How to Generate Stable Diffusion Prompts Using ChatGPT (Step-by-Step)(chatgpt stable diffusion midjo


ChatGPT、Stable Diffusion和Midjourney是三种强大的AI技术,可用于生成和优化提示。本指南将介绍怎样使用这些技术,并提供一些优化提示。适用受众包括开发者、研究人员和对AI技术感兴趣的人。



  • 使用ChatGPT作为图象生成的引导工具。
  • 了解如何构建准确的提示要求,并利用ChatGPT和Midjourney生成冷艳的图象。

二、ChatGPT和Stable Diffusion:生成高质量提示

ChatGPT可使用特殊的方法来生成适用于Stable Diffusion的高质量提示。下面是有关如何利用ChatGPT生成稳定分散所需的提示的介绍:

  • 使用ChatGPT生成潜伏的高质量提示。
  • 探索调剂和改进提示以取得更好的输出质量。

三、Midjourney和Stable Diffusion集成:优化语言生成

Midjourney和Stable Diffusion可以相互结合,优化语言生成。以下是将Midjourney生成的图象与Stable Diffusion集成的方法:

  • 利用Midjourney生成的图象作为Stable Diffusion的输入。
  • 探索怎么优化生成的文本与图象之间的一致性。

四、AI提示工具与Prompt Marketplace:加速创作进程

我们提供一些工具和资源,以进一步优化AI提示生成进程。下面是有关AI提示工具和Prompt Marketplace的功能和用处的介绍:

  • 利用AI提示工具搜索全球最好的AI提示。
  • 在Prompt Marketplace上发布和销售自己的提示。
  • 提高输出质量、节省时间和API本钱。


ChatGPT、Stable Diffusion和Midjourney是强大的AI技术,可用于生成和优化提示。开发者、研究人员和对AI技术有浓厚兴趣的人可以利用本指南中的方法和技能来利用和优化这些技术。掌握这些技术将成为创作和创新的重要工具。

chatgpt stable diffusion midjourney的进一步展开说明

Creating Stable Diffusion Prompts Using ChatGPT: A Step-by-Step Guide

Stable Diffusion, one of the most advanced AI image and art generators, offers a revolutionary way to generate high-quality images based on text descriptions. However, creating effective prompts for Stable Diffusion can be challenging due to the level of specificity and detail required.

In this guide, we will show you how you can easily generate Stable Diffusion prompts using ChatGPT, an AI model developed by OpenAI. With the capability to generate detailed and creative text, ChatGPT can automate the process of creating prompts suitable for Stable Diffusion, even for users with limited experience.

What is Stable Diffusion and its Challenges with Prompts?

Stable Diffusion is a deep learning text-to-image model developed in 2023. It offers a new approach to generating high-quality images based on text descriptions. However, crafting prompts for Stable Diffusion can be challenging due to the level of specificity and detail required.

Each prompt needs to consider various factors, such as the subject, medium, style, artist, website, resolution, additional details, color, and lighting. This level of complexity makes brainstorming prompt ideas impractical.

How ChatGPT Can Help in Generating Stable Diffusion Prompts

OpenAI’s GPT models, like ChatGPT, can play a significant role in generating Stable Diffusion prompts. By leveraging the capability of GPT models to generate detailed and creative text, users can automate the process of creating detailed prompts suitable for Stable Diffusion.

Using ChatGPT, users can feed the model with a brief description or a set of keywords, and it will provide an elaborated and precise prompt ready to be used in Stable Diffusion. This way, even those with limited experience can easily generate AI image prompts tailored to their needs.

Steps to Generate Stable Diffusion Prompts Using ChatGPT

Step 1: Accessing the ChatGPT Platform

To generate Stable Diffusion prompts using ChatGPT, start by visiting, which is the OpenAI website for ChatGPT. Click the “+ New Chat” button on the left-hand panel to initiate a new chat and avoid any influence from previous conversations.

Step 2: Crafting a Thorough Prompt Request

Once you have initiated a conversation with ChatGPT, you need to articulate your prompt request carefully. Let’s assume you want to produce prompts for a detailed illustration portrait. Follow these sub-steps:

  1. Explicitly Define Image Style: Pinpoint the exact style of image you envision and clearly stipulate it in your request. For example, if you want a “photorealistic close-up illustration”, make sure to include this requirement in your request.
  2. Establish a Fixed Subject: Designate a fixed subject for consistent output. The subject can be objects, animals, landscapes, or individuals. For example, choosing the specific celebrity “Ana de Armas” as the subject serves as a powerful keyword that influences the appearance, style, and composition of the prompts generated by ChatGPT.
  3. Leverage Priming with Examples: To enhance ChatGPT’s understanding of your expectations, provide two or more examples of the desired prompt. These examples should align with your chosen image style and subject. By providing a blueprint for ChatGPT, you streamline the prompt output process.

An example of a high-quality prompt for a stunning close-up photorealistic illustration of Ana de Armas could be: “A dreamy, vibrant portrait of Ana de Armas; aesthetically pleasing anime style, trending on popular art platforms, minutely detailed, with precise, sharp lines, a composition that qualifies as an award-winning illustration, presented in 4K resolution, inspired by master artists like Eugene de Blaas and Ross Tran, employing a vibrant color palette, intricately detailed.”

Step 3: Evaluating ChatGPT’s Output

After providing a comprehensive prompt request, ChatGPT will respond with a collection of innovative prompts tailored to match your specified style and subject. You can directly incorporate these prompts into Stable Diffusion using your preferred settings. It’s recommended to use an appropriate negative prompt to exclude any undesirable characteristics from the generated art.

Step 4: Adjusting Prompts for Different Scenarios

ChatGPT’s versatility allows you to adjust your prompt request based on different scenarios. For example, if you want to generate full-body portraits instead of close-ups, simply include “full-body” in your request and prompt examples.

An example of a revised request for high-quality prompts for stunning photorealistic full-body illustration of Ana de Armas could be: “Full-body portrayal of a jubilant Ana de Armas, detailed anime realism, trending on Pixiv, minute detailing, sharp and clean lines, award-winning illustration, 4K resolution, inspired by Eugene de Blaas and Ross Tran’s artistry, vibrant color usage, intricately detailed.”

Step 5: Requesting Additional Similar Prompts

If a particular prompt captivates you, you can request more similar examples from ChatGPT. Simply ask, “I find the third prompt useful. Could you provide more examples in a similar style?” This level of customization helps ensure that the generated prompts align with your artistic vision.


Using ChatGPT, you can easily generate Stable Diffusion prompts that are rich in detail and complexity. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this guide, you can tap into the creative potential of AI and build your own unique artistic vision.

As you continue your journey with Stable Diffusion, there are many resources available to further enhance your understanding and skills. Consider subscribing to our newsletter to stay updated on the latest AI developments and explore other Stable Diffusion resources.

chatgpt stable diffusion midjourney的常见问答Q&A

问题1:ChatGPT 和 Midjourney、Dall-E 和 Stable Diffusion有甚么关系?

答案:ChatGPT 是一个强大的语言生成模型,而Midjourney、Dall-E 和 Stable Diffusion 分别是与 ChatGPT 相关的辅助工具或模型。它们可以共同使用,以提升 ChatGPT 在区别领域的表现。

  • Midjourney 是一个用于生成图象的 AI 模型,可以与 ChatGPT 结合使用来创建使人惊叹的图象。
  • Dall-E 是另外一个图象生成模型,可以与 ChatGPT 一起使用来生成与图象相关的高质量提示。
  • Stable Diffusion 是一种用于文本生成的技术,可以结合 ChatGPT 使用,从而产生更可控和稳定的输出。

问题2:如作甚 Stable Diffusion 生成适用的 Prompt?

答案:为 Stable Diffusion 生成适用的 Prompt 需要使用 ChatGPT 并采取特殊的方法。以下是一种生成这样的 Prompt 的方法:

  1. 使用 ChatGPT 平台并访问其中的工具。
  2. 构建一个详细的 Prompt 要求,确保清晰地描写你的需求。
  3. 仔细选择适合的关键词和描写,以便 Stable Diffusion 能够根据这些 Prompt 生成符合预期的文本。

问题3:PromptHero 是甚么?可以在其中搜索 Stable Diffusion 和 ChatGPT 的 Prompt 吗?

答案:PromptHero 是一个人工智能和提示工程的网站,为用户提供稳定的 Diffusion、ChatGPT、Midjourney 等模型的顶级 AI 提示。在 PromptHero 上,你可以搜索到与 Stable Diffusion 和 ChatGPT 相关的高质量提示。

问题4:PromptBase 是甚么?可以在其中租赁和出售 Prompt 吗?

答案:PromptBase 是一个 AI 提示市场,你可以在其中租赁和出售与 Midjourney、ChatGPT 等模型相适应的高质量提示。使用 PromptBase 可以帮助你生成更好的输出结果,节省时间和 API 本钱,并且还可以销售自己的提示。

问题5:如何解锁 ChatGPT、Midjourney 和 Stable Diffusion 的强大功能?

答案:要解锁 ChatGPT、Midjourney 和 Stable Diffusion 的强大功能,可以采取以下步骤:

  • 使用 ChatGPT 平台并访问其中的工具。
  • 学习怎样使用 Midjourney 作为 AI 图象生成器,并结合 ChatGPT 使用。
  • 掌握使用 Stable Diffusion 和 ChatGPT 生成高质量文本的技能和方法。

问题6:怎样使用 ChatGPT 和 Midjourney 创建使人惊叹的图象?

答案:要使用 ChatGPT 和 Midjourney 创建使人惊叹的图象,请依照以下步骤进行:

  1. 将 Midjourney 设置为你的首选 AI 图象生成器。
  2. 使用 ChatGPT 平台并访问其中的工具。
  3. 在 ChatGPT 中构建一个详细的 Prompt 要求,包括描写所需图象的特点和细节。
  4. 使用 ChatGPT 生成与图象相关的提示,并将其提供给 Midjourney 生成新的图象。
  5. 根据需要重复这个进程,直到取得满意的图象。

问题7:ChatGPT 可以为 Stable Diffusion 生成高质量的提示吗?

答案:是的,ChatGPT 可以为 Stable Diffusion 生成高质量的提示。但是,你需要采取特殊的方法来获得这些提示。可以通过观看相关教程或参考指南来学习怎样使用 ChatGPT 生成适用于 Stable Diffusion 的高质量提示。

问题8:怎样使用 ChatGPT 和 Midjourney 生成与 Midjourney 相关的提示?

答案:要使用 ChatGPT 和 Midjourney 生成与 Midjourney 相关的提示,请依照以下步骤进行:

  1. 通过观看 YouTube 上的教程视频,了解如何通过给 GPT 提供关于 Midjourney 的大量信息和提示来生成新的提示。
  2. 在 ChatGPT 中构建一个详细的 Prompt 要求,明确要求生成与 Midjourney 相关的提示。
  3. 根据需要重复这个进程,直到得到满意的 Midjourney 相关提示。







