The email you provided is not supported(chatgpt the email you provided is not supported)






  • 国内邮箱:ChatGPT不支持国内邮箱,例如163邮箱、126邮箱和QQ邮箱等。
  • Outlook和Hotmail邮箱后缀:OpenAI在2023年4月2日开始不再支持使用Outlook和Hotmail邮箱后缀进行注册。



  • 缺少@符号或域名毛病:邮箱地址一定要包括@符号,并且域名部份一定要正确。
  • 包括非法字符或特殊符号:邮箱地址不能包括非法字符或特殊符号。




  • 创建新的电子邮件账户:如果使用的是不受支持的邮箱类型,斟酌创建一个新的电子邮件账户。
  • 检查电子邮件地址格式会不会正确:确保您的电子邮件地址符合正确的格式,包括@符号和正确的域名。



  1. 目的:清除浏览器缓存的目的是清除旧的缓存文件,为新的缓存文件腾出空间。
  2. 怎么清除浏览器缓存:具体步骤因区别浏览器而异。您可以在浏览器设置中找到清除缓存的选项,一般被称为“清除浏览数据”或“清除缓存”。选择此选项后,浏览器会删除缓存文件。




  1. 检查会不会已验证电子邮件地址:登录到您的电子邮件账户,检查会不会有任何验证电子邮件地址的未读邮件。
  2. 如何验证电子邮件地址:根据电子邮件提供的提示,完成验证步骤。这可能包括点击验证链接或提供其他所需信息。





chatgpt the email you provided is not supported的进一步展开说明

Unsuccessful Attempts to Sign Up for OpenAI

The author shares their experience of trying to sign up for OpenAI and the various issues they encountered. They provide details about their attempts to sign up with an email address and password, as well as using their Microsoft login. They also mention adding a phone number to their email profile and receiving a notification from Microsoft about OpenAI accessing their email account.

Challenges with Email Signup

The author encountered difficulties when attempting to sign up for OpenAI using their email address and password. Each time they tried, they received a message stating that signups were not available at that time. They then attempted to sign up using their Microsoft login, but encountered an error message stating that the email was not supported.

Adding a Phone Number

The author discovered that a phone number was required to create an account, even though they didn’t have one listed in their email profile initially. In an attempt to resolve the “email not supported” error, they added a phone number to their profile, but still had no success in signing up.

Connectivity Between OpenAI and Email Account

The author received a notification from Microsoft stating that the OpenAI app had connected to their email account and could access their profile. They decided to try logging in as a returning user, hoping that this connectivity would resolve the signup issue. However, they still encountered the same error message.

Authentication App and Login Approval

The author uses an Authenticator app to sign in to their email address. They allowed the login each time and received an email confirming that OpenAI had access to their profile. However, they were unsure if this authentication process was causing any complications in their signup attempts.

VPN Settings on iPhone

The author considers if the “email not supported” error could be related to their iPhone’s VPN settings. This could potentially affect the signup process, but they are uncertain about the role it plays.

Possible Interpretation of the Error Message

The author suggests that the error message “email not supported” could be a generic response, implying that signups are currently unavailable and advising to try again later. Based on their experiences and the lack of specific information provided, it is possible that this interpretation of the error message is accurate.

In Conclusion

The author shares their unsuccessful attempts to sign up for OpenAI and the various obstacles they encountered. Despite trying different methods such as email signup, Microsoft login, adding a phone number, and using an authentication app, they were unable to create an account. They speculate that the error message “email not supported” may indicate that signups are temporarily unavailable. Additionally, they consider the potential impact of their iPhone’s VPN settings on the signup process. Overall, the author remains hopeful that they will be able to sign up for OpenAI in the future when the signup issues are resolved.

chatgpt the email you provided is not supported的常见问答Q&A

问题1:ChatGPT注册报错”The email you provided is not supported”是甚么意思?

答案:当您在ChatGPT中遇到报错”The email you provided is not supported”时,意思是您提供的电子邮件地址不受支持或没法用于注册。

  • 可能的缘由包括:
    • 电子邮件地址格式不正确,缺少一定要的符号或存在毛病的字符。
    • 电子邮件地址的域名不受ChatGPT支持,如使用国内的163邮箱、126邮箱或QQ邮箱注册ChatGPT账号。
    • ChatGPT的邮箱注册系统限制了某些特定的邮箱后缀,如Outlook和Hotmail。
    • 您提供的电子邮件地址已被制止或列入黑名单。
    • 多是ChatGPT的系统故障或问题。
  • 解决该问题的步骤以下:
    1. 确保您输入的电子邮件地址格式正确,包括正确的符号和字符。
    2. 使用受ChatGPT支持的电子邮件域名进行注册,如Gmail、Yahoo等。
    3. 尝试使用其他电子邮件地址进行注册,避免使用受限制的邮箱后缀。
    4. 如果问题依然存在,可以联系ChatGPT的支持团队寻求帮助。

问题2:怎么解决ChatGPT注册时提示”Oops! The email you provided is not supported”的毛病?

答案:如果您在ChatGPT注册时收到”Oops! The email you provided is not supported”毛病提示,以下是解决该毛病的方法:

  1. 检查您输入的电子邮件地址会不会正确,确保符号和字符都正确。
  2. 尝试使用受ChatGPT支持的电子邮件域名进行注册,如Gmail、Yahoo等。
  3. 避免使用受限制的邮箱后缀,如Outlook和Hotmail。
  4. 您可以尝试清除浏览器缓存,然后重新注册以解决可能的缓存问题。
  5. 如果问题依然存在,可以联系ChatGPT的支持团队寻求进一步的帮助。

问题3:ChatGPT报错”The email you provided is not supported”是怎么解决的?

答案:当您在ChatGPT中遇到报错”The email you provided is not supported”时,可以尝试以下解决方法:

  1. 确保您输入的电子邮件地址格式正确,没有缺少一定要的符号或存在毛病的字符。
  2. 使用ChatGPT支持的电子邮件域名进行注册,如Gmail、Yahoo等。
  3. 如果您使用的是受限制的邮箱后缀,尝试使用其他电子邮件地址进行注册。
  4. 尝试清除浏览器缓存,然后重新注册,以解决可能的缓存问题。
  5. 如果问题依然存在,可以联系ChatGPT的支持团队,向他们报告该问题并寻求进一步的帮助和支持。

问题4:ChatGPT提示”The email you provided is not supported”毛病要如何修复?

答案:如果您在ChatGPT中遇到”Oops! The email you provided is not supported”毛病提示,可以尝试以下修复方法:

  • 检查您输入的电子邮件地址会不会正确,确保符号和字符都正确。
  • 尝试使用ChatGPT支持的电子邮件域名进行注册,如Gmail、Yahoo等。
  • 避免使用受限制的邮箱后缀,如Outlook和Hotmail。
  • 尝试清除浏览器缓存,然后重新注册以解决可能的缓存问题。
  • 如果问题依然存在,可以尝试使用其他电子邮件地址进行注册。
  • 如果以上方法都无效,建议联系ChatGPT的支持团队,向他们报告该问题并要求帮助。








