ML 2023 Spring(chatgpt 原理剖析 (2/3))

I. 预训练的背景和概念

A. 预训练(Pre-train)在自然语言处理领域的利用

自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing, NLP)任务的复杂性和挑战是由于语言本身的多样性和歧义性。例如,同一个辞汇可能有多种区别的含义,而相同的意思可以用区别的表达方式。另外,由于缺少大范围标注数据,构建准确的语言模型和解决语言处理问题变得更加困难。


II. 预训练的实现方法和技术

A. 监督学习与自监督学习


自监督学习(Self-supervised Learning)是一种解决这些问题的方法,它利用未标注的数据进行预训练,然后通过设计自我监督任务来生成伪标签。自监督学习的目标是学习出成心义的语言表示,同时捕捉文本中的语义和结构信息。

B. Transformer模型的利用



III. 预训练进程和技能

A. 数据准备和预处理



B. 自监督预训练任务的选择和设计


常见的自监督预训练任务包括掩码语言模型(Masked Language Model, MLM)和下一句预测任务(Next Sentence Prediction, NSP)。掩码语言模型要求模型预测在文本中被掩码的辞汇,从而促使模型学习到上下文信息。而下一句预测任务要求模型判断两个句子会不会是连续的,以捕捉句子之间的逻辑关系。

C. 模型训练和微调



chatgpt 原理剖析 (2/3)的进一步展开说明

Rules for Homework Submission

  • The information provided here is tentative and subject to change. Students are advised to read the requirements for each homework assignment before the deadline.
  • Homework assignments should be completed independently, without any external assistance.
  • Modifying prediction files manually is strictly prohibited.
  • Sharing codes or prediction files with any individuals, including classmates or friends, is strictly prohibited.
  • Submitting results more than 5 times a day using any means is strictly prohibited.
  • Searching or using additional data or pre-trained models is strictly prohibited.
  • If any of the above rules are violated, a 10% penalty will be applied to the final grade.

Responsibilities of Prof. Lee & TAs

  • Prof. Lee and the teaching assistants (TAs) have the right to modify the rules and grading criteria as they see fit.
  • Any changes made to the rules or grading criteria will be communicated to the students in a timely manner.
  • Prof. Lee and the TAs will ensure that the rules are applied consistently and fairly to all students.
  • Prof. Lee and the TAs will provide clear instructions and guidelines for each homework assignment to facilitate understanding and completion.

Importance of Following the Rules

The rules for homework submission outlined above are designed to maintain fairness and integrity in the evaluation process. By adhering to these rules, students demonstrate their commitment to academic honesty and their ability to independently complete assignments. It is important to follow these rules to ensure a level playing field for all students and to uphold the credibility of the grading system.

Reasoning Behind Each Rule

The rules for homework submission serve specific purposes:

Tentative Information:

The nature of the information provided necessitates the possibility of changes. By acknowledging this tentative nature, students understand that they should stay updated with the latest requirements and instructions for each homework assignment.

Independent Completion:

Completing homework assignments independently allows students to develop and demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter. It encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills essential for academic growth.

No Manual Modifications:

Prohibiting manual modifications to prediction files ensures that all students follow the same guidelines and are evaluated based on their ability to apply the concepts taught in class.

No Sharing of Codes or Prediction Files:

Preventing the sharing of codes or prediction files maintains the integrity of individual submissions and avoids instances of plagiarism or unauthorized collaboration.

No Excessive Submissions:

Limiting the number of submissions per day prevents students from relying solely on trial and error. It encourages thoughtful consideration and careful analysis before submitting final results.

No Use of Additional Data or Pre-trained Models:

Prohibiting the use of additional data or pre-trained models ensures a level playing field for all students. It allows the evaluation to focus on the understanding and application of the concepts taught in class.

Penalty for Rule Violations:

The penalty for rule violations serves as a deterrent and reinforces the importance of adhering to academic integrity. It ensures that violations are appropriately addressed and that fairness is maintained in the grading process.


By following the rules for homework submission, students demonstrate their commitment to academic integrity, independent thinking, and ethical behavior. Prof. Lee and the TAs are responsible for ensuring that the rules are applied consistently and fairly. It is essential for all students to understand and adhere to these rules to ensure a fair evaluation and maintain the credibility of the grading system.

chatgpt 原理剖析 (2/3)的常见问答Q&A



  • 预训练是ChatGPT的基础,它通过模型本身来生成标签,从而进行自我监督学习。
  • 微调是将ChatGPT在具体任务上进行有监督学习的进程,通过引入任务相关的数据集来进一步提升模型在特定任务上的性能。
  • ChatGPT的优点在于可以生成联贯、富有逻辑和语义的文本,被广泛利用于聊天机器人、智能客服等领域。



  • 预训练阶段使用了大范围的互联网文本数据,这些数据不需要进行人工标注,可以自动从互联网中搜集。
  • 预训练的目标是让模型能够学会推断语句的上下文信息,并生成联贯、富有逻辑和语义的文本。
  • 在预训练进程中,模型会根据输入的上下文生成下一个词的几率散布,并通过最大似然估计来优化模型的参数。



  • 微调阶段需要准备一个有标注的数据集,其中包括输入和对应的期望输出,例如问题和答案的配对。
  • 在微调进程中,模型会根据输入的上下文生成下一个词的几率散布,并通过最大似然估计来优化模型的参数。
  • 通过微调,ChatGPT可以根据具体的任务需求,生成特定领域的文本,如智能客服中的回答、新闻文章的生成等。







