DonGuillotine/chatGPT_whisper_AI_voice_assistant: I built a Voice Assistant with ChatGPT, Whisper AP

I. 项目概述

A. Whisper和ChatGPT API是甚么

Whisper是OpenAI的自动语音辨认(ASR)系统,用于将语音转换为文本。 Whispher是一个开源项目,可用于创建具有语音辨认功能的语音助手。
ChatGPT API是OpenAI的自然语言处理模型,用于生成自然语言响应。ChatGPT API是一个开源API,可以将文本输入转换为语音输出。

B. 项目目标

项目的主要目标是创建一个类似Google Assistant的智能虚拟助手,它能够理解并回答97种区别语言。通过使用ChatGPT和Whisper API,实现了这一目标。另外,还提供了更好的开发体验和功能扩大,通过Voice-to-Text ChatGPT Chrome扩大,将语音录制并转录为文本,提升了ChatGPT的使用体验。

II. 项目功能和用处

A. 语音辨认与文本转换

项目使用Whisper API将语音输入转换为文本。Whisper API支持97种区别的语言,可以轻松地将语音输入转换为文本。另外,还提供了录音和转录功能的浏览器扩大,Voice-to-Text ChatGPT Chrome扩大可无缝录制和转录语音,为语音输入提供更便捷的方式。

B. 自然语言生成回复

项目使用ChatGPT API生成基于文本输入的自然语言响应。ChatGPT API具有强大的自然语言处理能力,能够自动生成语义联贯的回复。另外,还支持设置ChatGPT的默许上下文,通过设置ChatGPT的默许上下文,可以配置其角色和行动。

III. 项目实行和使用

A. 项目安装和部署

要安装和部署项目,需要克隆GitHub仓库并下载代码。可以通过git clone命令将仓库中的代码下载到本地。然后根据项目文档提供的说明,设置运行环境和安装必要的依赖项。

B. 整合ChatGPT和Whisper API到利用程序

项目提供了一个演示利用程序,演示了怎样在Spring Boot微服务中使用ChatGPT和Whisper API。通过整合ChatGPT和Whisper API,开发者可以在自己的利用程序中实现语音辨认和自然语言生成的功能。详情可以参考作者在Medium上发布的文章,获得更多整合ChatGPT和Whisper API的具体细节和步骤。

IV. 意见反馈和搜索功能的使用

A. 意见反馈


B. 搜索功能的使用


chatgpt whisper github的进一步展开说明

Voice Assistant with ChatGPT, Whisper API, Gradio, and TTS APIs


The Voice Assistant is an advanced AI-powered chatbot that utilizes several powerful APIs, including ChatGPT, Whisper API, Gradio, and Microsoft’s SpVoice TTS API. This collaborative effort allows the Voice Assistant to understand natural language commands and provide helpful responses to a wide range of queries.


The Voice Assistant offers a diverse set of features that can be accessed through voice commands. Here are some of the key features:

1. Answering questions: The Voice Assistant is capable of providing accurate and detailed answers to general knowledge questions. Whether it’s about the capital of a country or the current weather in a specific location, the Voice Assistant can provide the information you need.

2. Recommendations: The Voice Assistant can suggest personalized recommendations for movies, TV shows, books, and restaurants based on your preferences. Whether you’re looking for a new movie to watch or a great restaurant to try, the Voice Assistant has got you covered.

3. Productivity: The Voice Assistant can assist with various productivity tasks, such as creating a to-do list or scheduling appointments. Simply tell the Voice Assistant what you need and it will efficiently handle the task for you.

4. Entertainment: The Voice Assistant is not just a helpful tool, it can also entertain you. It can write poems or tell jokes upon request, adding a fun and creative element to your interactions.

Requirements and Installation

To use the Voice Assistant, you need to have Python 3.x and the following APIs installed:

1. ChatGPT: ChatGPT is a powerful language model developed by OpenAI. It is trained to understand natural language commands and provide relevant and helpful responses.

2. Whisper API: The Whisper API is used to convert speech to text. This enables the Voice Assistant to understand your voice commands accurately.

3. Gradio: Gradio is a user interface API that provides a web-based interface for interacting with the Voice Assistant. It makes it easy and convenient for users to communicate with the Assistant.

4. Microsoft’s SpVoice TTS API: The TTS (Text-to-Speech) API provided by Microsoft allows the Voice Assistant to convert its responses into spoken words. This enables the Assistant to communicate with you through audio.

To install the required packages and APIs, follow these steps:

1. Clone the repository: git clone

2. Install the required Python packages: pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Sign up for a ChatGPT API key from This will enable you to access the ChatGPT API and integrate it with the Voice Assistant.

Usage and Interaction

Using the Voice Assistant is simple and intuitive. Here’s how you can interact with it:

1. Open the web-based interface provided by Gradio.

2. Click on the microphone button to activate the Voice Assistant.

3. Speak your command or query to the Assistant. You can ask general knowledge questions, request recommendations, or assign productivity tasks.

4. The Voice Assistant will process your command, provide a response, and display it on the interface.

5. If you prefer to hear the response instead of reading it, the Voice Assistant can convert the text response into spoken words using the TTS API. Simply click on the play button next to the response to listen to it.

Contributions and Conclusion

Contributions to the Voice Assistant project are welcome. If you encounter any bugs or issues, please open an issue in the repository. If you would like to contribute code, please fork the repository and submit a pull request.

In conclusion, the Voice Assistant is a powerful and versatile tool that combines the capabilities of ChatGPT, Whisper API, Gradio, and Microsoft’s SpVoice TTS API. With its ability to understand natural language commands and provide helpful responses, the Voice Assistant can assist with a wide range of tasks, from answering general knowledge questions to scheduling appointments. Its user-friendly web-based interface makes it accessible to anyone. Experience the convenience and efficiency of the Voice Assistant today!

chatgpt whisper github的常见问答Q&A

问题1:ChatGPT和Whisper API是甚么?

答案:ChatGPT是一种由OpenAI开发的语言模型,可以生成人类语言风格的文本响应。它基于深度学习技术,并使用了大量的训练数据来提供准确的回答。Whisper API则是OpenAI开发的自动语音辨认(ASR)系统,用于将语音转换为文本。这两个API可以被结合使用,构建出基于语音对话的智能助手利用。

  • ChatGPT可以根据输入的文本指令生成相应的回答。
  • Whisper API可以将用户的语音输入转换为文本,供ChatGPT进行处理。
  • 结合使用ChatGPT和Whisper API可以构建出语音助手利用,使用户可以通过语音与系统进行交互。



  1. 准备ChatGPT和Whisper API的开发环境。
  2. 使用Whisper API将用户的语音输入转换为文本。
  3. 将文本输入传递给ChatGPT进行处理,生成回答。
  4. 将ChatGPT生成的回答转换为语音输出,以便回复用户。
  5. 为利用添加其他功能,如语音控制、多语言支持等。
  6. 测试和优化利用的性能和用户体验。



  • 接收用户的语音输入,并将其转化为文字。
  • 根据用户的语音指令进行任务履行,如搜索信息、播放音乐、发送消息等。
  • 与用户进行对话,回答问题、提供建议等。
  • 支持多语言输入和输出。
  • 具有语音控制功能,如唤醒词、语音命令等。
  • 提供个性化服务,如了解用户的偏好、学习用户的习惯等。
  • 支持智能家居装备的控制和管理。







