
I. OpenAI API的使用限制概述

OpenAI的API提供商在API使用方面有一些限制和规定,其中之一就是限制API的使用速率,以免滥用和过度消耗资源。这类限制称为速率限制(Rate Limit),是许多API服务提供商都采取的一种机制。OpenAI的速率限制规定了每一个API端点可以接受的要求数量和时间间隔。


A. API的使用限制是为了不滥用和过度消耗资源


B. OpenAI的速率限制规定了每一个API端点可以接受的要求数量和时间间隔


II. 学习OpenAI API使用限制的重要性

了解OpenAI API的使用限制对开发者和企业来讲非常重要,这样他们可以更好地计划和管理API的使用。只有遵照使用限制,才能保障API的稳定和安全性。

A. 了解限制可以更好地计划和管理API使用


B. 遵照限制可以保障API的稳定和安全性


III. OpenAI API的速率限制


A. 根据用户类型和特定终端节点,实行组织级别的速率限制


B. 速率限制以RPM和TPM两种方式度量


  • 1. RPM衡量每分钟要求数量
  • 2. TPM衡量每分钟令牌数量

IV. 优化OpenAI API使用体验的方法

为了优化OpenAI API的使用体验,可以采取一些方法来减少API要求次数和公道计划要求频率,避免频繁触发限制。

A. 使用Azure的缓存服务减少API要求次数


B. 公道计划API要求频率避免频繁触发限制


V. OpenAI API访问速率限制的调剂


A. 本来不要钱试用用户每分钟可调用次数为30次,后调剂为20次,现为3次


B. 超过限制会被暂时制止访问,直到满足一分钟的限制后才恢复访问权限


VI. 保障API公平使用的目的


A. 限制过量要求避免影响其他用户的API使用


B. 调理单个用户要求次数确保API的稳定性和资源充足


VII. 怎么查看和遵照OpenAI API的使用限制


A. 查看组织的速率限制可在账户管理页面上进行


B. 定期查阅OpenAI的更新指南,了解最新的使用限制规定



1. Background

In recent times, several members of the OpenAI community have expressed their dissatisfaction with the limitations imposed on their access to the OpenAI API. This includes both trial users and those who have bound their credit cards to their accounts. When these users attempt to make API calls, they receive the following error message:

Your access was terminated due to violation of our policies, please check your email for more information. If you believe this is in error and would like to appeal, please contact [email protected]

2. Limitations faced by OpenAI API users

A considerable number of OpenAI users have recently reported the termination of their API access, despite being trial users or having active credit card bindings. The termination of access is accompanied by a standard error message stating that their access was terminated due to a policy violation, and they are encouraged to check their email for further information. Users who believe this termination was in error are advised to contact [email protected] to file an appeal.

3. Impact on trial users

Trial users of the OpenAI API, who are eager to explore and utilize the potential of the technology, have expressed disappointment due to their sudden inability to access the API. Many have invested time and effort into building and testing applications, only to find themselves deprived of the opportunity to continue their work. This interruption hampers their progress and disrupts their plans.

4. Consequences for paid users

Paid users who have linked their credit cards to their OpenAI accounts also face restrictions on API access. These users expect uninterrupted access to the API as they have made a financial commitment by purchasing the service. The termination of access for paid users not only obstructs their ongoing projects but may also lead to financial losses if their work depends on API functionality.

5. The need for clear policy guidelines

It is evident that the termination of API access has caused frustration and confusion among OpenAI users. To address this issue, OpenAI must provide clearer guidelines regarding the specific policies being violated and the actions that will result in access termination. This will enable the users to have a better understanding of the boundaries and limitations placed on the API usage. Clearer policy guidelines will also minimize misunderstandings and help users comply with the stated regulations.

6. The importance of effective communication

OpenAI should also strive to improve their communication with users. The current error message simply states that access was terminated due to policy violation, leaving users unsure about the nature of the violation. By providing more detailed and specific information in the email notification, OpenAI can help users understand the reason behind their API access termination. This will enable users to rectify any unintentional violations and file appeals if necessary.

7. Addressing user concerns and appeals

In order to maintain a positive relationship with the user community, OpenAI should promptly address user concerns and appeals. The email address provided in the error message should be regularly monitored by OpenAI staff who are well-versed in the policies and practices. By responding to user appeals in a timely manner, OpenAI can ensure a fair and efficient resolution of any genuine misunderstandings or unintentional violations.

8. Conclusion

The limitations faced by OpenAI API users, including trial users and those with bound credit cards, have hindered their progress and caused frustration. To alleviate these concerns, it is crucial for OpenAI to provide clearer policy guidelines and improve communication with users. By doing so, OpenAI can minimize unintentional violations and streamline the process of addressing user concerns and appeals. This will help create a more positive and collaborative environment for the OpenAI user community.


问题1:OpenAI API速率限制是甚么?

答案:OpenAI的API提供商在API使用方面有一些限制和规定,其中之一就是速率限制(Rate Limit)。速率限制是为了不滥用和过度消耗资源而采取的一种机制。它规定了每一个API端点可以接受的要求数量和时间间隔。对OpenAI的API服务,速率限制根据用户类型和定阅计划的区别而有所变化。

  • 速率限制有助于确保API的公平访问,避免某个用户或组织对API进行过量的要求,拖累其他用户的使用体验。
  • OpenAI根据所使用的特定终端节点和用户具有的帐户类型在组织级别强迫实行速率限制。
  • 速率限制以两种方式度量:RPM(每分钟要求数)和TPM(每分钟令牌数)。

问题2:OpenAI API的访问受限是甚么缘由?

答案:OpenAI的API访问受限是基于政策和技术问题而采取的措施。由于OpenAI API可能包括敏感数据和技术,在访问时可能遭到某些国家的网络限制。

  • 政策问题:由于API可能包括敏感数据和技术,政策限制了某些国家或地区对API的访问。
  • 技术问题:为了保护API的稳定性和安全性,OpenAI根据特定终端节点和用户账户类型在组织级别实行速率限制。
  • 访问受限多是由于违背了OpenAI的使用条款、使用策略或在不支持的地区使用API。

问题3:如何应对OpenAI API的速率限制?

答案:为了应对OpenAI API的速率限制,可以采取以下措施:

  • 了解限制信息:熟知OpenAI的策略和支持区域等细节信息,避免API被制止或遭到限制。
  • 优化API使用体验:根据Azure OpenAI的提示,可使用Azure的缓存服务来减少API要求次数,从而提升API的使用体验。
  • 遵照使用规定:遵照OpenAI的使用条款和使用策略,避免违背规定致使API访问受限。







