How to get an OpenAI API Key for ChatGPT(chatgpt openapi token)

ChatGPT OpenAPI详解:了解ChatGPT开放API的记忆功能与Token用量


I. ChatGPT开放API的记忆功能

ChatGPT开放API提供了一种记忆功能,便可以使用user参数来提供对话上下文的个性化。通过为每一个用户分配区别的user ID来辨别对话历史记录,ChatGPT模型可以根据每一个用户的偏好和历史记录生成联贯的响应。

例如,当ChatGPT模型接收到具有区别user ID的类似对话时,它可以根据每一个用户的偏好和历史记录生成区别的响应。这使得对话更加个性化,更符适用户的需求。

II. ChatGPT开放API的Token用量


Token的用量与使用ChatGPT API的本钱有关。在不要钱试用期过后,每千个Token的本钱为0.002美元。区别版本的ChatGPT模型有区别的Token限制,例如,gpt⑶.5-turbo模型的Token限制为4,096。

III. 获得ChatGPT API Key和使用指南

要使用ChatGPT开放API,需要先获得API Key,并依照一定的步骤来集成它到自己的利用程序中。

A. 步骤一:获得API Key

要获得API Key,需要登录OpenAI官网并完成注册。在个人资料页面当选择”View API Keys”选项,便可获得API Key。

B. 步骤二:使用ChatGPT API

在获得API Key以后,就能够使用OpenAI的API将ChatGPT集成到自己的利用程序中了。根据Token用量付费,最强大的text-davinci-003 API每1,000个Token费用为0.02美元。

chatgpt openapi token的进一步展开说明

Why should one obtain an OpenAI API Key?

There are several compelling reasons why obtaining an OpenAI API key is beneficial. Let’s explore some of the advantages:

Access to advanced AI models

OpenAI has developed cutting-edge AI models like GPT⑶ and Codex. By acquiring an API key, users can leverage the capabilities of these models for tasks such as natural language understanding and generation, code writing, translation, and more.

Develop intelligent applications

The OpenAI API allows developers to integrate AI capabilities into their applications. For instance, they can utilize the API with chatbots like Maisie AI, which employs GPT⑶ to comprehend and generate human-like responses.

Easy integration

The OpenAI API is designed to seamlessly integrate with existing systems and software. This makes it convenient for developers to add AI functionalities to their applications without significant effort.

Access to up-to-date models

By possessing an API key, users can always access the latest versions of OpenAI’s models. They don’t need to worry about updating or maintaining the models themselves. This ensures that they are working with the most advanced AI technology.


The OpenAI API is capable of handling requests at scale, making it suitable for both startups looking to build their first product and established companies seeking to enhance their services with AI capabilities. Regardless of the size of the operation, the OpenAI API can effectively cater to the needs of various businesses.

Cost and time efficiency

Developing and training your own AI models can be costly and time-consuming. By utilizing an OpenAI API key, users can leverage pre-trained models, saving both time and resources while still achieving high-quality results.

How to obtain an OpenAI API Key?

Follow the steps below to obtain your own OpenAI API key:

  1. Create an OpenAI account
  2. If you don’t already have an OpenAI account, visit the OpenAI website and click on the “Sign Up” button at the top right corner of the page. Fill in your details to create an account.

  3. Verify your account
  4. After signing up, you’ll receive an email from OpenAI to confirm your account. Open the email and click on the verification link to ensure the security of your account.

  5. Log into your account
  6. Return to the OpenAI website and click on the “Log In” button. Enter the username and password you used to sign up.

  7. Navigate to the API section
  8. Upon logging in, click on the icon with your account name, located in the top right corner of your screen. From the dropdown menu, select “View API keys”.

  9. Generate a new API key
  10. In the API keys section, you’ll find a button labeled “Create new secret key”. Click on this button to generate a new API key.

    A box will appear, prompting you to name your secret API key. It’s a good idea to use a descriptive name that will help you remember its purpose in the future. After naming your key, click the “Create secret key” button.

  11. Save your API key
  12. You will now see the generated secret key. Copy this key and securely store it for future use. It’s important to keep this key confidential, as failure to do so may compromise the security of your applications that authenticate with OpenAI’s services.

  13. Set up billing
  14. OpenAI charges for API usage, so you’ll need to set up a payment method for billing. To do this, click on “Billing” in the left menu, then select “Payment methods”. Here, you can add your credit card and billing details by clicking “Add payment method” and following the prompts.

  15. Set usage limits
  16. To control your monthly expenditure on the API, it’s wise to set usage limits. Simply click on “Usage limits” in the left menu and enter the desired figures for hard and soft usage limits. Once done, click “Save”.

  17. Adhere to OpenAI’s guidelines
  18. Before getting started, familiarize yourself with OpenAI’s use case policy and terms of use. It’s crucial to follow these guidelines to ensure responsible usage of the technology.

    That’s it! You’re now equipped to leverage the power of OpenAI’s machine learning services. Remember to keep your API key secure and enjoy exploring the vast possibilities of AI.

chatgpt openapi token的常见问答Q&A



  • ChatGPT的openapi可以实现智能的自动回复功能。
  • 开发者可以根据自己的需求,使用openapi提供的可选参数来定制化ChatGPT的行动。
  • 区别的API调用可以独立地处理区别的输入,而不会遭到先前输入的影响。







