We used ChatGPT to build a 7-figure newsletter. Here’s how it makes our jobs easier.(chatg


I. 引言

A. ChatGPT概述

1. ChatGPT是一个理想的伴侣工具

2. 可用于创建网站内容、新闻通讯和电子邮件营销

B. ChatGPT在电子邮件通讯中的利用

1. 创造性想法和话题

2. 提供写作建议和提示

II. ChatGPT新手指南

A. 了解使用ChatGPT的关键步骤

1. 开始对话与工具沟通

2. 肯定关键阶段和主题

B. 生成电子邮件内容的方法

1. 使用ChatGPT进行头脑风暴

2. 利用ChatGPT生成独特内容

III. 创建电子邮件通讯的模板和提示

A. 定义目标受众和目标

1. 肯定受众的需求和兴趣

2. 设置电子邮件通讯的目标

B. 设计引人注视的主题和标题

1. 使用ChatGPT生成主题想法

2. 创建吸引读者的标题

C. 优化电子邮件内容

1. 使用ChatGPT提供的写作建议

2. 确保内容简洁、易读、有价值

IV. 电子邮件通讯的成功策略

A. 建立有效的内容计划

1. 制定发布时间表和频率

2. 确保内容多样化和有趣

B. 使用个性化和受众互动

1. 利用ChatGPT生成个性化内容

2. 鼓励受众互动和反馈

V. 结论

A. ChatGPT为电子邮件通讯提供了强大的创作工具

B. 遵守新手指南和提示,创建引人注视和成功的电子邮件通讯

chatgpt newsletter的进一步展开说明

Zain Khan and Awais: The Cofounders of the Successful AI Newsletter Superhuman

Zain Khan and his brother, Awais, are the cofounders of Superhuman, an AI newsletter that has achieved remarkable success. With over 300,000 subscribers and six-figure ad revenue each month, Superhuman has become a seven-figure-revenue business. Zain and Awais utilize AI technology to streamline their processes, including writing email subject lines and proofreading.

The Organic Growth of Superhuman

Initially, Zain Khan was working as the head of marketing at an edtech startup while building the Superhuman newsletter on the side. Recognizing the unique opportunity he had, Zain decided to quit his job and focus on Superhuman full time. He tested the newsletter content in Twitter-thread format, leveraging his existing following of over 400,000 on the platform. This helped kickstart the growth of Superhuman, which garnered over 135,000 subscribers within the first three months. Today, Superhuman continues to grow organically and has become a highly sought-after newsletter in the AI space.

The Role of AI in Superhuman

Zain writes the newsletter content himself and delegates the research to his team. As an AI-focused newsletter, Superhuman incorporates AI-generated images and AI-created tutorials in each issue. They rely on ChatGPT for ideation, coming up with email subject lines and exploring different story angles. ChatGPT is also used for proofreading and is integrated with plugins to simplify and summarize research papers, saving the team five to 10 hours of work each week. In addition to ChatGPT, Superhuman utilizes other AI tools such as Bardeen, Midjourney, Gamma, and Flair to enhance their newsletter content and streamline operations.

The Power of Newsletters for Creators

Zain emphasizes the value of newsletters for creators. With direct contact to their target audience, newsletters offer opportunities for monetization through ads, course sales, and paid memberships. Zain learned that a single newsletter subscriber holds more value than multiple social-media followers due to the direct contact and increased visibility they provide. For example, when Zain launched a course, he saw more conversions from his 5,000 newsletter subscribers compared to his 500,000 online followers. Zain’s focus lies in creating high-quality AI content that educates and entertains his audience.

The Operations and Growth of Superhuman

Zain and Awais run a lean team of eight, with six full-time and two part-time employees. They send out emails five times a week, Monday to Friday. To ensure consistent quality content, they hired a full-time researcher when they increased the frequency of their newsletters. The primary source of revenue for Superhuman is sponsorships, and Zain has reinvested all generated revenue back into the business to fuel growth. While Zain acknowledges the importance of financial success, his primary focus is on building a strong and valuable newsletter.

Social Media Strategies for Superhuman

Taking advantage of their well-established presence, Zain and Awais leverage Twitter and LinkedIn, which together account for 70% to 80% of their 300,000 subscribers. While they have tested Facebook and Twitter ads, they found limited success with them. Zain posts once a day across all platforms, including Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. His social-media profiles serve primarily as marketing channels rather than personal platforms. He advises other creators to build their audiences and newsletters concurrently to avoid missing out on potential subscribers.

The Future of Superhuman and AI

As Superhuman continues to grow, Zain envisions AI playing a bigger role in the creation of the newsletter. Initially, Zain didn’t use AI tools when writing the newsletter, but now he incorporates ChatGPT and Midjourney daily. He plans to incorporate more AI tools as the technology improves. As the business expands, Superhuman faces increasing complexity in operations, particularly in finance and sales. The team regularly reassesses and adjusts roles and responsibilities to accommodate new priorities. Moving forward, Zain is confident that Superhuman can reach even greater heights, with a target of one million subscribers by the end of the year.

chatgpt newsletter的常见问答Q&A





  1. 肯定目标受众:首先,肯定您电子邮件通讯的目标受众是谁,了解他们的兴趣和需求。
  2. 制定主题和内容:使用ChatGPT生成主题和内容的创意,并选择最能吸引目标受众的内容。
  3. 引入话题:开始电子邮件通讯时,使用ChatGPT的写作提示和建议来引入话题,吸引读者的兴趣。
  4. 提供有用信息:使用ChatGPT生成的建议和观点,为读者提供有用的信息、见解和建议。
  5. 结构化布局和设计:使用ChatGPT生成的建议,将电子邮件通讯分段,使用标题、段落和列表等组织信息。
  6. 呼吁行动:在电子邮件通讯的结尾,使用ChatGPT的建议和观点,创建引人注视的呼吁行动,鼓励读者采取行动。



  1. 开始对话:使用ChatGPT与工具建立对话,让它了解您的需求和目标。
  2. 肯定主题和内容:通过与ChatGPT交换,让它生成创意和建议,帮助您肯定电子邮件通讯的主题和内容。
  3. 编写草稿:根据ChatGPT生成的创意和建议,编写电子邮件通讯的草稿。
  4. 编辑和改进:使用ChatGPT作为编辑工具,检查和改进电子邮件通讯的语法、拼写和风格。
  5. 优化和个性化:根据ChatGPT生成的建议,优化电子邮件通讯,使其更加个性化和针对目标受众。
  6. 终究审查和发送:再次检查电子邮件通讯,确认没有毛病后,发送给目标受众。









