ChatGPT use rises amongst Corporate America, Reuters survey finds(chatgpt usage survey)



I. 调查结果概述

根据Pew研究中心的一项调查,58%的美国成年人对ChatGPT有所了解,但只有14%的人曾使用过,并对其实用性产生了区别的意见。另外一个Pew研究显示,ChatGPT唯一约18%的美国人真正使用过。但是,Bank of America的调查表明,超过一半的美国互联网用户表示曾使用过ChatGPT。

II. 使用ChatGPT的缘由

A. 创意生成

  1. 根据调查结果显示,41%的受访者表示使用ChatGPT来产生创意。
  2. ChatGPT提供了无穷的想法和观点,并帮助用户在区别领域取得灵感和解决问题。

B. 内容创作

  1. 20%的受访者表示使用ChatGPT来创建内容。
  2. ChatGPT可以协助用户撰写文章、写作、生成故事情节等。

C. 工作辅助

  1. 根据Reuters/Ipsos的调查,28%的受访者表示他们在工作中常常使用ChatGPT。
  2. ChatGPT在提供重复性任务的辅助、提供所需信息或解决问题方面,可以提高工作效力。

D. 知识获得

  1. 通过与ChatGPT的问答和对话,用户可以获得各个领域的知识和信息。
  2. ChatGPT成为用户学习新知识或深入了解特定领域的有用工具。

III. ChatGPT使用的局限性与耽忧

A. 调查显示,对ChatGPT的实用性和准确性存在区别的意见和耽忧。

  1. 有人担心ChatGPT提供的信息可能不准确或具有误导性。
  2. 一些用户担心ChatGPT可能被滥用或用于误导用户。

B. 缺少人类创造力和情感

  1. ChatGPT只是一个程序,缺少人类的创造力和情感。
  2. 一些用户可能认为与ChatGPT的对话不够真实,并且缺少人际互动的特点。

IV. 使用ChatGPT的人群分析

A. 年龄和教育水平

  1. ChatGPT的使用人群涵盖了从18岁到65岁之间的广泛年龄范围的美国人。
  2. 教育程度较高的人群可能更偏向于使用ChatGPT。

B. 职业背景

  1. 专业人士是ChatGPT使用的主要人群之一。
  2. ChatGPT在工作场所得到广泛利用,帮助专业人士更高效地完成任务。

V. 使用ChatGPT的未来趋势

A. 虽然使用ChatGPT的人群在增加,但还有很大的发展潜力。

B. ChatGPT的技术和功能将继续改进,以提供更准确和有用的结果。

C. 对ChatGPT使用的监管和道德问题将成为未来的关注点。


chatgpt usage survey的进一步展开说明

I. Introduction

A new survey has found that ChatGPT, the chatbot created by OpenAI, has gained popularity among U.S. corporations. This article explores the survey results and discusses the use of ChatGPT in various companies.

II. Survey Results

In a Reuters/Ipsos survey conducted between July 11 and July 17, it was revealed that 28% of respondents claimed to regularly use ChatGPT at work. Interestingly, only 22% reported that their companies explicitly allowed the use of such tools.

The survey also highlighted the different attitudes towards ChatGPT among specific companies. Employees at Match, the parent company of Tinder, have reportedly used ChatGPT for tasks such as writing emails, creating calendar invites, and conducting general research. On the other hand, a Procter & Gamble employee stated that the use of ChatGPT is completely banned within their organization.

III. Microsoft’s Relationship with OpenAI and ChatGPT

OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, has received significant investment from Microsoft. Consequently, Microsoft has integrated the technology into its products, including search, web browsers, and other software and services.

This partnership has further encouraged the adoption of ChatGPT by U.S. corporations, as Microsoft’s endorsement lends credibility and support to the chatbot.

IV. Attitudes Towards Artificial Intelligence Tools

The survey revealed that 10% of respondents confirmed that artificial intelligence tools were explicitly prohibited by their superiors. Furthermore, 25% of responders were unsure whether the use of such technology was permitted in their companies.

These findings suggest that while there is a growing interest in and adoption of AI tools like ChatGPT, there are still companies that remain cautious or skeptical about their implementation.

V. Conclusion

ChatGPT has gained popularity among U.S. corporations, with a significant portion of employees using the chatbot for work-related tasks. The survey results demonstrate the varying attitudes towards the use of ChatGPT, ranging from companies fully embracing the technology to those that have explicitly banned it.

With the support of Microsoft and its integration into various Microsoft products, the future of ChatGPT in the corporate world looks promising. However, there is still work to be done to address the concerns and uncertainties surrounding the use of AI tools in the workplace.

chatgpt usage survey的常见问答Q&A





  • 生成创意和想法:用户可以向ChatGPT提供一些背景信息或问题,以取得新的想法和创意。
  • 生成文本内容:ChatGPT可以帮助用户生成各种类型的文本内容,如文章、段落、故事情节等。
  • 辅助创作和写作:对写作者和创作者来讲,ChatGPT可以作为一个有用的工具,提供灵感和辅助写作。










