zhayujie/chatgpt-on-wechat: Wechat robot based on ChatGPT, which using OpenAI api and itchat library

ChatGPT on WeChat GitHub项目:打造智能微信机器人!

ChatGPT on WeChat是一个可以在微信上构建智能聊天机器人的开源项目,集成了强大的ChatGPT模型,让用户能够与其进行有趣和成心义的对话。该项目的代码托管在GitHub上,方便开发者进行协作和贡献。

1. 简介

ChatGPT on WeChat的目标是使用ChatGPT模型实现与微信用户的聊天功能。通过该项目,用户可以在微信上与ChatGPT进行自然语言对话,实现智能聊天功能。以下是该项目的相关信息:

  • 项目地址:https://github.com/zhayujie/chatgpt-on-wechat
  • 安装和部署说明:请参考项目README文件中的安装和部署指南。

2. 功能说明

ChatGPT on WeChat提供了以下功能:

  • 在微信上使用ChatGPT进行聊天,可以与ChatGPT模型进行自由对话。
  • 支持命令设置,用户可以通过命令设置模型的行动和响应。

3. 项目特点

ChatGPT on WeChat具有以下特点:

  • 基于GPT3.5 API和itchat库实现,结合了强大的ChatGPT模型和微信的交互功能。
  • 支持多种ChatGPT模型,如GPT3.0、GPT3.5、GPT4.0、Claude、文心一言、讯飞星火等,让用户可以根据自己的需求选择合适的模型。
  • 提供稳定的AI绘画功能(英文版),和负面偏向提示,帮助用户更好地理解ChatGPT的回答。

4. 部署步骤

可使用Docker或配置文件的方式部署ChatGPT on WeChat:

  • 使用Docker部署:
    • 克隆项目:git clone https://github.com/zhayujie/chatgpt-on-wechat.git
    • 运行Docker容器:docker run -tdi --name gpt -v /data/chatgpt-on-wechat:/data/chatgpt-on-wechat chatgpt-on-wechat
  • 使用配置文件部署:
    • 构建Docker镜像:docker build -t chatgpt-on-wechat .
    • 运行Docker容器:docker run -v $(pwd)/config.yaml:/app/config.yaml chatgpt-on-wechat

5. 使用说明

使用ChatGPT on WeChat非常简单,只需要依照以下步骤进行操作:

  • 登录微信账号,确保微信处于登录状态。
  • 与ChatGPT进行交互,向微信发送消息便可与ChatGPT进行对话。
  • 支持上下文感知的问答功能,ChatGPT能够记住之前的对话上下文,从而更好地理解用户的问题。
  • 支持多线程,可以同时与多个用户进行聊天。

6. 项目评价

ChatGPT on WeChat在GitHub上取得了众多星标,成了开发智能微信机器人的热门选择。以下是对该项目的评价:

  • 提供了使用ChatGPT和WeChat的完全解决方案,方便开发者快速构建智能聊天机器人。
  • 适用于开发智能微信机器人的初学者和高级用户,提供了丰富的功能和灵活的部署方式。

chatgpt on wechat github的进一步展开说明

A tag already exists with the provided branch name

The user is informed that a tag already exists with the given branch name. It is explained that creating a branch with the same name may result in unexpected behavior. The user is then asked to confirm whether they still want to proceed with creating the branch.

Reason for the Warning

The warning is in place because many Git commands accept both tag and branch names. Since these two types of references can potentially point to different commits, creating a branch with the same name as an existing tag can lead to confusion and errors when executing certain commands.

Possible Unexpected Behaviors

If a branch with the same name as an existing tag is created, Git may treat the reference as a tag in some commands and as a branch in others. This inconsistency can lead to a variety of unexpected behaviors, such as:

  • Conflicts during merging or rebasing: When merging or rebasing branches, Git may interpret the branch with the same name as a tag and attempt to merge or rebase from a different commit than expected, causing conflicts.
  • Incorrect checkout: Checking out a branch with the same name as a tag may result in a different commit being checked out, potentially leading to unintended changes being made to the codebase.
  • Unexpected branch deletion: Git may mistakenly delete the branch with the same name as a tag when executing some branch-related commands, assuming it is an actual tag instead of a branch.

Confirmation Requirement

To avoid these potential issues, the user is asked to confirm their intention to create the branch with the same name as the existing tag. By pausing and requesting explicit confirmation, Git ensures that the user is aware of the potential consequences and can decide accordingly.


In summary, Git warns the user that creating a branch with the same name as an existing tag can lead to unexpected behavior. This is due to the fact that Git treats these two types of references differently in certain commands. By requesting confirmation, Git ensures that the user is fully informed and can make an informed decision regarding the creation of the branch.

chatgpt on wechat github的常见问答Q&A


答案:ChatGPT-on-WeChat是一个在GitHub上比较热门的开源项目,它是基于ChatGPT和微信的个人对话机器人搭建工具。该项目使用GPT3.5 API和itchat库实现,可以将ChatGPT模型利用于微信聊天中。

  • 该项目具有以下特点:
    • 基于ChatGPT模型,实现了微信聊天机器人的搭建。
    • 使用了GPT3.5 API和itchat库进行开发。
  • 该项目在GitHub上的地址为:https://github.com/zhayujie/chatgpt-on-wechat。



  1. 首先,需要从GitHub上下载chatgpt-on-wechat项目的代码。
  2. 然后,在本地创建一个Docker容器,并将chatgpt-on-wechat项目的代码部署到Docker容器中。
  3. 接下来,通过配置config.yaml文件,设置WeChaty和ChatGPT的参数。
  4. 最后,运行Docker容器,就能够在微信中使用ChatGPT个人对话机器人了。




  1. bot-on-anything:这个项目使用python开发,基于ChatGPT和WeRobot实现,支持GPT3.5和GPT3.0两种模型。
  2. wechat-chatgpt:这个项目是基于ChatGPT和itchat库的微信聊天机器人,使用了OpenAI API和itchat库。








