChatGPT的使用范围和限制。
  4. 制定相应的培训计划和沟通措施。
  5. 定期评估并更新政策。



A. 样例ChatGPT使用政策提供参考


  • 制止商业使用。
  • 个人使用于非工作时间,制止违背政策。
  • 所有AI生成内容需要编辑和校订。
  • 不依赖AI生成内容,进行事实核实。
  • 遵照法律、商业和名誉风险规定。
  • 制定内部ChatGPT使用政策。
  • 明确数据保护和使用规定。
  • 制定培训计划和更新政策。

B. 可根据本身组织情况定制ChatGPT使用政策




chatgpt usage policy的进一步展开说明


ChatGPT is an advanced generative AI language model developed by OpenAI, based on the GPT architecture. It is able to generate human-like text by learning from a massive dataset of internet text and using deep learning techniques. With its natural-sounding responses, ChatGPT is a valuable tool for various natural language processing tasks.

While ChatGPT offers numerous benefits, concerns around ethical implications and responsible use need to be addressed. This article explores potential applications of ChatGPT in the workplace and provides a policy template for responsible use.

Potential Uses of ChatGPT at Work

ChatGPT can be leveraged by small businesses to improve operations and customer engagement. Here are a few examples:

  1. Chatbot: Businesses can develop a chatbot using ChatGPT to answer common customer inquiries and provide support. ChatGPT enhances user experience by generating more natural-sounding responses.
  2. Content creation: ChatGPT can generate website content, social media posts, and marketing materials, saving time and resources while maintaining high-quality content that engages and informs readers.
  3. Customer engagement: With ChatGPT, businesses can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty by using it to respond to customer inquiries or comments on social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook.
  4. Language translation: For businesses operating internationally or serving multilingual customers, ChatGPT can provide quick and accurate content translation. This expands reach and enables effective communication with a diverse audience.
  5. Research and analysis: ChatGPT assists businesses in analyzing customer feedback and reviews to identify common themes and issues. This data-driven approach helps improve products and services.

Our Responsible Use Policy for ChatGPT

To ensure responsible and ethical use of AI-generated content, our business has established the following policy:

1. Requirements for AI-generated content:

We prioritize proofing, editing, and fact-checking to enhance the quality of AI-generated content. Human intervention is crucial for fine-tuning and ensuring accuracy.

  • Proofing: All AI-generated content must be proofread by humans for accuracy before publication, including checking for spelling, grammar, and factual errors.
  • Editing: AI-generated content must be edited to ensure coherence, engaging writing, and suitability for the target audience. The content should be logically structured.
  • Fact-checking: AI-generated content should undergo rigorous fact-checking to validate information, including verifying sources, statistics, and supporting evidence for claims.
  • AI as a starting point: AI-generated content should be viewed as a starting point, recognizing that human writers and editors contribute invaluable creativity and critical thinking skills that cannot be replicated by AI.

2. Guidelines for responsible use of AI-generated content:

We uphold essential guidelines to ensure responsible use of AI-generated content:

  • Transparency: All AI-generated content must be clearly labeled as such, ensuring transparency to both employees and customers about the use of AI in content generation.
  • Data privacy: Our business is committed to handling personal or sensitive data used to train AI models with utmost care, ensuring compliance with data protection laws.
  • Fairness: We strictly prohibit the use of AI-generated content that discriminates against individuals based on protected characteristics, such as race, gender, age, or disability.
  • Liability: Our company assumes responsibility for any harm caused by AI-generated content and maintains insurance coverage to mitigate potential legal claims.

Caution: Protecting Proprietary Data

While ChatGPT is a sophisticated tool that provides valuable insights and responses, businesses should exercise caution when sharing proprietary and confidential information with it.

ChatGPT is a digital tool that may be accessed by unintended parties, posing a risk of data exposure or misuse. Unlike human employees or contractors, ChatGPT is not bound by confidentiality agreements or legal protections.

Therefore, businesses should refrain from sharing proprietary and confidential information with ChatGPT to prevent potential security breaches and unauthorized access to sensitive data.

In summary, businesses must exercise caution and be mindful of the security risks and confidentiality concerns associated with sharing proprietary data with ChatGPT.

chatgpt usage policy的常见问答Q&A





  • 确保合规性和责任:ChatGPT的使用可能带来法律、商业和名誉风险。企业制定政策可以明确规定员工使用ChatGPT的限制和责任,以免背规行动。
  • 保护公司利益:ChatGPT生成的内容可能触及敏感信息、商业机密或其他保密内容。通过制定政策,企业可以确保这些信息不被滥用或泄漏。
  • 确保质量控制:虽然ChatGPT可以生成各种内容,但它其实不完善。制定ChatGPT政策可以要求员工在使用ChatGPT生成的内容之前进行校订、编辑和事实核实,以确保内容的准确性和可靠性。



  • 明确制止使用范围:政策应明确列出制止使用ChatGPT的情况和场景,如处理敏感信息、制作虚假新闻等。
  • 规定授权使用情况:政策应明确说明在哪些情况下允许授权使用ChatGPT,和取得授权的程序和流程。
  • 强调质量控制:政策应强调使用ChatGPT生成的内容需要进行校订、编辑和事实核实,以确保内容的准确性和可靠性。
  • 保护隐私和机密信息:政策应规定员工在使用ChatGPT时需遵照隐私和机密信息的保护要求,制止滥用和泄漏相关信息。



  1. 明确政策目标:肯定政策的主要目标和保护企业利益的关键点。
  2. 研究最好实践:调研和分析相关行业和组织的最好实践,鉴戒他们制定政策的方案和经验。
  3. 定义制止使用范围:明确制止使用ChatGPT的情况和场景,如处理敏感信息、制作虚假信息等。
  4. 规定授权使用情况:明确在哪些情况下允许授权使用ChatGPT,并明确取得授权的程序和流程。
  5. 强调质量控制:明确使用ChatGPT生成的内容需要进行校订、编辑和事实核实的要求。
  6. 确保隐私和机密信息保护:规定员工在使用ChatGPT时需遵照隐私和机密信息的保护要求,制止滥用和泄漏相关信息。
  7. 培训和沟通:展开培训和沟通活动,确保员工对ChatGPT政策的理解和遵照。
  8. 定期审查和更新:定期审查和更新ChatGPT政策,以适应新的技术发展和组织需求。







