How to fix ChatGPT “To protect the requested service, this request has been blocked



I. ChatGPT中的访问被谢绝毛病

A. 毛病代码1020指令

1. 毛病代码1020表明系统检测到可疑活动致使访问被谢绝。

B. 常见的访问被谢绝毛病信息

1. “Error 1020: Access Denied”表示没有权限访问该网站。

II. 修复访问被谢绝问题的方法

A. 刷新页面

1. 尝试刷新页面,有时可以解决访问被谢绝的问题。

B. 更换浏览器

1. 尝试使用区别的网络浏览器,以验证会不会与浏览器相关的问题。

C. 断开VPN连接

1. 如果使用VPN,断开连接后再次尝试访问。

D. 检查权限设置

1. 检查会不会具有正确的权限来访问ChatGPT。

E. 清除浏览器缓存

1. 清除浏览器缓存和Cookies,以消除可能的缓存问题。

F. 检查IP地址

1. 确认IP地址会不会有问题,多是IP地址被屏蔽致使访问被谢绝。

G. 联系技术支持

1. 如果以上方法都不起作用,建议联系ChatGPT的技术支持团队,寻求进一步的帮助。


chatgpt access denied to protect the requested service的进一步展开说明

Encountering the “To protect the requested service, this request has been blocked” error in ChatGPT: A Comprehensive Guide

If you have ever encountered the frustrating “To protect the requested service, this request has been blocked” error in ChatGPT, you are not alone. This error prevents you from accessing the AI chatbot, and reports of it have been widespread, affecting a significant number of individuals. In addition to this error, users have also reported encountering the “Sorry, you have been blocked” and “Failed to get service status” errors.

Understanding the “To protect the requested service, this request has been blocked” error

The error message “Access denied. To protect the requested service, this request has been blocked or was unable to complete for other reasons” indicates that the service you are trying to access has restricted or denied your request. It is important to note that this error message is not generated by ChatGPT itself but by Cloudflare, a website security service. Cloudflare acts as a protective layer and can restrict or block access to a website or service for various security reasons.

It is worth mentioning that other errors encountered in ChatGPT, such as the “Our systems have detected unusual activity from your system” and “We have detected suspicious login behavior” errors, are also generated by Cloudflare.

How to resolve the “To protect the requested service, this request has been blocked” error

If you are experiencing the “To protect the requested service, this request has been blocked” error while trying to access ChatGPT, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the issue:

  1. Clear your browser cache: Start by clearing your browser cache and cookies. Cached data can sometimes interfere with the request and trigger the error message. After clearing the cache, try accessing ChatGPT again.
  2. Disable VPN or proxy: If you are using a VPN or proxy service, try disabling it temporarily. These services can sometimes interfere with the request or trigger security measures that result in access issues.
  3. Try from a different device: If possible, attempt to access ChatGPT from a different device. This can help determine if the issue is limited to your current device or network. If the error does not occur on another device, it suggests a device-specific issue.

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, it is possible that the error is temporary or related to server-side factors. In such cases, waiting for some time and attempting to access ChatGPT again later might help.

User reports and social media response

The ChatGPT “Access denied. To protect the requested service, this request has been blocked or was unable to complete for other reasons” error first emerged on July 12, 2023. Many users encountered difficulties accessing ChatGPT and took to Twitter to report the issue and seek assistance.

Reports flooded social media, with frustrated users expressing their concerns and seeking solutions for the encountered error. The magnitude of the issue became clear as a significant number of individuals voiced their frustrations and sought help on Twitter.

chatgpt access denied to protect the requested service的常见问答Q&A



  • 刷新页面:首先尝试刷新页面,由于有时这个毛病多是暂时性的。
  • 尝试其他浏览器:如果刷新页面没有效果,可以尝试使用其他浏览器来访问ChatGPT。
  • 断开VPN连接:如果你正在使用VPN,尝试断开连接并重新访问ChatGPT。
  • 联系支持:如果上述方法都没有解决问题,可以联系ChatGPT的支持团队寻求进一步帮助。



  • 检查权限:毛病代码1020的访问被谢绝多是由于权限不正确或不足致使的。检查你被授与的权限会不会正确。
  • 清除浏览器缓存:尝试清除浏览器缓存,这有助于清除可能致使访问问题的临时数据。
  • 禁用VPN或代理:如果你正在使用VPN或代理,尝试禁用它们,然后重新尝试访问ChatGPT。
  • 联系支持:如果问题依然存在,可以联系ChatGPT的支持团队以获得进一步的技术支持。



  • 刷新页面:首先尝试刷新页面,有时这个毛病可能只是临时性的。
  • 尝试其他浏览器:如果刷新页面没有效果,可以尝试使用区别的浏览器来访问ChatGPT。
  • 断开VPN连接:如果你正在使用VPN,尝试断开连接,然后再次访问ChatGPT。









