ChatGPT for Enterprise: OpenAI’s new business offering(chatgpt enterprise 日本)
OpenAI推出的ChatGPT Enterprise是一种功能丰富的人工智能助手,专为企业打造,旨在为日本市场提供最好的AI商业解决方案。ChatGPT Enterprise不但提供了更高级别的安全性和隐私保护,还具有更强大的功能和更快速的访问速度。该解决方案适用于各种企业利用,包括培训员工、内部份析和解决问题等。
ChatGPT Enterprise的安全性和隐私保护升级:
ChatGPT Enterprise采取了企业级的安全性和隐私增强功能,以保护企业敏感信息。该版本提供加密和其他隐私保护措施,确保对话内容的安全性和保密性。
例如,ChatGPT Enterprise使用端到端加密技术,确保数据在传输进程中的安全性。另外,用户可以根据需要选择将对话数据存储在本地或在云端进行处理,以满足区别企业的安全需求。
ChatGPT Enterprise的功能优势:
相比普通版本,ChatGPT Enterprise具有更强大的功能,可以接受更长的提示,提供更准确的回答。通过无穷制的GPT⑷访问,用户可以更快地获得所需的信息。
例如,ChatGPT Enterprise可以处理更复杂的问题和任务。它具有更强大的语言处理能力,可以理解更多种类的自然语言输入,并生成更准确的回答。企业可以借助ChatGPT Enterprise提升工作效力,解决复杂问题,提供个性化的服务。
ChatGPT Enterprise在企业利用中的价值:
对企业来讲,ChatGPT Enterprise是提高员工学习新概念或技能(如编码)和内部份析的理想工具。它可以帮助员工解决问题、提供实时支持,并支持团队的创造力和创新能力的提升。
例如,在培训员工方面,ChatGPT Enterprise可以根据培训计划提供个性化的学习材料和交互式训练,帮助员工更好地掌握所需的知识和技能。
ChatGPT Enterprise提供定制化的解决方案,以满足日本企业的特定需求和文化背景。其强大的语言处理能力和语言本土化使得它在日本市场上有很大的竞争优势。
例如,ChatGPT Enterprise可以根据区别的行业和企业特点,提供定制化的回答和解决方案。它理解日本本地的俚语、礼仪和文化,能够与日本企业和用户进行更自然的交换。
ChatGPT Enterprise的商业价值:
企业可以利用ChatGPT Enterprise提高客户服务水平,实现更高的效力和准确性。它可用于自动响应常见问题、提供个性化的建议和解决方案,从而增加客户满意度和销售额。
例如,ChatGPT Enterprise可以作为在线客服工具,自动回答常见问题,并根据用户的需求提供个性化的租赁建议。它可以根据用户的历史数据和偏好,做出更精准的推荐,提升用户体验和租赁意愿。
OpenAI将继续改进ChatGPT Enterprise,提供更多定制化选项和功能,以满足区别行业和企业的区别需求。随着技术的不断发展,ChatGPT Enterprise将成为日本市场上更多企业的首选AI商业解决方案。
例如,未来ChatGPT Enterprise可能支持更多的行业领域,如医疗保健、金融和制造业等。它将可以解决更多复杂的问题,提供更具创造性和创新性的解决方案,帮助企业在竞争剧烈的市场中获得优势。
ChatGPT Enterprise作为OpenAI推出的AI商业解决方案,为日本市场带来了更安全、更强大的人工智能助手。通过提供高级的安全性和隐私保护,和更丰富的功能和更快速的访问速度,它为企业利用提供了最好的解决方案。未来,随着不断的改进和发展,ChatGPT Enterprise将在日本市场上得到更广泛的利用。
chatgpt enterprise 日本的进一步展开说明
OpenAI Launches ChatGPT Enterprise to Meet Business Needs
OpenAI recently unveiled ChatGPT Enterprise, an enhanced version of its AI assistant designed specifically for businesses. In a blog post, OpenAI highlighted some of the additional features offered by ChatGPT Enterprise, including enterprise-grade security and privacy, unlimited higher-speed GPT⑷ access, longer context windows, advanced data analysis capabilities, and customization options.
While OpenAI has not disclosed the pricing details for ChatGPT Enterprise, they encourage interested parties to reach out to their sales team for more information. OpenAI aims to onboard as many enterprises as possible in the coming weeks. As part of this announcement, OpenAI also renamed Code Interpreter to “Advanced Data Analysis.”
ChatGPT Enterprise: An Upgrade from ChatGPT Plus
Rather than simply offering bulk packages of ChatGPT Plus with a discount, OpenAI has introduced ChatGPT Enterprise with a substantial array of additional features compared to the individual subscription plan. Here’s a breakdown of the new features:
Enterprise-grade Security and Privacy
OpenAI provides concrete details about what “enterprise-grade security” entails:
- Customer prompts and company data are not used for training OpenAI models.
- Data encryption at rest (AES 256) and in transit (TLS 1.2+), ensuring the protection of data on OpenAI’s service and during transmission over the internet.
- Certified SOC 2 compliant, adhering to the security, availability, processing integrity, and privacy standards set by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Features for Large-Scale Deployments
ChatGPT Enterprise offers various features to facilitate large-scale deployments, including:
- Admin console with bulk member management
- Single Sign-On (SSO)
- Domain verification
- Analytics dashboard for usage insights
Additional Features
ChatGPT Enterprise also provides the following additional features:
- Unlimited access to GPT⑷ with no usage caps
- Higher-speed performance for GPT⑷, leading to up to 2x faster processing
- Unlimited access to advanced data analysis (formerly known as Code Interpreter)
- 32k token context windows, allowing 4x longer inputs, files, or follow-ups
- Shareable chat templates for collaborative workflow development within the company
- Free credits for OpenAI’s APIs to customize the solution according to the organization’s needs
Addressing Pain Points with ChatGPT Enterprise
This release signifies a major step forward for OpenAI, addressing several pain points that businesses previously encountered when using ChatGPT. Until now, the only option available was the individual subscription plan at a cost of $20 per person per month. There was no way to make bulk purchases or efficiently manage subscriptions. This new version introduces an admin console and SSO, effectively resolving these issues.
Enterprise security is another significant advantage of ChatGPT Enterprise, bringing relief to organizations concerned about potential security risks associated with using ChatGPT. Despite these concerns, over 80% of Fortune 500 companies have already adopted ChatGPT, and their employees continue to use it even in the face of bans. OpenAI recommends implementing usage policies rather than AI bans, ensuring proper utilization of the technology.
Another valuable aspect of ChatGPT Enterprise is the guarantee that staff prompts are not utilized for training OpenAI models. Moreover, the inclusion of data encryption at rest and in transit provides additional security, protecting customer and staff personal identifying information (PII) and preserving company trade secrets.
While ChatGPT Enterprise offers robust security measures, it is crucial for organizations to conduct a thorough security review before fully adopting the solution. Developing resilient processes around AI model use is essential for mitigating any potential risks.
Generative AI Tools in Business
The release of ChatGPT Enterprise, coupled with the fact that 80% of the most successful organizations are already using ChatGPT, signifies a shift towards generative AI (GenAI) becoming the new normal. To stay competitive, businesses should explore this technology and ensure their staff receives adequate training to leverage its potential value.
Learn More about ChatGPT and AI
Pluralsight offers various AI and machine learning courses, catering to beginners, intermediate learners, and experts. These courses cover generative AI and tools like ChatGPT. You can sign up for a 10-day free trial, with no commitments. Pluralsight also provides professional and enterprise plans, along with analytics tools to maximize the effectiveness of your company’s upskilling initiatives. Contact us today to discover more.
chatgpt enterprise 日本的常见问答Q&A
问题1:ChatGPT Enterprise是甚么?
答案:ChatGPT Enterprise是OpenAI推出的针对企业的一种增强版AI助手。它基于GPT⑷技术,提供了更强的安全性和隐私保护,并具有更多的功能。
- ChatGPT Enterprise使用GPT⑷技术,可以接受更长的提示信息。
- ChatGPT Enterprise提供了加密和其他隐私保护功能,确保用户的数据安全。
- ChatGPT Enterprise具有更多的功能,可以帮助员工学习新的概念或技能,如编程,并分析内部信息。
问题2:ChatGPT Enterprise相比于不要钱版有哪几种主要特点?
答案:相比于不要钱版,ChatGPT Enterprise具有以下主要特点:
- 更强的安全性和隐私保护:ChatGPT Enterprise提供了”企业级”的安全性和隐私保护,使用加密和其他隐私保护功能,确保用户的数据安全。
- 更多的功能:ChatGPT Enterprise针对企业提供了更多的功能,可以帮助员工学习新的概念或技能,如编程,并分析内部信息。
- 无穷制的GPT⑷访问:ChatGPT Enterprise提供了无穷制的高速GPT⑷访问,可以处理更复杂和大范围的任务。
问题3:ChatGPT Enterprise如何保护企业的数据安全?
答案:ChatGPT Enterprise通过以下方式保护企业的数据安全:
- 加密和隐私保护:ChatGPT Enterprise使用加密和其他隐私保护功能,确保用户的数据在传输和处理进程中得到保护。
- 企业级安全性:ChatGPT Enterprise提供了”企业级”的安全性,采取了多层次的安全措施,以避免未经授权的访问和数据泄漏。
- 数据保存政策:OpenAI遵照严格的数据保存政策,只保存必要的数据并依照法律法规进行处理,以确保数据的安全和合规。