How to Upload Documents to ChatGPT (5 Methods)(how do i upload a pdf to chatgpt)



I. ChatGPT官网上传

A. 打开ChatGPT官网,会在页面的右下角出现一个“上传”按钮。

  1. 点击该按钮。
  2. 选择要上传的PDF文档。
  3. 支持的文档格式有PDF、DOC、DOCX、XLSX、TXT等。

II. 使用AskYourPDF插件上传

A. 安装AskYourPDF插件。

  1. 前往插件商店。
  2. 安装AskYourPDF插件。

B. 上传PDF文件。

  1. 打开插件。
  2. 选择要上传的PDF文件。

C. 与ChatGPT交互。

  1. 开始与ChatGPT进行对话。

III. 通过转换为文本上传

A. 将PDF转换为文本。

  1. 复制粘贴(存在字数限制)。
  2. 直接粘贴文件链接。

B. 将文本粘贴到ChatGPT中。

C. 与ChatGPT进行对话。

IV. 使用第三方网站上传

A. 访问。

B. 点击“Drop PDF here”按钮。

C. 上传PDF文件。

  1. 拖拽PDF文件到指定区域。
  2. 点击“浏览我的电脑”按钮手动选择文件。

D. 与ChatGPT交互。

V. 使用ChatPDF网站上传

A. 前往。

B. 点击“Drop PDF here”按钮。

C. 上传PDF文件。

D. 与ChatGPT进行对话。


how do i upload a pdf to chatgpt的进一步展开说明

Why ChatGPT is losing its trend

ChatGPT seems to lose its trend gradually as the company stopped pushing updates & new features. When ChatGPT introduced the plugin support for ChatGPT Plus users, it again made headlines in the news portals.

The trend is diminishing, and people are finding new ways to use AI chatbots. Today, hundreds of AI chatbots are available on the web, some of which offer better features, but mostly all use GPT⑶ or GPT 3.5 model.

The one problem that ChatGPT always had was the inability to read the document files. For example, if you have a PDF file that you want to summarize, you will have to copy the entire text content and feed it to the chatbot.

The process may suit many users who prefer not to purchase the plus variant, but what if you regularly deal with PDF files and want an effective solution?

5 Ways to Upload Documents to ChatGPT

In such a case, you must look for ways to upload a document to ChatGPT. It is possible to upload a document to ChatGPT, but you must use several third-party websites or extensions.

Below, we have shared some easy methods to upload a document to ChatGPT. These methods let you upload several document formats, like TXT, HTML, CSS, CSV, PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, etc., to the ChatGPT. Let’s get started.

1. Upload PDF Files to ChatGPT using ChatPDF

ChatPDF is a website that lets you analyze PDF files. This one uses the API of ChatGPT to serve you the response. Currently, the website allows you to upload PDF files of up to 120 Pages and ask 50 questions per day. Here’s how to use the website to upload PDF files to ChatGPT:

  1. Open your favorite web browser and visit
  2. Click the Drop PDF here button and select the PDF file.
  3. Now wait until the site process and analyze the PDF file you’ve uploaded.
  4. Once processed, you will see an interface like the one below. On the left side, you will see the content of the PDF file and the chat panel on the right.
  5. Now, you can ask questions and chat with the PDF file you’ve uploaded.

While the ChatPDF website works well, sometimes it shows an error message. If you get the error message, you can try again later.

2. Analyze Text or PDF using ChatGPT Plus Plugins

If you have a ChatGPT Plus account, you can utilize a plugin to analyze PDF or text documents. A plugin called AskYourPDF lets you unlock the power of PDFs on the chatbot.

The AskYourPDF ChatGPT Plugin lets you dive into documents, find answers, and bring information to your fingerprint. Here’s how to use the ChatGPT Plus Plugins to analyze PDF files:

  1. Login to your ChatGPT Plus account.
  2. Now open the Plugin store and install the AskYourPDF plugin. Note: If you don’t know how to activate and use plugins on ChatGPT, read this article – How to Enable ChatGPT Plugins and Use it?.
  3. Once added, enable the AskYourPDF Plugin on the chatbot.
  4. To use the Plugin, enter the document link and ask questions.
  5. You can also upload your document by the prompt: upload a document.
  6. The chatbot will return with a link asking you to upload your document. Upload the document and get the document ID.
  7. Once you have the document id, you can copy and paste it on the ChatGPT and ask questions.

3. Upload Documents to ChatGPT using BookGPT

BookGPT is a web app that lets you upload an entire book and ask questions about its content.

The web app uses GPT⑶ to analyze the content and generate the answers. You can use it to upload all book formats, including PDFs. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Open your favorite web browser and visit this webpage.
  2. Now sign in to your OpenAI Account and navigate to the Profile > View API Keys.
  3. Next, click on the + Create new secret key button.
  4. Name the new secret key and click the Create Secret Key button.
  5. Once you get the API keys, switch to the BookGPT webpage.
  6. Now upload the PDF file, ask the question, and paste the OpenAI API Key you’ve just copied. Once done, click on the Submit button.
  7. Within a few minutes, BookGPT will return with the answer.

4. Upload Documents to ChatGPT using Extension

Using the Google Chrome web browser, you can use the ChatGPT file uploader extended extension to upload a document to the AI chatbot. The extension is available for free; here’s how to use it:

  1. Open Google Chrome and visit this extension webpage.
  2. Next, click on the Add to Chrome button.
  3. On the confirmation prompt, click on the Add extension.
  4. Now open and sign in to your account.
  5. Start a new chat and click the Upload File button.
  6. Now upload the document file and wait for the AI chatbot to analyze it.
  7. Once analyzed, you can ask questions about the document.

5. Analyze Document files using the Microsoft Edge browser

Microsoft Edge browser has a ChatGPT Powered Bing AI search integrated into its sidebar that lets you perform all AI stuff.

You need to open the PDF files on the Microsoft Edge browser and then ask Bing AI to analyze them. The ChatGPT Powered Bing AI will analyze the document shown on the screen and allow you to ask questions. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Make sure the Microsoft Edge browser is installed on your computer.
  2. Right-click on the document file and select Open With > Microsoft Edge.
  3. This will open the document in the Edge browser.
  4. When the document opens in the Edge browser, click the Discover icon at the top right.
  5. Now, you can ask the questions. The Bing AI chat will analyze the document you’re viewing and allow you to ask questions.
  6. You can get started by summarizing the document. Later you can ask follow-up questions.

So, these are some of the working methods to upload documents to ChatGPT. All the methods we have shared are free and don’t require signup or account creation. You can easily feed your document files, like PDF, TXT, DOC, etc., to ChatGPT and chat with it.

Also Read: How to Use ChatGPT to Create AI Images

how do i upload a pdf to chatgpt的常见问答Q&A



  • ChatGPT是由OpenAI开发的一种强大的语言模型。
  • ChatGPT通过生成对抗网络(GAN)进行训练,可以产生高质量的文本响应。
  • 它可以用于各种利用,如聊天机器人、自动问答系统等。



  • 方法一:打开ChatGPT网站,在页面底部右边会出现一个“上传”按钮。点击该按钮,然后选择您想要上传的文档。ChatGPT支持PDF、DOC、DOCX、XLSX、TXT等常见文档格式。
  • 方法二:使用第三方网站ChatPDF,在该网站上点击“上传PDF”按钮,然后选择您的PDF文件进行上传。
  • 方法三:使用AskYourPDF插件,安装该插件并打开ChatGPT网站,然后点击“上传”按钮,选择您的PDF文件进行上传。



  • 步骤一:打开ChatGPT网站,在页面中找到相关的PDF上传选项。
  • 步骤二:点击“上传”按钮,选择您要对话的PDF文件。
  • 步骤三:等待ChatGPT加载和处理您的PDF文件。
  • 步骤四:开始与ChatGPT进行对话,并根据需要提出问题或发送指令。



  • ChatPDF:这是一个不要钱的在线工具,可让您轻松与任何PDF进行对话,无需登录。
  • AskYourPDF插件:这是一个Chrome浏览器插件,可让您将PDF文件上传到ChatGPT,并与之进行对话。







