How ChatGPT and Our Language Models Are Developed(chatgpt paper openai)




a. ChatGPT是OpenAI开发的基于语言模型的聊天机器人

  • ChatGPT使用上下文和过去对话生成类似人类的文本。它能够根据用户的输入和历史对话产生联贯的回应。
  • 与InstructGPT类似,ChatGPT能够按要求提供详细的响应,并以类似人类的方式参与对话。


a. OpenAI开发ChatGPT及其姊妹模型

  • ChatGPT是OpenAI基于语言模型的聊天机器人,为用户提供了一个与机器交换的平台。
  • InstructGPT是OpenAI训练的根据提示遵守指令并提供详细响应的模型。这两个模型在开发方法和利用领域上有所区别。

b. ChatGPT的发布与影响

  • ChatGPT于2023年11月发布,引发了广泛的关注和媒体报导。
  • 虽然ChatGPT遭到了大众的欢迎,但它还没有发表官方的同行评审论文。


a. ChatGPT在健康信息提供方面的利用

  • ChatGPT由OpenAI开发,可以用作健康信息提供工具。
  • 研究评估了ChatGPT作为健康信息提供工具的性能和实用性,结果表明它能够为用户提供有用的信息和建议。

b. ChatGPT在多模态领域的利用

  • GPT⑷是一个多模态模型,可以接受图象和文本输入,并生成文本输出。
  • GPT⑷可以在多个领域中利用,虽然在某些方面它的表现不如人类,但它在处理多模态数据方面具有独特的优势。

c. ChatGPT在其他领域的利用

  • ChatGPT可以回答问题、讲故事、写作和编写代码等。
  • 作为自然语言处理的机器学习技术,ChatGPT在许多领域中都有广泛的利用。


a. ChatGPT的开发方法

  • OpenAI使用了三个主要的信息源来开发ChatGPT。其中包括数据集、预训练的语言模型和迭代的参数调剂。
  • 通过对这些信息源的利用和整合,ChatGPT得以逐渐改进和完善。

b. ChatGPT的信息来源

  • 研究人员鉴戒了ChatGPT的原始论文,并对其进行了援用和研究。
  • 另外,OpenAI发布的研究和技术文档也是研究ChatGPT的重要信息来源。


chatgpt paper openai的进一步展开说明


OpenAI’s large language models, including the ones powering ChatGPT, are developed using three primary sources of information. This article will provide an overview of the publicly available information used to develop these models and how OpenAI collects and uses that information in compliance with privacy laws.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence-based service that allows users to access and utilize its capabilities via the internet. Users can employ ChatGPT for various tasks like text organization, summarization, and content creation. The system is designed to understand and respond to user questions and instructions by “reading” and learning from a substantial amount of existing text. It predicts the next most likely word to appear based on the context and generates subsequent words accordingly, similar to auto-complete features found in search engines and smartphones.

During the training process, the model learns to complete sentences by reading and analyzing multiple examples. Initially, it responds with random words, but as it processes more text, it gains a better understanding of the language’s context and becomes more accurate in word prediction. It repeats this learning process across a vast number of sentences, which allows for a diverse range of possible responses to user queries.

Machine learning models consist of weights or parameters and corresponding code. They do not directly store the information they learn from but adjust their weights to reflect what they have learned. In the example given, the model’s training helps improve its word prediction accuracy, but it does not retain or replicate the sentences it processed.

Using Publicly Available Information

ChatGPT and other OpenAI services are developed using three types of information sources: publicly available internet data, licensed third-party information, and information provided by users or human trainers. This article focuses on the use of publicly available information.

OpenAI only utilizes publicly available information freely accessible on the internet. They do not seek information from paywalls or the “dark web.” To ensure the quality and appropriateness of the training information, OpenAI applies filters to remove content such as hate speech, adult content, personal information aggregators, and spam. The remaining filtered information is then utilized to train the models.

It’s essential to note that ChatGPT does not store or copy the training information; instead, it learns associations between words and updates its weights accordingly. Once the model has learned from the training data, it no longer has access to that specific information.

Privacy and Personal Information

As a substantial amount of internet data relates to individuals, ChatGPT’s training information may incidentally include personal information. However, OpenAI does not actively seek personal information for training purposes.

The training information is used solely to improve the model’s language understanding and response capabilities. OpenAI does not use personal information from the training data to build profiles, contact individuals, advertise, sell information, or sell any products or services. Personal information incorporated into the training data helps the model understand aspects like names, addresses, and famous people, making its responses more relevant.

Compliance with Privacy Laws

OpenAI ensures lawful use of training information. Language models have numerous beneficial applications that rely on a significant amount of training data for effective results. OpenAI’s collection and use of personal information within training data are based on legitimate interests under privacy laws like the GDPR. The collection and utilization of this information have undergone data protection impact assessments to ensure legal and responsible practices.

OpenAI respects individuals’ rights and responds to objection requests and similar rights. ChatGPT’s responses may include personal information about individuals found multiple times on the public internet, and individuals in certain jurisdictions can object to the processing of their personal information by filling out a form provided by OpenAI. Individuals also possess rights to access, correct, restrict, delete, or transfer their personal information contained in the training data. These rights can be exercised by reaching out to [email protected].

OpenAI takes measures to protect and control the use and sharing of training information. Commercially reasonable technical, physical, and administrative measures are employed, including access controls, audit logs, read-only permissions, and data encryption to secure the training information. OpenAI does not sell training information to third parties and only discloses relevant portions within the limits defined in their Privacy Policy.

OpenAI retains training information for only as long as necessary and in accordance with various factors such as quantity, type, sensitivity, risk of unauthorized use, usefulness for model updates, and legal requirements.


OpenAI’s large language models, including ChatGPT, are developed using publicly available internet information, which is filtered and used to improve the models’ language understanding. Personal information may incidentally be part of the training data, but OpenAI does not actively seek it out for training purposes. OpenAI complies with privacy laws and respects individuals’ rights, offering objection and access options. The protection and limited use of training information are prioritized through the application of secure technical measures. OpenAI’s responsible approach ensures compliance and safeguards privacy in the development of its language models.

chatgpt paper openai的常见问答Q&A



  • ChatGPT是基于大型语言模型的聊天机器人,通过学习大量文本数据来生成自然语言响应。
  • ChatGPT是OpenAI推出的Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer(聊天生成预训练转换器)的缩写。
  • ChatGPT是一个弟模型,与InstructGPT是兄弟模型。二者的训练方式和利用场景有所区别。



  • GPT⑷的发展是GPT系列模型的最新版本,相比于之前的版本,具有更多的功能和能力。
  • GPT⑷通过学习图象和文本数据,能够生成与之相关的文本响应,具有图象理解和文本生成的能力。
  • GPT⑷在许多领域有广阔的利用前景,但也存在一些潜伏的风险和挑战。



  • OpenAI的大型语言模型是通过三个主要信息来源进行开发的:(1)公然可用的信息,如互联网上的文本和网站内容;(2)由OpenAI生成的模型自己产生的文本数据;(3)由研究人员审核和挑选的私人数据集。
  • 开发ChatGPT和其他语言模型的进程包括预训练和微调的阶段。预训练阶段是在大量文本数据上进行的,模型通过学习文本间的关系和模式来提取知识。微调阶段是在特定任务和数据集上进行的,以进一步优化模型的性能。
  • ChatGPT的开发回利用了元分析,通过对用户使用ChatGPT的情况进行总结和分析,以改进模型的性能和用户体验。



  • 利用:ChatGPT可以用于回答问题、讲故事、生成文章乃至编写代码等。它可以利用于多个领域,如客户服务、教育、创意写作等。
  • 机会:ChatGPT的出现为人们提供了更多便利和可能性,可以帮助人们更高效地获得信息和完成任务。
  • 要挟:但是,ChatGPT也存在一些潜伏的要挟,如造假、误导用户、滥用等。因此,需要采取相应的监管和安全措施来应对这些要挟。



  • ChatGPT是一个基于Transformer模型的聊天机器人。Transformer模型通过自注意力机制来实现对输入序列的理解和生成输出。
  • ChatGPT通过预训练和微调两个阶段进行模型训练。预训练阶段是在大范围无标签数据上进行,学习语言的语法和语义,获得知识。微调阶段则是在特定任务上进行,使模型适应具体的利用场景。
  • ChatGPT的训练进程中,模型通过学习上下文和对话中的信息来生成公道的回复。它可以根据历史对话和上下文来理解用户的意图,并生成相应的回应。







