How to Use ChatGPT in China 2023 (Step by Step Guideline)(chatgpt china access)

I. ChatGPT在中国的使用限制

A. 中国用户使用ChatGPT的限制


  • ChatGPT在中国被制止访问:由于某些政策限制,中国居民没法在其境内访问OpenAI平台的ChatGPT。
  • OpenAI在中国和中国香港不允许用户使用ChatGPT:OpenAI已将中国和中国香港列为ChatGPT的制止使用地区。


  • 通过使用VPN来改变虚拟位置:VPN是一种可以摹拟用户所在位置的工具,通过连接到其他国家或地区的服务器,中国用户可以绕过屏蔽,访问ChatGPT。

B. 怎样在中国使用ChatGPT的方式


  1. 选择一个可靠的VPN服务提供商,如NordVPN:选择一个合适中国用户的VPN服务提供商,确保其服务稳定可靠。
  2. 设置VPN连接,选择一个支持国家、地区或领土的服务器:通过VPN利用设置VPN连接,并选择一个支持访问ChatGPT的国家、地区或领土的服务器。
  1. 在注册一个OpenAI账户:在浏览器中打开,点击注册按钮进入注册页面,填写所需信息注册一个OpenAI账户。
  2. 使用OpenAI账户登录ChatGPT:在浏览器中访问,输入已注册的OpenAI账户信息,并点击登录按钮进入ChatGPT聊天界面。

II. 在中国访问ChatGPT的最新操作指南

A. 注册OpenAI账户

  1. 在浏览器中访问。
  2. 点击注册按钮进入注册页面。

B. 设置VPN连接

  1. 下载并安装可信赖的VPN利用,如NordVPN。
  2. 选择一个支持的国家、地区或领土的服务器。
  3. 启动VPN利用并连接至选定的服务器。

C. 登录ChatGPT

  1. 在浏览器中访问。
  2. 输入已注册的OpenAI账户信息。
  3. 点击登录按钮进入ChatGPT聊天界面。

III. 注意事项与技能

A. 选择可靠的VPN服务提供商

  • 确保VPN公司具有稳定的连接和良好的速度:选择VPN公司时,要确保其提供稳定的连接,并具有足够的带宽以支持ChatGPT的使用。
  • 查看用户评价和评级来选择可靠的VPN公司:通过查看其他用户的评价和评级,可以更好地了解VPN公司的可靠性和用户体验。

B. 关注监管和合规性问题

  • 注意所选VPN服务的隐私政策和数据处理措施:了解所选VPN服务提供商的隐私政策和数据处理措施,以确保个人隐私和数据安全。
  • 确保遵照当地相关法规,以避免背法使用VPN:了解当地对VPN的使用规定,在使用VPN时确保遵照当地的法规,以避免背法。

C. 避免敏感信息传输

  • 尽可能避免在ChatGPT中传输敏感个人信息:由于数据安全和隐私问题,建议在ChatGPT中避免传输触及个人身份、金融、医疗等敏感领域的详细信息。
  • 不要分享触及金融、医疗等敏感领域的详细信息:为了确保个人信息的安全,不要在ChatGPT中与他人分享触及金融、医疗等敏感领域的详细信息。

IV. 未来展望与更新

A. 关注ChatGPT的中国访问限制状态

  • 延续关注中国对ChatGPT的访问限制政策变化:由于政策和法规的变化,中国对ChatGPT的访问限制状态可能会产生变化,需要继续关注最新动态。
  • 寻觅更好的解决方案来改良在中国的访问体验:在中国没法直接访问ChatGPT的情况下,寻觅更好的解决方案和工具,以改良在中国的访问体验。

B. OpenAI可能采取的改进措施

  • OpenAI可能开设中国服务器以提供更快速和稳定的访问:为解决在中国访问的问题,OpenAI可能会开设中国服务器,以提供更快速、稳定的访问体验。
  • OpenAI可能与中国政府合作以解决访问限制问题:OpenAI可能会与中国政府进行合作,以解决在中国访问ChatGPT的限制问题。

chatgpt china access的进一步展开说明


Four months after the successful launch of ChatGPT, OpenAI has introduced a new language model called GPT⑷. While it builds on the strengths of its predecessor, it still has some limitations. GPT⑷ enhances creativity and collaboration by allowing users to generate, edit, and refine written works, compose music, and adapt to a user’s writing style.

OpenAI and Its Mission

OpenAI, founded in 2015 by Elon Musk and Sam Altman, is a research organization focused on developing and promoting friendly AI. It conducts research in various areas such as machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics. OpenAI is known for its influential AI technologies like the GPT language model and the DALL-E image generation model. In addition to research, OpenAI promotes responsible AI development through initiatives like its Center for Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence and its Ethics and Society research program.

How to Use ChatGPT in China or Hong Kong?

To access ChatGPT/GPT⑷ in China or Hong Kong, users can register an OpenAI account by visiting the official website. However, due to restrictions, the website may show that OpenAI’s services are not available in these regions. To overcome this, users can use a VPN to change their IP address to a country where OpenAI’s services are available. By following these steps and using a temporary phone number for verification, users can successfully register and access ChatGPT.

Best VPN for Unblocking ChatGPT in China

In order to unblock ChatGPT in China, it is recommended to use a VPN service. ExpressVPN is considered the best VPN for this purpose. It offers fast speeds, excellent security features, and compatibility with various devices. With a large number of servers and widespread server locations, ExpressVPN ensures reliable and unrestricted access to ChatGPT in China.

How to Fix the “ChatGPT is at Capacity Right Now” Error

If you encounter the “ChatGPT is at capacity right now” error, one solution is to change your IP address to a country with lower usage. You can estimate the ChatGPT capacity for different countries by considering factors such as time zone and country size. Additionally, you can use a VPN to alter your IP address. By creating a secure tunnel for data transmission, a VPN helps bypass internet traffic restrictions and access ChatGPT.

ChatGPT App for iOS Users in the US

OpenAI has recently released a free ChatGPT app exclusively for iOS users in the United States. This app allows users to generate impressive written work and images based on their prompts. OpenAI plans to expand the availability of the ChatGPT app to other countries in the near future.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI. It is based on the GPT technology, which stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer. GPT models are capable of generating human-like text by predicting the next word in a sequence based on the context of the preceding words. These models are pre-trained on a large dataset and then fine-tuned for specific tasks. ChatGPT is commonly used in various natural language processing tasks, chatbots, and language generation applications.

What is GPT⑷?

GPT⑷ is the latest language model developed by OpenAI. It represents an advancement over the previous GPT⑶.5 model. GPT⑷ excels in creativity, visual input, and longer context. It can collaborate with users in creative projects, adapt to writing styles, and process longer texts. GPT⑷ also has the ability to interact with and generate text from web pages and receive images as input. It has made significant advancements in accuracy and safety, producing more factual responses and demonstrating a lower likelihood of responding to disallowed content.

Why OpenAI Service is Not Available in China?

The availability of OpenAI services, including ChatGPT, in China is limited due to the country’s strict internet censorship policies. The Chinese government controls access to websites and services that it deems inappropriate or harmful through the “Great Firewall.” This censorship system restricts access to websites providing political or social commentary and those offering tools for circumventing internet censorship. Technical issues or network disruptions may also contribute to the unavailability of OpenAI services in China.

Supported Countries and Territories for OpenAI

OpenAI currently supports access to its services in various countries, regions, and territories worldwide. The list includes Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, India, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, and many others.

ChatGPT Lookalikes in China

Despite being unavailable in China, ChatGPT has gained popularity in the country. Chinese companies like Baidu, Alibaba, NetEase, and Tencent are developing their own versions of ChatGPT. The Chinese government has pledged support for these initiatives, creating a race among internet companies to adopt and localize AI tools similar to ChatGPT. However, launching these services in China poses challenges due to censorship policies and the need for managing adaptable AI bots in a restricted environment.

chatgpt china access的常见问答Q&A



  1. 注册OpenAI账户:访问进行注册。
  2. 翻墙工具:由于ChatGPT在中国被封闭,需要使用VPN(虚拟私人网络)绕过封闭,选择一个可在中国访问的国家或地区的服务器。
  3. 安装VPN:选择一个可靠的VPN提供商,依照其提供的指南安装并设置VPN。
  4. 登录ChatGPT:使用注册的OpenAI账户登录,便可开始使用ChatGPT功能。



  1. 注册OpenAI账户:在上注册OpenAI账户。
  2. 登录ChatGPT:使用注册的OpenAI账户登录。
  3. VPN设置:设置VPN,选择一个可在中国访问的国家或地区的服务器,确保能访问ChatGPT。
  4. 开始使用ChatGPT:登录后,便可开始使用ChatGPT进行对话和生成文本。



  1. 选择适合的VPN:由于ChatGPT在中国被封闭,需要使用VPN连接到一个支持访问ChatGPT的国家、地区的服务器。
  2. 安装并设置VPN:选择一个可靠的VPN提供商,依照其指南安装和设置VPN。
  3. 登录ChatGPT:连接VPN后,登录,便可在中国大陆使用ChatGPT。



  1. 注册OpenAI账户:在上注册OpenAI账户。
  2. 设置VPN:下载并安装一个可靠的VPN,选择一个支持访问ChatGPT的服务器。
  3. 连接VPN:启动VPN客户端并连接到所选服务器。
  4. 登录ChatGPT:使用注册的OpenAI账户登录。
  5. 开始使用ChatGPT:成功登录后,便可使用ChatGPT的功能。



  1. 获得VPN:由于ChatGPT在中国大陆被封闭,需要使用VPN工具绕过封闭。选择一个可用于访问ChatGPT的VPN。
  2. 安装和设置VPN:根据VPN提供商的指南,下载、安装并设置VPN。
  3. 登录ChatGPT:打开VPN并连接到相应的服务器后,使用OpenAI账户登录。
  4. 开始使用ChatGPT:成功登录后,便可在中国大陆使用ChatGPT进行对话和文本生成。





  1. 选择适合的VPN:选择一个可靠的VPN,以绕过ChatGPT在中国的封闭。
  2. 安装和设置VPN:根据VPN提供商的指南,安装和设置VPN。
  3. 登录OpenAI:登录OpenAI的网站,如。
  4. 开始使用ChatGPT:成功登录后,便可开始使用ChatGPT进行对话和生成文本。



  1. 获得VPN服务:选择一个可靠的VPN服务提供商,如NordVPN等。
  2. 安装并设置VPN:根据VPN提供商的指南,下载、安装并设置VPN。
  3. 选择服务器:在VPN客户端当选择一个支持访问ChatGPT的国家或地区的服务器。
  4. 登录ChatGPT:连接到选择的VPN服务器后,在上登录OpenAI账户。
  5. 使用ChatGPT:成功登录后,便可在中国和意大利使用ChatGPT。









