Microsoft announces new Bing and Edge browser powered by upgraded ChatGPT AI(chatgpt edge integratio

I. 微软Edge整合ChatGPT的新功能


  • Chat功能区域可让用户通过对话的方式与浏览器进行交互。
  • 用户可使用Chat功能区域向Bing发问,并取得智能回答和搜索结果。

II. Bing和Edge应用AI协作和Chat功能的发布


  1. 目标是通过Bing和Edge的AI协作和聊天能力,帮助用户更充分地利用搜索和网络资源。
  2. 通过与ChatGPT整合,用户可以实现与Bing的对话式交互,类似于ChatGPT的体验。

III. 在微软Edge中使用Bing Chat

2023年3月22日,微软Edge浏览器中启用了Bing Chat功能。

  • 用户可以在bing.com上点击“chat”标签,进入Bing Chat界面。
  • 用户也能够将鼠标悬停在“Discover”上方,直接访问Bing Chat。

IV. Bing Chat在区别浏览器中的兼容性

2023年7月26日,Bing Chat已支持Google Chrome和部份Safari浏览器。

  1. Bing Chat在Microsoft Edge浏览器上表现最好。
  2. 虽然在其他浏览器上也可访问,但在Microsoft Edge上使用效果最好。

V. ChatGPT整合在Edge浏览器中的功能


  • 用户可以通过Edge浏览器与ChatGPT聊天,询问问题和进行搜索。
  • ChatGPT的整合还支持自动创建Linkedin帖子等功能。

VI. Bing搜索引擎和Edge浏览器的升级版本


  1. 用户可以像ChatGPT一样与Bing进行对话式交互,发问问题并取得智能回答。
  2. Edge浏览器中的ChatGPT整合将大大改良搜索和浏览体验。

VII. 在Edge浏览器中使用Bing功能的方法

2023年2月20日,用户可以通过点击Microsoft Edge浏览器右上角的Bing按钮,使用Bing Chat等功能。

  • 此功能可以为用户提供更便捷的Bing搜索体验。
  • 只有部份浏览器版本才能使用此功能,其中包括Microsoft Edge浏览器。

chatgpt edge integration的进一步展开说明

Microsoft Launches Upgraded Bing Search Engine Powered by AI

Microsoft has unveiled a new version of its search engine Bing, which is powered by an upgraded version of the same AI technology used in the ChatGPT chatbot. This move comes as the company also introduces new AI-enhanced features for its Edge browser, aiming to revolutionize the web browsing and information-finding experience.

AI Technology to Transform Web Search

During the product announcement event, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella stated, “It’s a new day in search.” He believes that although the paradigm for web search has remained the same for decades, AI has the potential to deliver information in a more fluid and efficient manner.

Nadella emphasized the company’s commitment to innovation in search and expressed the excitement to have fun during the process. He stated, “The race starts today, and we’re going to move and move fast. We want to have a lot of fun innovating again in search, because it’s high time.”

New Features and Modes in Bing

During the demonstrations, Microsoft showcased the capabilities of the “new Bing” in various configurations. One of the modes displayed traditional search results alongside AI annotations, while another mode allowed users to interact with the Bing chatbot through a chat interface similar to ChatGPT. This enables users to ask questions directly to the chatbot.

Microsoft showcased multiple example searches, including querying Bing for recipes, travel tips, and furniture shopping from Ikea. In one demonstration, Bing was asked to create a five-day itinerary for a trip to Mexico City, which the chatbot answered by providing a rough itinerary with additional links for more information.

In addition to retrieving information, the new Bing also has the ability to provide news on recent events. It can even answer questions about its own launch, referring to stories published by news sites in the last hour.

Microsoft describes these features as powered by an upgraded version of the GPT 3.5 language model called the “Prometheus Model.” It is more powerful than GPT 3.5 and excels at providing search queries with up-to-date information and annotated answers.

Availability and Integration

The new Bing is available today for a limited preview on desktop. However, users can only select from a number of preset queries and receive the same results each time. Microsoft has also launched a waitlist for users interested in full access to the new Bing in the future.

In addition to the new Bing, Microsoft is introducing two AI-enhanced features for its Edge browser. “Chat” allows users to summarize the contents of a webpage or document and ask questions about it, while “compose” acts as a writing assistant, generating text based on a few prompts. Both features will be embedded within Edge’s sidebar.

Competition and Concerns for AI-Powered Search

Microsoft’s announcement of the new Bing comes at a time of intense AI activity, with rival Google also making strides in the field. The launch of ChatGPT and its integration across Microsoft’s office software has generated significant interest. Google, caught off guard, recently unveiled its own version of ChatGPT named Bard.

The question for both Microsoft and Google is whether AI chatbots can effectively replace traditional search methods. How will this technology coexist with existing methods, and what happens in cases of misinformation?

Misinformation is a crucial concern, as AI language systems like ChatGPT have been known to present false information as factual. While Microsoft has made efforts to address this issue, ensuring safeguards against bias and filter evasion, there have been instances of AI-generated errors since ChatGPT’s web launch. These errors range from generating fictitious details about real people to fabricating academic papers and providing dangerous medical advice.

Google has also faced challenges due to AI-assisted search, with errors occurring when AI summarization of web pages produced misleading results. These issues highlight the need for caution and further development in AI systems.

During the presentation, Microsoft acknowledged the risks associated with AI-powered search. The company has worked extensively to mitigate these risks and emphasizes the importance of fact-checking and user feedback for continuous improvement. The interface for the new Bing includes a warning to users, stating, “Let’s learn together. Bing is powered by AI, so surprises and mistakes are possible. Make sure to check the facts, and share feedback so we can learn and improve!”

One outstanding question is how AI-assisted search might impact the revenue stream of websites. If AI tools like the new Bing scrape information without users clicking through to the source, it could disrupt the ecosystem that sustains many websites. Maintaining the existing agreements between search engines and websites will be crucial for the success of this new search paradigm.

chatgpt edge integration的常见问答Q&A

问题1:如何试用带有ChatGPT的新Microsoft Edge浏览器?

答案:要试用带有ChatGPT的新Microsoft Edge浏览器,你可以依照以下步骤进行操作:

  1. 确保你已安装了最新版本的Microsoft Edge浏览器。
  2. 打开Microsoft Edge浏览器,点击右上角的菜单图标,然后选择“设置”选项。
  3. 在“设置”菜单中,选择“实验性功能”选项。
  4. 在“实验性功能”页面上,找到并启用“ChatGPT”功能。
  5. 启用后,重新启动Microsoft Edge浏览器。
  6. 启动后,你将在边栏中看到ChatGPT的相关选项,包括”Chat”、”Compose”和”Insights”。
  7. 现在你可以与浏览器进行互动了,使用ChatGPT功能来体验全新的Microsoft Edge。

问题2:怎样使用新的AI-powered Microsoft Bing和ChatGPT重塑搜索?

答案:要使用新的AI-powered Microsoft Bing和ChatGPT重塑搜索,你可以依照以下步骤进行操作:

  1. 打开Microsoft Bing搜索引擎。
  2. 在搜索框中输入你要搜索的关键词或问题。
  3. 在搜索结果页面中,你将看到一些相关的搜索结果。
  4. 在搜索结果页面的右上角,你将看到一个“Chat”选项。
  5. 点击“Chat”选项,你将进入Bing的ChatGPT界面。
  6. 现在你可以与Bing进行对话,像ChatGPT一样发问,获得更多搜索结果和信息。
  7. 通过与AI-powered Microsoft Bing和ChatGPT互动,你可以重新定义搜索体验。



  1. 打开Microsoft Bing搜索引擎。
  2. 在搜索框中输入你要搜索的关键词或问题。
  3. 在搜索结果页面中,你将看到一个“Chat”选项。
  4. 点击“Chat”选项,你将进入Bing的ChatGPT界面。
  5. 现在你可以与Bing进行对话,像ChatGPT一样发问,获得更多搜索结果和信息。
  6. Microsoft自己版本的ChatGPT将为你提供更加智能和个性化的搜索体验。

问题4:怎样使用带有ChatGPT的新Bing和Microsoft Edge浏览器?

答案:要使用带有ChatGPT的新Bing和Microsoft Edge浏览器,你可以依照以下步骤进行操作:

  1. 打开Microsoft Edge浏览器。
  2. 在浏览器的地址栏中输入。
  3. 按下回车键,进入Bing搜索引擎。
  4. 在Bing搜索引擎的页面上方,在菜单栏中找到并点击“Chat”选项。
  5. 现在你将进入Bing的ChatGPT界面。
  6. 在ChatGPT界面中,你可以与Bing进行对话,发问你想要搜索的内容。
  7. 通过与新Bing和Microsoft Edge的ChatGPT互动,你将取得更多个性化和智能化的搜索体验。





问题6:改进版的ChatGPT已利用到了Microsoft Bing和Edge浏览器上吗?

答案:是的,改进版的ChatGPT已利用到了Microsoft Bing和Edge浏览器上。微软将ChatGPT聊天机器人整合到了其搜索引擎Bing和浏览器Edge中,以提供更智能和个性化的搜索和浏览体验。





  1. 在Microsoft Edge浏览器中打开Bing搜索引擎。
  2. 在搜索框中输入你要搜索的内容。
  3. 在搜索结果页面中,你将看到一些相关的搜索结果。
  4. 点击搜索结果页面底部的“ChatGPT”按钮。
  5. 现在你将进入与ChatGPT集成的对话界面。
  6. 在对话界面中,你可以继续与ChatGPT进行对话,发问问题、获得搜索结果、获得个性化建议等。
  7. 通过使用ChatGPT的整合功能,你将取得更加智能和个性化的搜索和浏览体验,帮助你更快地找到所需的信息。







  • Chat:可以与浏览器进行对话,获得更智能和个性化的浏览体验。
  • Compose:可以在浏览器中进行创作,例如写邮件、发推文等。
  • Insights:可以获得有关网页和内容的深入洞察。













